Language Proficiency Assessment

First-year students as well as continuing students wishing to take Spanish language courses at Bates must take the online assessment prior to registration in order to determine their entry-level course and receive the corresponding prerequisite override.

There is no deadline for completing the assessment and scores remain valid indefinitely.

Students who have taken a year of Spanish, in high school or elsewhere, may not be able to register for HISP 103. Repeating material studied in previous courses is not only boring but also unproductive for reaching long-term proficiency goals.

Students for whom Spanish is a first or heritage language, interested in taking upper-level Hispanic studies courses (beyond HISP 205) may also elect to take the assessment. In all cases, however, they should consult with the instructor of the desired course and/or department chair in order to receive the necessary registration override.

The assessment is multiple-choice and covers grammar, reading, and vocabulary. It is an adaptive survey, which means that the question difficulty will vary depending on how you respond. Do not get discouraged if you are unfamiliar with some of the material. Make your best guess and go on to the next question.

You may only take the exam once and so should try to do your best. You should NOT use books, notes, or any other materials or resources. The test will take 20 – 25 minutes.

Upon completion, you will see your score and recommended course. Be sure you take a screenshot or save a capture of the score page to a file or print it. If you do not see a score, go back and sign in to WebCAPE again and click on “Resume” to complete your test. Registration overrides are issued on a rolling basis as they are received; please contact the chair of Hispanic Studies and/or the instructor of your recommended course with any questions.

If your score is…You should take…
above 519HISP 210 Writing Spanish or higher (please consult faculty or chair)
438-518HISP 205 Advanced Spanish
374-437HISP 202 Intermediate Spanish II
271-373HISP 201 Intermediate Spanish I
below 270HISP 103 Elementary Spanish

Notes: For those considering a minor in Hispanic Studies, the entry-level course is HISP 201, (HISP 103 does not count towards the minor). For prospective majors, the first required course is HISP 205 Advanced Spanish. HISP 103, 201, and 202 do not count.