Library Archives
MaineCat requesting is now available.
The exchange of books between libraries across the state of Maine has…
Remote Teaching: Faculty Support and Finding Online Course Materials
We answer faculty questions about course reserves, courses and research, and research assistance.
Did you know Ladd has downloadable audiobooks?
Download Library has popular fiction audio and ebooks.
Remote Access for Ladd
When you find yourself off campus and in need of library resources, please know that we have thousands of books and journal articles that you can access from anywhere.
Did you know Ladd lends Energy Lamps?
There are two HappyLight Compact energy lamps available to check out at the Circulation Desk.
Featured Ebooks for March
Explore thousands of ebook titles available from over 20 databases.
Open Access Week, October 21-27, 2019
The sharing of knowledge should not be limited to only those with the financial ability to do so.
ILS Go! Opens Sept. 2nd
Learn about services and resources in Ladd and beyond and win prizes.
Migrate Your Bates G Suite Content
Migrating your Bates G Suite emails and Docs is easy! Here’s how!