‘Eat Local’
Orientation features ‘Eat Local’ brunch

MAINE GROWN Ralph Caldwell, whose farm supplies organic milk to Bates, speaks to brand-new Batesies on Aug. 31 in the new dining Commons. The occasion was an “Eat Local” brunch that gave Dining Services a showcase for the local food producers who help provision the College. (Along with Maine-made baked goods, local haddock and a variety of local produce were on the menu.) In her remarks, Dining Services director Christine Schwartz mentioned the national “Real Food Challenge” that this year will encourage colleges and universities to raise the proportion of local food served to 20 percent: Bates is already at 28 percent and aiming for 32. Caldwell, whose farm is in nearby Turner, was one of several local producers to address Bates’ Class of 2012 and answer questions. Asked why he farms, Caldwell replied, “I was born into it. It’s an illness there’s no treatment for . . . We want to farm.”