Computing and Electronic Information Resources Access

Bates computing resources are provided to those affiliated with college programs in order to accomplish the work of the College.

These resources are limited and access is restricted in order to provide a secure computing environment. The level of access to college-owned equipment is based on the academic mission of the college. All computer users are required to comply with the Bates College Bates Acceptable Use Policy.

Bates does not provide word processing, printing, Internet searching or other general computing services to the public. Members of the public interested in these services are directed to local public libraries and service providers. Bates computer classrooms, including the one in the Library, are intended only for the use of Bates students, faculty, staff and people engaged in Bates-sponsored programs.

“Kiosk” machines in the Library and in other locations are available to members of the general public who need to use electronic information such as Bates publications, the Bates library catalog, periodical indexes, government information, and other electronic collections. Subscription databases are licensed for use by Bates students, faculty and staff,

The college does not collect materials specifically for children, and does not filter access to the World Wide Web. Children may use the College’s on-campus guest network or Library resources only under the supervision of an adult responsible for the child.

Permission to connect personally owned computers to the college’s network may be denied or revoked if users fail to comply with the Bates Acceptable Use Policy or the College’s Copyright Policy.


Revised: February 15, 2019