Class of 2003

Class Secretary: Kathleen Burke, Apt. 3111, 2712 Wisconsin Avee. NW, Washington, D.C., 20007

Class President: Jason Hirschborn, 27 Cambia SSt., Somerville, MA 02143,

Next Reunion 2008 Got News? Tap out a note to !  Patrick Lancy was one of the recent college grads profiled in the article “What’s Next?” in the Sunday Republican of Springfield, Mass. The article discussed what the grads are doing now that college is behind them. Patrick is taking this year off from school before starting law school. In the meantime, he hopes to work in a courtroom or law office….
Emily Peckenham:has received a Fulbright Student Award for postgraduate work in Germany. Peckenham, an American cultural studies major with a secondary concentration in German, will spend 10 months in Düsseldorf, Germany, assistant-teaching an American studies class in public school and searching German political street art.