Presidential Inauguration

Bates celebrated the installation of Garry W. Jenkins as the ninth president of Bates College on May 4, 2024.
President Garry W. Jenkins poses for portraits adjacent to Alumni Gym, the Muskie Garden, and on the Historic Quad in front of Hathorn Hall.

President Jenkins

Garry W. Jenkins is a nationally respected legal authority, an accomplished scholar, and an experienced higher education leader.

Watch the Inauguration

Watch the installation of Garry W. Jenkins as the ninth president in Bates College history.

Presidential History

Learn about the past Bates presidents and their work to sustain the college’s excellence.

Scenes from inauguration of Garry W. Jenkins, including robing in Commons, installation in Merrill Gymnasium, and Presidential Luncheon on Bardwell Street tents.

As Garry W. Jenkins, Bates College’s ninth president, received the figurative, and literal, keys to Bates’ future as its new leader today, he did so with gratitude, compassion, and determination. 

Before the roughly 1,000 guests in Merrill Gymnasium, Jenkins promised he would lead Bates “with humility and transparency, with tenacity and enthusiasm, and, of course, with ardor and devotion.”

Offering four cornerstones that “will guide our work and propel us forward” and asking the Bates community to “embrace the challenges that await us,” Jenkins emphasized how now more than ever Bates needs to promote teamwork, to remove barriers to students, to become more inclusive, and to cultivate and prepare leaders for tomorrow’s challenges.

By doing so, he said, Bates will become stronger while serving society and democracy. “They rise together.”

Complete List of Delegates

Delegates from Colleges, Universities and Learned Societies

Scenes from inauguration of Garry W. Jenkins, including robing in Commons, installation in Merrill Gymnasium, and Presidential Luncheon on Bardwell Street tents.

As Garry W. Jenkins, Bates College’s ninth president, received the figurative, and literal, keys to Bates’ future as its new leader today, he did so with gratitude, compassion, and determination. 

Before the roughly 1,000 guests in Merrill Gymnasium, Jenkins promised he would lead Bates “with humility and transparency, with tenacity and enthusiasm, and, of course, with ardor and devotion.”

Offering four cornerstones that “will guide our work and propel us forward” and asking the Bates community to “embrace the challenges that await us,” Jenkins emphasized how now more than ever Bates needs to promote teamwork, to remove barriers to students, to become more inclusive, and to cultivate and prepare leaders for tomorrow’s challenges.

By doing so, he said, Bates will become stronger while serving society and democracy. “They rise together.”

Letters and Greetings

In advance of his inauguration, President Garry W. Jenkins received well wishes from other college presidents.

Inauguration Planning Committees

Rosters for the Program and Planning and Implementation Committees

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