Access and Borrowing Policies

Ladd Library is open to the public. Items on open shelves are available for anyone to use in the library. However, materials may not be taken from the library without being checked out. The library hours vary according to the Bates College academic schedule.

Borrowing privileges are granted to the following persons:

  • Bates students
  • Bates faculty, staff, emeriti and retirees
  • Bates alumni
  • Affiliates of faculty and staff (spouses, domestic partners, children up to age 21)
  • Colby and Bowdoin college faculty, staff, and students

  • Local residents may apply for a Courtesy Card. Applications are available at the Circulation Desk.
  • All citizens of the Second Congressional District may borrow Government Documents.

All patrons must present the appropriate I.D. card for all library borrowing. Bates Identification Cards (or Key Cards) are issued at the Electronic Access System Office located in Chase Hall. Local residents borrowing government publications need a photo I.D. such as a driver’s license.

Library patrons are responsible for returning borrowed materials in the same condition as when it was checked out. Borrowers may not write in books, turn down page corners, or use “post-it”-type notes/flags. Borrowers are financially responsible for any damage that occurs while material is checked out to them. If library materials are lost, damaged or stolen the patron is liable for the replacement charge, the processing fee, and a non-refundable billing fee.

Borrowers are responsible for knowing the date material is due and returning (or renewing) it promptly. Fines are charged for materials returned after the due date. Please refer to the fines policy for more detailed information.

Checked-out material will be recalled if requested by another library user. The original due date may be adjusted to an earlier date. Recalled items must be returned promptly. Borrowers should be aware that materials may be recalled at any time including; breaks, exam periods, summer, and during sabbatical leaves. To avoid problems please consider returning non-critical material before leaving campus.

The Librarian reserves the right to limit the number of items borrowed by a user at any one time.

As a security measure, the library staff reserves the right to inspect backpacks, bags, etc. if the exit alarm sounds.

Questions about borrowing policies should be directed to Brenda Reynolds, Head of Access Services: 207-786-6265,