The IMStudio is a media installation space for multichannel video projection and audio, created as part of IMPACT21st (Innovation, Media, Process, Arts, Collaboration and Technology for the 21st Century). The IMPACT21st team accepts proposals from students, faculty and staff, and guest artists to install media-driven projects, from one-day events to projects requiring more extensive installation and exhibition time.  This proposal form will guide applicants through the particulars of the space and considerations for proposed projects. 

Please see here for images of the space and room schematics.

Now accepting proposals for the Fall 2025 semester (Sept – Dec 2025).

The IMPACT 21st Committee will review all applications received by:

  • October 15 for the following winter/spring semester
  • April 15 for the following fall semester 

PRE-PLANNING – Steps to Complete Before Proposal Submission

Site Visit

Before completing this form, please plan a site-visit / walkthrough of the IMStudio with a member of the IMPACT21st team. You can schedule a visit by emailing


If you are Bates faculty, staff, or a student, funds may be available to help support your project. Please include a short budget and justification for items such as materials, equipment, etc. Note that these funds are meant to support the implementation of a project and not offer stipends. Unfortunately, funds are only available for those in the Bates community. For those who are not in the Bates community, we encourage you to seek out external funding for project implementation and support.

Technical Training 

Note that those proposing projects will need to take on a level of technical understanding of the space and will need to perform their own media composition and editing. The IMPACT 21st team is available for consultation, initial training and initial support, but teams will need to be prepared to learn how to use the space on their own.

Proposal Consultation

We recommend that proposal teams schedule a meeting with a member of the IMPACT21st team to discuss your proposal before submitting. You can do this at the same time of your site visit, or you may want to schedule separate meetings. You can schedule a meeting by emailing

IMStudio Proposal Form


Please indicate whether you are affiliated with Bates College or proposing a project as a guest artist. Note that we cannot fund travel and housing for those that live outside of the region.


Is this event timed, open as an installation, or both?(Required)



ROOM LAYOUT: The IMStudio has a flexible media architecture with several default room schematics. Please choose from one of the default room schematics linked in the "ABOUT" section above. If your project requires a different setup, please detail it in the textbox below "OTHER" and upload an image similar to the ones provided for the desired room layout for your project(Required)
Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 9 MB.




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