Library Archives
New Oxford Shakespeare Online
The New Oxford Shakespeare presents an entirely new consideration of all of Shakespeare’s works, edited from first principles from the base-texts themselves, and drawing on the latest textual and theatrical scholarship.
Expand legal research with HeinOnline
Now available via the library: over 2,300 law, political science, criminology, and other law-related journals in HeinOnline.
Meet your Thesis Support Team!
It’s all hands on deck this Thursday, Jan 12th, at 4:10pm in the ARC. Come get that essential early support for your thesis work.
Never fear…
Thesis Wrap Up time is here!! Weds., Dec. 7th, from 7 – 10 PM – Come to the Research Desk for those last minute EndNote, citation, margin or table of contents questions answered by the Wrap Up team.
Election Day Screening
Election day coverage on the Main Floor of Ladd Library from 7pm until a president elect is named (or until 12:30am whichever is first)
As the weather cools, the semester heats up…
And Google might just not provide all the answers! For individual consultations on sources beyond, Meet with a Subject Specialist!
Need a companion to the Nobel Laureate in Literature, for instance?
The online Cambridge Companion series has articles on those that win literary prizes but so much more.
The Vogue Archive: a Rich Resource for Cultural Studies
The Vogue Archive provides a deep perspective on popular culture, providing every issue since 1892 in searchable full text.
Banned Book Week, Sept 25 – Oct 1
Did you know that the U.S. Postal Service burned copies of Ulysses? Professor Sanford Freedman will elaborate on this and more of the censorship history of the Ulysses at noon on Thursday.
MLA Handbook workshops
Yes, there are significant changes to the new 8th edition of the Modern Language Association Handbook. Come to one of the last scheduled workshops this Wednesday, September 21, at 4pm.