A to Z of Library Services
- 24 Hour Study Options in Campus Buildings
- Accessing and Borrowing Policies
- Affiliate Services
- Alumni Services
- Appointments with a Research Librarian
- Archives
- Borrowing Directly from Bowdoin & Colby
- Contacts
- Copyright
- Course Reserves (for Faculty)
- Course Reserves (for Students)
- Courtesy Cards
- Directions
- Download Library
- Exhibit Space in Ladd Library
- Energy Lamps
- Faculty Guide
- Featured Works
- Food in the Building
- Food for Fines
- Gifts-in-kind
- Government Documents
- Green Bike Program
- Group Study
- Guides to Subjects and Research
- Headphones
- Honors Theses
- Hours
- Interlibrary Loan
- Instruction Room
- IT Service Desk
- Kindles
- Laptops/Chromebooks
- Lockers
- Maine Reciprocal Borrowing Program
- Mathematics and Statistics Workshop
- Maps/Floor plans
- Music Composition Work Station
- Muskie Archives
- My Accounts
- Off-Campus Access
- Offsite Materials
- Park and Museum Passes
- Photocopying
- Picture Book Project
- Policies
- Printers
- Public Performance Rights
- Quiet Study Spaces
- Renewing
- Requesting Material from Off-site Storage
- Research Assistance
- Reserve a Room
- Retirees
- Returning Materials
- Scanner
- Scheduling Library Instruction
- Special Collections
- Staff Contacts
- Staff Guide
- Streaming Online Collections– Audio, Video, Book…
- Student Academic Support Center (SASC)
- Student Writing & Language Center (SWLC)
- Subject Liaisons
- Suggest a Purchase
- Teaching/Research Assistant Card
- Textbooks
- Thesis Writers Guide
- Tours/Visits
- Videos/DVDs
- Visitors