Co-Class Secretaries: Claudia E. Goldstein, 504 W 110th St., Apt. 8A, New York, NY 10025, e-mail ceg17@columbia.edu; Jessica P. Timmons, 81 Hancock St., Somerville, MA 02144-3140Class President: Jennifer M. Otis, 4 Symphony Rd., Apt. 4, Boston, MA 02115Andy Abraham recently passed the Massachusetts Bar exam…. We’d like to know what Brad Abrams is doing in Hartford, Connecticut, where he lives…. Natalie Adler is a junior executive at a public relations firm in Washington, D.C., and lives in Georgetown…. Jenna Bagley soon finishes her work at Tufts Dental School…. In Duxbury, Massachusetts,Jason Baker manages Fleet Bank. He just finished a stint as a roadie for the Dave Matthews Band…. Amy Bass will work this summer at the Summer Olympics as a freelance researcher for NBC. Living on Long Island, she is a graduate student at SUNY/Stony Brook…. Kristin Belka returned to Boston from Steamboat Springs, Colorado, and is studying to become a guidance counselor…. At the wedding of Joel and Dalas Cook Bines in Breckenridge, Texas, Steve Fitzgibbons andMaria Prado attended the festivities…. Catherine Bohn also lives in Georgetown and works at a Washington, D.C., law firm…. In Brookline, Massachusetts, Marc Chaput lives withDave Butterworth. Both work for Boston financial companies, and Dave works with classmate Mark Paone…. An analyst at Scudder, Stevens, and Clark in Boston, Anson Clough also works on his CFA certification…. In Massachusetts, Tim Collins coaches basketball at Wheaton College and teaches English at Walpole High School….Micaela Corkerey works for The Boston Consulting Group, which specializes in strategy consulting. She is in the process of moving to Washington, D.C., to help start up a new branch office…. Living in Atlanta, Andrea Corradini works for Nike…. Doug Coupe lives in Los Angeles with David Chokachy ’90, who’s busy with “Baywatch.”… Among classmates who live in Connecticut are Jon Dennis who works at a lab, John Tooker, and Megan Weaver…. Kathy Doughty takes a rope course in design and construction in New Jersey…. In Connecticut, Kristen Downs works on a graduate degree in psychology…. Amy Erickson works at The Advisory Board, a Washington, D.C., think tank…. In San Francisco, Steve Fitzgibbons works for a high tech company. He also spends much of his free time mountain biking…. Greg and Page Furniss Guidotti live in Norwalk, Connecticut, where Greg works in marketing and Page is in banking…. Shona Galloway Michaud lives in Saratoga Springs and works as a research assistant for the state of New York…. Julia Gaviria spent last summer in Montana and now is in graduate school at Rutgers…. Greg Ginoux produces the noon news for the ABC affiliate in Phoenix, Arizona….Michelle Grant has returned from teaching in Japan and now lives in Missoula, Montana. Jessica Timmins and Kim Daniels saw her in Snowmass, Colorado…. Still a Dallas Cowboys fan, Don Graumann works for Epsilon in Burlington, Massachusetts…. Dan Gurall teaches in New Hampshire and keeps in touch with Jim Cabal in Albany….Kristen Haga has gone back to London, where she studies psychology…. Mary Hanlon says she is “temping” in Chevy Chase, Maryland…. At Random House in New York City,Lori Haskins is an editor for children’s books…. Mary Holtlives with Courtney Regan in Boston and teaches sixth grade in Wellesley, Massachusetts. Courtney is director of marketing for the American Council for International Studies, which allows her to travel a lot. She, Mary, and Stephanie Stamotosrecently saw Kristin Haga in London…. Ed Hughes, who works for White House security, attended Ted Danson’s wedding on Martha’s Vineyard as part of his job…. After spending substantial time in Czechoslovakia, Kevin James is a graduate student at the University of Pittsburgh in international affairs with a focus on Eastern European studies…. Karen Landry attends medical school in Pittsburgh…. In Massachusetts, Pamela Lawton lives in Quincy, where she works for Investors Bank and Trust….Greg LeBlanc just started a job at Wellinton in Boston…. A medical student at the University of Vermont, Ben Lowenstein recently bumped into Julia DiPietro, who is a grad student at St. Michaels College in Winooski, Vermont….Ashley Lucas deWaal teaches elementary school in Miami, Florida…. A graduate of Tulane Law School, Deirdre McGlinchy is an attorney in New Orleans…. Sean McDonough coaches basketball at Tufts, with memories of having “destroyed” them when he played for the `Cats…. At ESPN, Mike McNulty is an associate producer…. Alexandra Mairs is in New York City at a new job in art publishing…. In Chicago, Luis Manzo is a Ph.D. degree candidate in psychology at Loyola University…. Marc Morin left John Hancock to become more “people-oriented” as a research assistant in psychology at Massachusetts General Hospital….John Oest lives in Brookline, Massachusetts, and works for ASC, a software company…. Brooke Oliver coaches soccer and lacrosse at New Canaan High School (Karen Davis’s alma mater.)… Jen Otis lives with Kelly Cunningham in Boston and works for Blue Cross/Blue Shield. Kelly is applying to graduate school…. Brad Peacock, the last we knew, had a new job at McCann-Erickson. He lives in Greenwich Village…. In San Francisco, Maria Prado is the market development manager for Latin America in the International Division of Knight-Ridder Information. Lots of travel is a bonus. Recently she saw Diane Alexander and Christopher Plante ’93 in Tahoe…. Amy Robbins works with battered women in Lynn, Massachusetts. She also studies creative arts and expressive therapy at Lesley College…. In Boston, Andy Roberts sells mutual funds and life insurance…. Emily Romero lives in Avignon, France, and arranges homestays for American students…. In Boston, Mike Rosbottom does fund raising for the Museum of Fine Arts…. Adam Smith, a graduate of Georgetown Law School, works for Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas)…. In New Hampshire, Ian Smithteaches high-school history…. Jeremy Spector bought a house in Tennessee and is in medical school at Vanderbilt University…. Jeff Steinburg is an attorney in Boston…. Kevin Stenson is finishing his degree from the University of Wisconsin with work in physics at Fermilab in Chicago. He lives in Aurora, Illinois, and claims to have made several “Wayne and Garth” sightings…. Edward “Tad” Stewart is in the Graduate School of Management at Cornell University…. Eugene Takahashi works at Dearborn Academy in Arlington, Massachusetts, and lives with Jake Murray and Greg Dorchak ’91…. Matt Teja is an actuary at William Mercer in the John Hancock Building in Boston and is the happy owner of Celtics season tickets…. Kate Tilneyand Fred Kaemmer live in Minneapolis…. After two years in Aspen, Colorado, where she taught preschoolers, Jessica Timmins is now at Lesley College for a degree in elementary education. Kim Daniels lived with Jessica for a year in Colorado and now is in Duluth, Minnesota, taking prerequistites for physical therapy…. Clifford “Kip” Van Valkenburg lives in Park City Utah, with Sarah Carothersand Rob Al-Chokachy…. Working for Powersoft Corporation in the marketing department, Jon Wall lives in Arlington, Massachusets, with Dave Alperovitz. Dave counsels patients at McLean Hospital. James Levy lives a block away and Jon often sees classmates John Oest, Marc Morin, Jason Baker, Matt Teja, Jen Otis, and Jessica Timmins…. Jen Webster works at the University of Vermont and is applying to medical school…. Kjersti Weisenbergworks at Putnam and lives in the North End of Boston withNatalie Cramer. Nat works at the Massachusetts AIDS Bureau. They recently took a trip to Turkey…. Living withElise Berman ’91 in Washington, D.C., Christine Werthman plans international educational trips for students.Classmates in graduate school: Jenna Bagley, Tufts Dental School: Amy Bass, Ph.D., history, SUNY-Stony Brook;Kristin Belka, guidance, Northeastern University; Kristin Bierly, J.D., Northeastern University; Al Bruno, J.D., Quinnipiac Law School; Karen Davis, M.D./Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania; Julia DiPietro, St. Michael’s College; Julia Gaviria, art history, Rutgers University;Claudia Goldstein, Ph.D., art history, Columbia University;Tim Gollan, M.D./Ph.D., University of Massachusetts;Kristin Haga, psychology, London, England; Kevin James, international affairs/Eastern European studies, University of Pittsburgh; Karen Landry, M.D., Pittsburgh; Ben Lowenstein, M.D., University of Vermont; Luis Manzo, Ph.D., psychology, Loyola University; Jeremy Spector, M.D., Vanderbilt University; Kevin Stinson, physics, University of Wisconsin; Tad Stewart, M.B.A., Cornell University; Jessica Timmins, M.Ed., Lesley College.Graduate degrees: Dierdre McGlinchy, J.D., Tulane University Law School; Adam Smith, J.D., Georgetown University Law School; Jeff Steinberg, J.D., New England School of Law, Boston. |