Bates College Publications
2014 Publications:
Ahn T, Sandford J, Shea P. 2014. A Note on Bubbles, Worthless Assets, and the Curious Case of General Motors. Macroeconomic Dynamics 18(1):244-254.
Austin RN, Kenney GE, Rosenzweig AC. 2014. Perspective: What is known, and not known, about the connections between alkane oxidation and metal uptake in alkanotrophs in the marine environment. Metallomics 6(6):1121-1125.
Barbezat D, Hughes J. 2014. Finding the lost jockeys. Historical Methods 47(1):19-30.
Bavis RW, DeAngelis KJ, Horowitz TC, Reedich LM, March RJ. 2014. Hyperoxia-induced developmental plasticity of the hypoxic ventilatory response in neonatal rats: Contributions of glutamate-dependent and PDGF-dependent mechanisms. Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology 191(1):84-94.
Bavis RW, van Heerden ES, Brackett DG, Harmeling LH, Johnson SM, Blegen HJ, Logan S, Nguyen GN, Fallon SC. 2014. Postnatal development of eupneic ventilation and metabolism in rats chronically exposed to moderate hyperoxia. Respir Physiol Neurobiol 198:1-12.
Beasley MM, Hager PM. 2014. Intervention, Instigation, Interruption: Art, Activism, and Social Policy. Journal of Poverty 18(1):1-4..
Boucher HC. 2014. The Relational-Interdependent Self-Construal and Positive Illusions in Friendship. Self and Identity 13(4):460-476.
Boucher HC, Vile M. 2014. Beliefs in Emotional Residue in Japan and the United States. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 45(6):986-991.
Carey CC, Cottingham KL, Weathers KC, Brentrup JA, Ruppertsberger NM, Ewing H, Hairston Jr NG. 2014. Experimental blooms of the cyanobacterium Gloeotrichia echinulata increase phytoplankton biomass, richness and diversity in an oligotrophic lake. Journal of Plankton Research 36(2):364-377.
Carey CC, Weathers KC, Ewing HA, Greer ML, Cottingham KL. 2014. Spatial and temporal variability in recruitment of the cyanobacterium Gloeotrichia echinulata in an oligotrophic lake. Freshwater Science 33(2):577-592.
Collins LR, Koven NS. 2014. Urinary BDNF-to-creatinine ratio is associated with aerobic fitness. Neuroscience Letters 559:169-173.
Cremers GE, Low KG. 2014. Attitudes Toward Placentophagy: A Brief Report. Health Care for Women International 35(2):113-119.
Deehr RA, Luczkovich JJ, Hart KJ, Clough LM, Johnson BJ, Johnson JC. 2014. Using stable isotope analysis to validate effective trophic levels from Ecopath models of areas closed and open to shrimp trawling in Core Sound, NC, USA. Ecological Modelling 282:1-17.
Eosco GM, Tallapragada M, McComas KA, Brady M. 2014. Exploring Societal and Ethical Views of Nanotechnology REUs. NanoEthics 8(1):91-99.
Fan X. 2013. The ‘Broken” and the ‘Breakthroughs”: Acting in Jingju Model Plays of China’s Cultural Revolution. Asian Theatre Journal 30(2):360-389.
Fel’shtyn A, Gonçalves D, Wong P. 2014. Twisted Conjugacy Classes for Polyfree Groups. Communications in Algebra 42(1):130-138.
Gonçalves D, Wong P. 2014. Automorphisms of the Two Dimensional Crystallographic Groups. Communications in Algebra 42(2):909-931.
Greene M, Low K. 2014. Public integrity, private hypocrisy, and the moral licensing effect. Social Behavior & Personality: an international journal 42(3):391-400.
Halpern SL, Bednar D, Chisholm A, Underwood N. 2014. Plant-mediated effects of host plant density on a specialist herbivore of Solanum carolinense. Ecological Entomology 39(2):217-225.
Halpern SL, Bednar D, Chisholm A, Underwood N. 2014. Plant‐mediated effects of host plant density on a specialist herbivore of Solanum carolinense. Ecological Entomology 39(2):217-225.
Hartman MD, Baron JS, Ewing HA, Weathers KC. 2014. Combined global change effects on ecosystem processes in nine U.S. topographically complex areas. Biogeochemistry 119(1-3):85-108.
Kahan TA, Enns JT. 2014. Long-term memory representations influence perception before edges are assigned to objects. J Exp Psychol Gen 143(2):566-74.
Kelsey JE, Neville C. 2014. The effects of the β-lactam antibiotic, ceftriaxone, on forepaw stepping and l-DOPA-induced dyskinesia in a rodent model of Parkinson’s disease. Psychopharmacology 231(12):2405-15.
Koven NS. 2014. Abnormal valence differentiation in alexithymia. Personality and Individual Differences 68:102-106.
Koven NS, Collins LR. 2014. Urinary Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor as a Biomarker of Executive Functioning. Neuropsychobiology 69(4):227-234.
Koven NS, Max LK. 2014. Basal salivary oxytocin level predicts extra- but not intra-personal dimensions of emotional intelligence. Psychoneuroendocrinology 44:20-29.
Lin H, Pérez P, Valle A, Pesquera L. 2014. Investigation of elliptically polarized injection locked states in VCSELs subject to orthogonal optical injection. Optics Express 22(5):4880-4885.
Murray MP. 2014. Teaching about heterogeneous response models. Journal of Economic Education 45(2):110-120.
Newman C, Zhou X, Goundie B, Ghampson IT, Pollock RA, Ross Z, Wheeler MC, Meulenberg RW, Austin RN, Frederick BG. 2014. Effects of support identity and metal dispersion in supported ruthenium hydrodeoxygenation catalysts. Applied Catalysis A: General 477:64-74.
Pérez-Armendáriz C. 2014. Cross-Border Discussions and Political Behavior in Migrant-Sending Countries. Studies in Comparative International Development 49(1):67-88.
Reusche M, Caffee M, Clark PU, Winsor K, Carlson AE, Marcott SA, Rood DH, Novak A, Roof S, Retelle M et al. . 2014. 10Be surface exposure ages on the late-Pleistocene and Holocene history of Linnébreen on Svalbard. Quaternary Science Reviews 89:5-12.
Riera-Crichton D, Tefft N. 2014. Macronutrients and obesity: Revisiting the calories in, calories out framework. Economics & Human Biology 14:33-49.
Roecker L, Aiyegbo M, Al-Haddad A, Fletcher E, Kc R, Hurst J, Lane T, Larsen R, Noinaj N, Teh SL et al. . 2013. Synthesis and characterisation of [(en)2Co]3+ complexes coordinated by substituted thiourea ligands. Australian Journal of Chemistry 66(8):944-951.
Roecker L, Parkin S, Anderson A, Al-Haddad A, Engineer C, Fetty J, Kiaza C, Noinaj N, Coker NL, Krause J. 2014. Reaction of 2-pyridylmethylthiourea derivatives with [(en) 2Co(OSO2CF3)2]+ induces hypodentate coordination of an ethylenediamine ligand. Australian Journal of Chemistry 67(6):933-943.
Steblay N, Wells GL, Douglass AB. 2014. The eyewitness post identification feedback effect 15 years later: Theoretical and policy implications. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 20(1):1-18.
Wenzel TJ. 2014. Calixarenes and calix[4]resorcinarenes as chiral NMR solvating agents. Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry 78(1):1-14.
Wenzel TJ, Larive CK. 2014. The Analytical Sciences Digital Library: A resource to promote active learning. Reviews in Analytical Chemistry 33(1):1-9.
2013 Publications:
Adler JM, Harmeling LH, Walder-Biesanz I. 2013. Narrative meaning making is associated with sudden gains in psychotherapy clients’ mental health under routine clinical conditions. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 81(5):839-845.
Albitz RS. 2013. Copyright Information Management and the University Library: Staffing, Organizational Placement and Authority. Journal of Academic Librarianship 39(5):429-235.
Andrucki M. 2013. Theater and National Identity: Shakespeare in Hungary, 1790-1990. p. 194-209.
Archambault L, Borchert JS, Bergeron J, Snow S, Schlax PJ. 2013. Measurements of mRNA degradation in borrelia burgdorferi. Journal of Bacteriology 195(21):4879-4887.
Ashwell L. 2013. Deep, dark…or transparent? Knowing our desires. Philosophical Studies 165(1):245-256.
Austin RN, Callaghan AV. 2013. Microbial enzymes that oxidize hydrocarbons. Frontiers in microbiology 4:338.
Bauer CM, Skaff NK, Bernard AB, Trevino JM, Ho JM, Romero LM, Ebensperger LA, Hayes LD. 2013. Habitat type influences endocrine stress response in the degu (Octodon degus). General and Comparative Endocrinology 186:136-144.
Bauer M, Webster J. 2013. Computations in cubic function fields of characteristic three. Contributions to Discrete Mathematics 8(1):66-99.
Bavis RW, Fallon SC, Dmitrieff EF. 2013. Chronic hyperoxia and the development of the carotid body. Respiratory physiology & neurobiology 185(1):94-104.
Beck M, Jayawant P, McAllister TB. 2013. Lattice-point generating functions for free sums of convex sets. Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 120(6):1246-1262.
Bertrand EM, Keddis R, Groves JT, Vetriani C, Austin RN. 2013. Identity and mechanisms of alkane-oxidizing metalloenzymes from deep-sea hydrothermal vents. Front Microbiol 4(MAY):1-11.
Carroll N, Seeley WP. 2013. Kinesthetic understanding and appreciation in dance. Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 71(2):177-186.
Castro JB, Ramanathan A, Chennubhotla CS. 2013. Categorical Dimensions of Human Odor Descriptor Space Revealed by Non-Negative Matrix Factorization. PLoS ONE 8(9).
Cavallero JJ. 2013. Engaging millennial students in social justice from initial class meetings to service learning. New Directions for Teaching and Learning(135):75-80.
Chapman D. 2013. The ‘one-man band’ and entrepreneurial selfhood in Neoliberal culture. Popular Music 32(3):451-470.
Clark DP, Dellachiesa AE. 2013. Industrial and agricultural pollution patterns. Global Economy Journal 13(1):1-24.
Clark RL, Wenzel BT, Wenzel TJ. 2013. Diamagnetic lanthanide tris β-diketonate complexes with aryl-containing ligands as chiral NMR discriminating agents. Tetrahedron Asymmetry 24(5-6):297-304.
Cotti C, Tefft N. 2013. Fast food prices, obesity, and the minimum wage. Economics and Human Biology 11(2):134-147.
Cueto Asín E, George Jr DR. 2013. Hispania, la leyenda: The myth of Viriatus’ struggle transfigured for television. Hispania, la leyenda: La lucha de Viriato como mito transfigurado para la televisión 26(3):117-129.
Cummiskey D. 2013. Comparative Refl ections on Buddhist Political Thought: Aœoka, Shambhala and the General Will. John Wiley and Sons. p. 536-551.
Douglass AB, Brewer N, Semmler C, Bustamante L, Hiley A. 2013. The dynamic interaction between eyewitnesses and interviewers: The impact of differences in perspective on memory reports and interviewer behavior. Law and Human Behavior 37(4):290-301.
Douglass AB, Jones EE. 2013. Confidence inflation in eyewitnesses: Seeing is not believing. Legal and Criminological Psychology 18(1):152-167.
Durst ME, Van Howe J. 2013. All-fiber, wavelength and repetition-rate tunable, ultrafast pulse generation in the 2.0 μm region without mode-locking. Journal of Lightwave Technology 31(23):3714-3718.
Engel SM. 2013. Frame spillover: Media framing and public opinion of a multifaceted lgbt rights agenda. Law and Social Inquiry 38(2):403-441.
Fan X. 2013. The ‘Broken” and the ‘Breakthroughs”: Acting in Jingju Model Plays of China’s Cultural Revolution. Asian Theatre Journal 30(2):360-389.
Greer ML, Ewing HA, Cottingham KL, Weathers KC. 2013. Collaborative understanding of cyanobacteria in lake ecosystems. College Mathematics Journal 44(5):376-385.
Greer ML, Ross C. 2013. Senior Seminar: Across a Department and Across The Years. PRIMUS 23(4):347-358.
Henkes GA, Passey BH, Wanamaker AD, Grossman EL, Ambrose WG, Carroll ML. 2013. Carbonate clumped isotope compositions of modern marine mollusk and brachiopod shells. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 106:307-325.
Hill CB, Grandgeorge SH, Bavis RW. 2013. Developmental hyperoxia alters CNS mechanisms underlying hypoxic ventilatory depression in neonatal rats. Respiratory Physiology and Neurobiology 189(3):498-505.
Howard JA, Nonn M, Fulop F, Wenzel TJ. 2013. Enantiomeric discrimination of isoxazoline fused β-amino acid derivatives using (18-Crown-6)-2,3,11,12-tetracarboxylic acid as a chiral NMR solvating agent. Chirality 25(1):48-53.
Janus T, Riera-Crichton D. 2013. International gross capital flows: New uses of balance of payments data and application to financial crises. Journal of Policy Modeling 35(1):16-28.
Johnson B. 2013. Palaeontology: Extinction promoted fire. Nature Geoscience 6(8):595-596.
Kahan TA, Chokshi NS. 2013. Perceptual interactions between primes, masks, and targets: Further evidence for object updating. Visual Cognition 21(1):123-138.
Kahan TA, Oldak VA, Lichtman AS. 2013. Working memory loads affect location-based negative priming differently than inhibition of return. Journal of Cognitive Psychology 25(4):473-492.
Kedra M, Renaud PE, Andrade H, Goszczko I, Ambrose Jr WG. 2013. Benthic community structure, diversity, and productivity in the shallow Barents Sea bank (Svalbard Bank). Marine Biology 160(4):805-819.
Kelsey JE, Niraula A. 2013. Effects of acute and sub-chronic nicotine on impulsive choice in rats in a probabilistic delay-discounting task. Psychopharmacology 227(3):385-392.
Kennedy EA, Lattin CR, Romero LM, Dearborn DC. 2013. Feather coloration in museum specimens is related to feather corticosterone. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 67(2):341-348.
Kolb D. Adaptive hypertext narrative as city planning. 24th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, HT 2013. 2013; Paris. p. 184-188.
Kolb D. Narrative hypertext, on the level. 3rd Narrative and Hypertext Workshop Held at the ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, NHT 2013. 2013; Paris.
Koven NS, Cadden MH, Murali S, Ross MK. 2013. Vitamin d and long-term memory in multiple sclerosis. Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology 26(3):155-160.
Lin H, Valles MM, Zhang Y. 2013. Synchronization of chaotic outputs in multi-transverse-mode vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers. Optics Communications 309:242-246.
Low KG, Giasson H, Connors S, Freeman D, Weiss R. 2013. Testing the effectiveness of motivational interviewing as a weight reduction strategy for obese cardiac patients: A pilot study. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine 20(1):77-81.
Matsunaga J, Schlax PJ, Haake DA. 2013. Role for cis-Acting RNA sequences in the temperature-dependent expression of the multiadhesive lig proteins in Leptospira interrogans. Journal of Bacteriology 195(22):5092-5101.
Nancy J, Suzanne L, Lee C, Joe S, Heather L. 2013. “What Would Make This a Successful Year for You?” How Students Define Success in College. Liberal Education 99(2):40.
Nayder L. 2013. “he has a Moustache”; Or, “earth will not hold us both”: Charles Dickens and the problem of fred. Dickens Quarterly 30(2):141-153.
Nero C. 2013. The Souls of Black Gay Folk: The Black Arts Movement and Melvin Dixon’s Revision of Du Boisian Double Consciousness. In:Michlin M, Rocchi J-P, editors. Black intersectionalities: a critique for 21st century. Liverpool: Liverpool Univ Press. p. 114-126.
Nyun JS, Peters KA, Devore A. 2013. “Insourcing” of cataloging in a consortial environment: The UC Santa Barbara-UC San Diego music copy cataloging project. Cataloging and Classification Quarterly 51(1-3):82-101.
Oakes H. 2013. At the table. College Composition and Communication 65(1):22-24.
Pickens T. 2013. Feeling embodied and being displaced: A phenomenological exploration of hospital scenes in Rabih Alameddine’s fiction. MELUS 38(3):67-85.
Pieck SK. 2013. Asphalt dreams: Road construction and environmental citizenship in Peru. Development and Change 44(5):1039-1063.
Pieck SK. 2013. “To be led differently”: Neoliberalism, road construction, and NGO counter-conducts in Peru. Geoforum.
Pieck SK. 2013. Transnational Activist Networks: Mobilization between Emotion and Bureaucracy. Social Movement Studies 12(2):121-137.
Rand E. 2013. Court and sparkle: Kye Allums, Johnny Weir, and raced problems in gender authenticity. GLQ 19(4):435-463.
Richter J, Hatch WF. 2013. Organizing Civil Society in Russia and China: A Comparative Approach. International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society 26(4):323-347.
Roecker L, Aiyegbo M, Al-Haddad A, Fletcher E, Kc R, Hurst J, Lane T, Larsen R, Noinaj N, Teh SL et al. . 2013. Synthesis and characterisation of [(en)2Co]3+ complexes coordinated by substituted thiourea ligands. Australian Journal of Chemistry 66(8):944-951.
Seeley WP. 2013. Art, meaning, and perception: A question of methods for a cognitive neuroscience of art. British Journal of Aesthetics 53(4):443-460.
Sewall L. 2013. Ecopsychology’s further emergence. Ecopsychology 5(4):219-220.
Shea P. 2013. Learning by doing, short-sightedness and indeterminacy. Economic Journal 123(569):738-763.
Søreide JE, Carroll ML, Hop H, Ambrose Jr WG, Hegseth EN, Falk-Petersen S. 2013. Sympagic-pelagic-benthic coupling in Arctic and Atlantic waters around Svalbard revealed by stable isotopic and fatty acid tracers. Marine Biology Research 9(9):831-850.
Tieken MC. 2013. The Distance to Delight: A Graduate Student Enters the Field. Qualitative Inquiry 19(4):320-326.
Tracy TF. 2013. Divine purpose and evolutionary processes. Zygon 48(2):454-465.
Underhill B, Langdon S. 2013. Licit and illicit use of prescription psychostimulants in upperclassmen and alumni. Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education 57(2):7-26.
Williams LM, Timme-Laragy AR, Goldstone JV, McArthur AG, Stegeman JJ, Smolowitz RM, Hahn ME. 2013. Developmental expression of the Nfe2-related factor (Nrf) transcription factor family in the zebrafish, Danio rerio. PloS one 8(10):e79574.
Wong YLA, Lewis L. 2013. The disappearing Environmental Kuznets Curve: A study of water quality in the Lower Mekong Basin (LMB). Journal of Environmental Management 131:415-425.
Zhang YS, Regan KP, Xia Y. 2013. Controlling the pore sizes and related properties of inverse opal scaffolds for tissue engineering applications. Macromolecular Rapid Communications 34(6):485-491.