Academic and Client Services


Academic and Client Services staff are responsible for supporting the variety of technology needs for all members of the Bates community.


Curricular and Research Computing

Pettengill G11 • 786-6386 •

The Curricular and Research Computing Group provides the faculty and students at Bates with academic technology support that promotes the adoption of appropriate technologies across the spectrum of teaching, learning, and research. We offer a wide range of programs and services that help further the creative and innovative practices that characterize our faculty’s pedagogical and scholarly achievements.

Classroom and Event Support

G67 Pettengill • 786-8222 •

The Classroom Technologies Office supports all the audio and visual equipment in classrooms and presentation spaces on campus.

Digital Media Studios

Ground Floor, Pettigrew Hall • 786-6394 •

The Digital Media Studios supports all digital video and audio editing on campus and Video on Demand streaming for Bates College. more…

IT Service Desk

Ladd Library • 786-8222 •

Assistance with computing hardware, software & network troubleshooting.

Language Resource Center (LRC)

Roger Williams 105 • 786-6386 •

The Bates College Language Resource Center is the campus home for multilingual computing and curricular development. It offers a wide range of support and services for non-English language acquisition, including technological guidance, the development of curricular materials, lab and classroom support, online streaming of audio and video, and a collection of virtual resources. The LRC supports faculty and students in the creation of innovative new projects that enhance language teaching and learning.


See the ILS Staff Organization Chart.


Coram Library •

The Bates Imaging and Computing Center supports the College’s liberal arts and sciences mission by expanding the capabilities of Bates scholars, artists, researchers, and professionals as they investigate, visualize, create, and communicate knowledge. more…