Library Archives
Women’s Rights in Revolutionary France
Bates History Professor John Cole’s “Between the Queen and the Cabby” provides a first-ever English translation of the pamphlet “The Rights of Women”
New Home for Math & Statistics Workshop
The Math & Statistics Workshop is now located on the ground floor of Ladd Library.
Documerica Exhibit
Almost 40 years ago, EPA’s Documerica project captured thousands of images of environmental problems and everyday life. The US National Archives has digitized more than 15,000 of the photographs from this series and now after four decades of greater environmental awareness and protection, the DOCUMERICA and State of the Environment combined exhibit bridges the past to the present.
Sampsonville: Bates Housing for Married Veterans
A new exhibit in the Muskie Archives foyer tells the story of three apartment buildings that once stood on the Bates campus.
eBooks for the Nook, Kobo, Sony eReader, iPad, or iPhone
Read books on the go? Access to the Maine InfoNet Download Library is provided free of charge to Ladd Library patrons.
Research on the Go
RefMobile is a free download for RefWorks users. If you’re using a…
Naxos Music Library Apps
Naxos Music Library is available for smart phone users! The app has…