
Collaboration is generally a good thing, and Bates has a stewardship responsibility to the federal government and other sources of grant support to ensure that collaborative grant funds are used reasonably and appropriately.

If your project includes subawards to partnering institutions, our responsibility includes monitoring the grant fund use and achievement of grant project objectives. Bates employs a risk-based approach to subrecipient monitoring, and we focus more frequent and robust efforts on subrecipients who pose an elevated risk for non-compliance. Each potential subrecipient must provide risk-assessment information prior to proposal submission.

Please note that a subrecipient refers to an entity that receives a subaward to carry out part of a sponsored project. It differs from a contractor that provides commercially available property or services necessary for the project’s success. If you are uncertain whether an entity should be considered a subrecipient or a contractor, please be in touch with the Office of Sponsored Programs.