Ways to Give

There are many ways to make a gift to Bates. Find the option that works best for you.

Cash, Credit, and Matching Gifts

Checks should be made payable to Bates College and mailed to:

Office of College Advancement
Bates College
2 Andrews Road
Lewiston, ME 04240

Bates accepts payments by Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. To make a credit card gift, you may visit bates.edu/give or call toll-free 1-888-522-8371.

Double Your Impact: Matching Gifts

Many companies offer matching gift programs to encourage employees to support their colleges and universities. Most companies match dollar for dollar, but some will double or triple an employee’s gift.

You can search to see if your current employer, your spouse’s employer or the company from which you retired has a matching gift program. If your gift is eligible, please request a matching gift form from your employer or spouse’s employer and send it, completed and signed, with your gift to:

Office of College Advancement
Bates College
2 Andrews Road
Lewiston, ME 04240

Recurring Giving Program

Bates’ recurring giving program allows you to divide your Bates Fund gift into manageable increments through convenient automatic deductions from your credit card or checking account. What’s more, you can continue to direct your Bates Fund gift to the Bates programs that mean the most to you!

Make your recurring gift at bates.edu/give and check “I would like to make this a recurring gift,” or call us at 1-888-522-8371.

Multi-Year Pledges

Pledges allow you to make a commitment to be paid over a period of time based on an agreed-upon payment schedule. The college sends pledge reminders periodically. If you’d like more information on making a pledge to the Bates Fund or other priorities and initiatives, please call 1-888-522-8371.

Gifts of Securities, Mutual Fund & Stock Shares

Gifts of long-term appreciated securities and mutual fund shares may be deducted on your tax statement at fair market value on the date of the transfer to the college. To learn more, contact us at 207-786-6248 or gifts@bates.edu. We also have more information about gifting securities, mutual funds, or stocks to Bates.

Donor Advised Fund

A donor advised fund (DAF) is a charitable investment account that donors can use to support their giving. DAF donors can give cash, stocks, or publicly-traded assets and get an immediate tax deduction. DAF assets are invested for growth by the sponsoring organization (for example, Fidelity Charitable or Schwab Charitable) potentially making even more money available for charities. Donors can then recommend grants at any time from the DAF to any qualified 501(c)3 public charity, such as Bates. If you have a DAF, you can easily recommend a grant using the DAF Direct form on this page.

Leadership Giving

Gifts to establish permanent, endowed funds that support student financial aid, academic programs, faculty positions, and information technology, and gifts for capital purposes such as construction, renovation, and new curricular and extracurricular programming are crucial to the college’s immediate success and long-term growth. These opportunities to support Bates represent meaningful investments in the Bates experience and in the financial well-being of the college — making a difference in the lives of Bates students today and for generations to come.

For more information, please contact Tyler Lussier at 207-786-6486.

Gift and Estate Planning

Careful and creative gift and estate planning can maximize the impact of your philanthropy through the development of an individualized approach that complements your financial, tax, and estate situation. You can make a lasting impact on Bates — supporting our students and programs far into the future — while also meeting your family and financial goals.

For more information about planning your gift, please contact our Office of Gift Planning at 800-762-3145.

Estate Commitments

Including Bates in an estate plan makes it possible to continue a legacy of giving into the future. Making a commitment through a deferred gift—arranged now and given later—is a powerful opportunity to have a long-lasting impact on Bates. For more information, please contact the Office of Gift Planning at 800-762-3145. Click here for sample language that can be used in your Will. When you are ready to tell Bates about your plans, you can submit a Bequest Intention Form using secure Adobe Sign.

Life Income Gifts

Charitable Gift Annuities, Charitable Trusts, and Pooled Funds allow donors to generate income while supporting the college at a level greater than might otherwise be possible. Benefits can include increased annual income and tax deductions. More information is available on our Gift Planning website. For a personalized calculation, please contact the Office of Gift Planning at 800-762-3145.

Venmo, ApplePay, and PayPal Gifts

Bates accepts gifts through the Venmo, ApplePay and PayPal channels on our giving site. Visit the make a gift site, enter your information, select your payment method, and complete the form.

Bank Transfer

You can make a cash gift to Bates directly from your bank account in lieu of using a credit card. Visit the Bates giving site, enter your information on the first page enter your information and select “Go to Checkout.” On the second page, select “Bank Transfer” and enter the appropriate bank information. If you have any questions, please contact us at gifts@bates.edu.

Wire Transfer

Bates accepts gifts via wire transfer. To confirm account information, or to address questions, please contact us at 207-786-6248 or gifts@bates.edu.

Bates is recognized as a non-profit institution (PDF) under the terms of section 101(6) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1939, which corresponds to section 501(c)(3) of the 1954 Code. Our tax id number is: 01-0211781.

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