Guidelines for Theses

Guidelines for History Theses and Honors Theses

Every student should write a thesis that presents a research question and answers it with a coherent explanation or argument. The following guidelines should help you appreciate the many elements behind asking and answering your question effectively. Each of these tasks form the foundation of a strong thesis, but their relevance will vary somewhat, depending on the topic.


  • Develops a good question.
  • Develops a responsible argument from primary and secondary sources.

Use of Evidence

  • Demonstrates command of a body of knowledge.
  • Selects and employs primary and secondary sources with a critical awareness of their strengths and limitations.
  • Understands how others have used the sources and how the topic has been interpreted over time. (This is also known as a literature review.)


  • Demonstrates sensitivity to chronology, context, cause, and effect.
  • Shows empathy, respect for the people being discussed.
  • Demonstrates an awareness of the strengths and weaknesses of one’s own perspective, the perspectives of primary and secondary sources, and the perspective of the advisor.
  • Employs good, clear writing, including proper mechanics and citations.


  • Conducts independent research effectively.
  • Responds well to faculty direction.
  • Responds appropriately to challenges that arise when researching and writing the thesis.


Revised, July 2014