Class of 1984

Co-Class Secretaries: Lisa Quintal Loeb, 333 Christian St., Wallingford, CT 06492;; Linda Webster, 100 Hilltop Rd., Philadelphia, PA 19118,

Class President: Charles J. Richardson Jr., 894 W. Neck Rd., Nobleboro, ME 04555-0169,

Next Reunion in 2004. Got news? Tap out a note to! Janet Sucha lives in Montana on the Flathead Reservation in the midst of the beautiful Mission Mountains. “Last year I switched jobs from school nursing to a grant administration position located in the same school where Frank, my husband, teaches kindergarten and where my children are students. The program concentrates on health education and promoting positive life styles among students, teachers, and parents. Living on an Indian reservation produces many unique challenges to this job and to our school system. U.S. public education is based on a European system, which often conflicts with Native American communication, child rearing, and disciplinary practices. The breakdown of religion, language, and social and family structure, coupled with the prevalence of alcoholism on the reservation, place many of our students in a high-risk population.”