Electoral Engagement

An enduring part of a Bates education is a commitment to informed civic action, and as stewards of that educational experience, we are committed to inspiring our campus community to participate in civic life.
Bates Votes is a nationally-recognized, nonpartisan, student-led voting initiative. Overseen by the Harward Center for Community Partnerships, it is designed to reach all eligible Bates students to make them aware of their right to vote and to support them in the process of exercising that right.
Every year, Bates Votes students undertake a massive outreach campaign to their fellow students–reaching out to clubs, athletic teams, residence halls, classes, and groups of friends to organize voter registration opportunities and support students through the voting process. The unique part about Bates Votes is a commitment to sharing nonpartisan information and resources to support students voting in local, state, and national elections in Maine or in their home state. Bates Votes doesn’t tell students how to vote, or where to vote, but we strongly encourage you to exercise the sacred responsibility to make your voice heard through your vote.
The Election Connection – 2024 Programs