Extending the Experience at Bates

In a sense, the study abroad experience is never completely over. Academic research has shown that the process of unpacking an experience abroad can take 5 years or more. You may find yourself reflecting on an event from abroad years from now. The experience can also be extended with Bates assistance in many ways:

Senior These Research Grants: Consider a senior thesis which builds on your experience. The Barlow Grant web page has information about Thesis Grants.

Carol L. Stark ’72 Endowment for Summer Language Scholarship: This fund supports intensive, immersive language study in a host country over the summer. Applications are considered during the Winter term, contact the Center for Global Education for updated information. Eligibility: Bates juniors who studied abroad (or are currently studying abroad) for at least one semester during the academic year and who studied a language formally (for credit) during their off-campus program. You must propose intensive language study for this summer and must be accepted into a program before receiving the funds.

Applications for Summer 2025 are due April 1st, 2025. Details on the application are available online here.

Courses: Consider taking a course in an interest you developed while abroad. Follow  Bates Today for speakers and other campus events related to your experience.

Share your story: Plan a presentation or other activity on campus or in the community.  This can be a presentation at a local school, a talk or display on campus, or a presentation at the Mt. David Summit.  The Barlow Grant program can provide funding for these activities.


  • Barlow Photo Exhibit: Submit a photograph to the Off-Campus Study Photo Exhibit.  Consider serving on the Photo Exhibit jury.
  • Submit a photograph for the display TV in the Center for Global Education.  You should be featured in this photo.  You can send the photo as an attachment to Ms. Palmer; include where the photo was taken and what term you were abroad.

Writing:  Consider writing about your experience for The Bates Student, The Garnet, or other campus publications.