Emergency Information

If you are sick, experiencing emotional difficulties or have been the victim of a crime or a sexual or physical assault:

  • Turn first to the support and resources provided by your program or host university.  They have an existing support system, know the local context, and can act quickly to help you.  The program or International Office staff at your university can help connect you with their counseling center, Health Services, sexual assault crisis center, campus and local police, and other resources.
  • In addition, Bates Security is open 24/7 and is trained to respond to emergencies and can forward your calls to college staff and faculty (security@bates.edu; +1-207-786-6254).  Dean Gallant (dgallant@bates.edu) or Jen Hyde (jhyde@bates.edu) [+1-207-786-6223] is also available to assist you.
  • Bates has Title IX Officers who are responsible for responding to incidents of sexual discrimination and assault.  Ms. Gwen Lexow (glexow@bates.edu+1-207-786-6445) is the Title IX Officer and Dean Erin Foster Zsiga (efoster@bates.edu+1-207-786-6215) is the Deputy Coordinator for Students. You may contact them for additional support or if you feel the local resources are not meeting your needs or for any other reason.  The Title IX website is: www.bates.edu/sexual-respect

Emergency Assistance

Many programs automatically enroll their students in an Emergency Assistance insurance policy. You should establish whether or not you are covered by such a policy and, if you are, put the key contact information into your cell phone. If your program does not provide emergency assistance, you are covered by: CHUBB Travel Smart program.

  • The CHUBB emergency center is open 24/7. If calling from the United States, the number is: +1 800-766-8206. If abroad, the number is: +1 202-659-7777 (call collect).
  • The Bates plan number is: PHFD38454419.
  • Please note that this emergency medical assistance does not eliminate the need for regular health insurance.

You should enter the appropriate telephone numbers into your cell phone so it will be available if needed.

When to Contact CHUBB Travel Smart

  • You need medical advice on the country where you will be studying.
  • You need help finding a doctor, dentist, hospital, attorney, interpreter, a US embassy or consulate.
  • You need help obtaining prescription medications, including eye care.
  • You need help replacing essential travel documents, including tickets and passport.
  • You need an emergency cash advance, up to $1,000 USD.
  • You need money to pay a doctor or hospital. (This is a temporary loan.)
  • You need an emergency medical consultation and/or medical monitoring of your condition and medical treatment.
  • You need to determine whether you need a more specialized hospital for treatment. CHUBB Assistance will dispatch a physician or specialist at its expense to evaluate your situation and determine whether an evacuation is needed.
  • You need a medical evacuation to a more specialized hospital. If CHUBB Assistance agrees, it will dispatch a physician or specialist to accompany you, arrange travel to the nearest suitable facility, and pay for these services.
  • You need to return home for medical care on an emergency basis. If CHUBB Assistance agrees, it will arrange your travel with medical supervision, if necessary, at its expense.
  • If you are hospitalized for more than seven days and you want a family member to visit. CHUBB Assistance will arrange and pay for the transportation costs of this individual.
  • CHUBB Assistance will arrange and pay for the return of your remains if you die while abroad.
  • In case of a political or natural disaster, CHUBB Assistance will arrange your evacuation to the nearest place of safety.