Overview – Start Here

Some research requires review by the IRB because of the nature of the interaction with human participants. Other research is exempt from review entirely. Other research needs IRB review to ensure that the procedures for ensuring confidentiality are adequate. 

Not sure if your project is considered “research”? Start here by reviewing the federal definition. Please note, that documentary films, podcasts, and oral histories that do not pose a specific question or hypothesis aimed at contributing to generalizable knowledge are outside the IRB’s purview. While these projects may still involve ethical considerations, they do not require IRB review. However, the IRB co-chairs are available to discuss any ethical issues you may encounter and can meet with you if you find it valuable. If you have any questions, please reach out to one of the IRB co-chairs directly.

If your project is considered research that involves human subjects, please proceed by reviewing the chart below and then review the six exemption categories to see where your research falls.  (Projects not defined as research involving human subjects do not need a review by the IRB)

Click here to see the decision chart for exemption category 1 (educational practices).

Click here to see the decision chart for exemption category 2 (tests, surveys, interviews, public behavior).

Click here to see the decision chart for exemption category 3 (benign behavioral interventions).

Click here to see the decision chart for exemption category 4 (secondary research).

Click here to see the decision chart for exemption category 5 (public benefit or service programs).

Click here to see the decision chart for exemption category 6 (food taste and acceptance studies).

Click here If your research does not meet an exemption category.

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