Library Archives
Going somewhere? Check out a Lonely Planet
Ladd has Lonely Planet travel guides for select countries.
History Vault: New Primary Sources
Digital primary sources on civil rights, American Indian, immigrant, and antiwar movements.
Bates is a member of the Center for Research Libraries
CRL provides access to rare and hard-to-find primary sources.
Citations? Projects?? Thesis???
Research Librarians can help you with these and much more!
NVivo everywhere
The qualitative data analysis software NVivo is now available on all campus Windows lab computers, including in Ladd Library.
Netflix Educational Documentaries
A selection of Netflix documentaries – including “13th” and “Abstract: The Art of Design” is available through their YouTube channel, without a subscription
Race – The Power of an Illusion
Online access to the documentary series most frequently assigned in Bates courses.
Returning library materials
Replacement costs are fully refundable upon return of items.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
“Justices continue to think and can change. I am ever hopeful that if the court has a blind spot today, its eyes will be open tomorrow.” – Ruth Bader Ginsburg
CBB Request now available for Colby and Bowdoin materials
Exchange of books between Colby, Bates and Bowdoin Libraries has restarted.