Course Reserves for Faculty

Request Forms:



Course packs

Requests submitted by the following dates
will be ready for the first week of class:

Fall: August 10
Winter: December 10
Short Term: April 10

Requests received after these dates will be processed in order of receipt.

We welcome requests throughout the term.

Processing time depends on the availability and amount of material.

The beginning of the semester: 5-7 days
Other times of the year: 1-2 days

Please check your reserve lists on the Library Catalog for accuracy.

For Assistance:

Library Owned Books

Submit titles and call numbers using the online Reserve form, emailing, or bringing books to the Circulation Desk.

Library Purchase for Reserve

Many students struggle with high textbook costs. The Library purchases and puts on reserve any book that is required for your course and on sale at the College Store; please let your students know about this option for accessing textbooks. For more information, see Textbooks on Course Reserve.

We will acquire an ebook for reserves if it is available with an unlimited user license, we do not already own the book, and the price is reasonably close to that of a print copy.  Unfortunately, many publishers only provide libraries with limited user licensing terms and/or unrealistic prices.

The library may purchase other required books for your course.  Requests should be made at least eight weeks before the start of the semester.  The library may purchase copies for reserve if:

  1. The book contains more than one chapter of required reading.
  2. The faculty member plans to use the book more than one semester.
  3. The library does not own a comparable electronic version.
  4. One copy per 20 students

The library cannot purchase, or place on reserve, consumables like workbooks, lab manuals, or course packs.

Contact your to request materials.

Personal Copies 

We appreciate departmental or personal copies when available. Bring personal copies for reserve to the Circulation desk. Wear and tear should be expected. The library does not accept responsibility for damaged or stolen materials. Materials are delivered to the faculty’s AAA at the end of the semester.

Audio Video Materials

The library strongly encourages that all video and sound recordings used in class or assigned as viewing outside of class, be put of reserve at the Audio/Video Desk. Submit titles and call numbers using the online Reserve form or emailing

Videos and sound recordings needed for reserve and not already owned by the Library may be requested for purchased through

Preparing excerpts from recordings is time intensive; requests should be made as early as possible.

U.S. copyright law governing fair use by libraries (Title 17, Sections 107, 108 and 110 United States Code) is different from provisions governing classroom use. Only small portions may be copied, and the Library must be in possession of a legally obtained recording. The Library cannot distribute copies of home recordings “captured” from broadcast or in any other way duplicated.

Streaming Films for Course Reserve

The library subscribes to several streaming packages with films that can be added to the course reserve list for easy discovery by students. Our current subscriptions include:

If you’d like to assign a film that isn’t available in one of our existing streaming film packages, you can request a film by emailing The library is typically able to purchase a 1-year license to make a streaming film available to our campus community.

Online Resources

Links may be provided for electronic books and articles through the Course Reserve list. Provide citations with the online Reserve forms, or email

Library staff will search online databases for articles submitted in paper form. Links will be placed in the Course Reserve Lists for available electronic articles.

Copyright Policy

Materials brought to Ladd Library for reserve must meet “fair use” as outlined by the Copyright Law of the United States (Title 17 of the United States Code).

Ladd Library’s interpretation of these guidelines is that, at a minimum, faculty may use the following for a single semester without permission:

  • Up to 5 copies of one excerpt from a published work. Each copy must have source and copyright acknowledgement. (1 copy for 10 students maximum)
  • one chapter from a book
  • one article or short work from an anthology
  • a chart, graph, diagram, drawing, cartoon or picture from a book, periodical, or newspaper
  • not more than three articles from one issue of a periodical
  • Photocopied materials may not be placed on reserve every semester without permission.
  • Materials may not be used for more than one course.
  • Faculty should not repeatedly photocopy from one periodical or author without permission.
  • Photocopies exceeding fair use will be placed on reserve only if permission is obtained.
  • Copyright permissions for some items may take several months.
  • It is recognized that, occasionally, materials that may require copyright permission must placed on reserve quickly. In such cases, materials should indicate that permission has been sought, or received.

Faculty who need to obtain copyright permission should contact us at

Links to additional copyright resources

Other Options

Two alternate options for distributing content to students are:

1. Lyceum – Library staff will seek permission for selections exceeding fair use. The faculty member’s department is responsible for fees. Contact us at to integrate audio reserves into Lyceum.

2. Course Pack – Library staff will seek permission for selections. The faculty member’s department will be charged for  course pack licensing fees and printing costs. Selections will be bound and offered for sale at the College Store. The department will be reimbursed from the sale of the course packs. Unsold course packs will be returned to the department by the College Store.
Library staff will review materials for items that are available electronically, or which can be linked to either Lyceum, or Library Course Reserves to reduce the cost of the course pack.

Other Libraries

Inter-library Loan code does not allow us to place material from other libraries for reserve.
Bowdoin and Colby allow us to borrow books for reserve in an emergency while we purchase a copy.  This agreement does not include art books. If you need a book on reserve quickly, contact us at to request it.


We track statistics for Course Reserves to assess their use and value. Combined statistics for print, eBooks, and film can be accessed through the following website: Course Reserve Statistics