Class Secretary: Louise Hjelm Davidson, 4715 Stonehaven Dr., Columbus, OH 43220-2855Class President: Dean S. Skelley, 16330 Hidden View, San Antonio, TX 78232-2812Next Reunion in 2000. From Herndon, Virginia, Fred Turnerwrites that he still plays in the Fairfax County Saturday men’s soccer league. A second grandchild arrived in July. |
Class Secretary: Gretchen Shorter Davis, 8 Wells Hill Rd., Weston, CT 06883-2624Class President: Evelyn Yavinsky Biddle, C2 Gardenside, Shelburne, VT 05482-7320Next Reunion in 2001. |
Class Secretary: Susan Armstrong Cox, 30 Gristmill Path, Marstons Mills, MA 02648-1061Class President: Carol Williams Jackson, 1285 Heards Ferry Rd., NW, Atlanta, GA 30328-4733Next Reunion in 1998. In Glastonbury, Connecticut, Denise and Carl Peterson are alive and well, especially enjoying their new daughter, Rachel Patrice, born April 25, 1995. In the winter issue of the magazine, Carl’s name was mistakenly included in the list of deaths, when he should have been listed as a new parent. To Carl’s classmates and friends we regret the error and hope all will accept our apology the same way the Pattersons have, with understanding and humor. |
Class Secretary: Elizabeth Buker Creighton, 61 Surrey Dr., Meriden, CT 06450-2616Class President: Richard H. Brown, Governors Landing, 13 Cross Dr., Waterford, CT 06385-2710Next Reunion in 1997. As interim ministry specialist, the Reverend Robert Livingston is now interim senior pastor of the First Church UCC, in Windsor, Connecticut. In the past thirteen years, he has been an interim pastor in eleven churches. Certified in 1983 as a specialist by the Alban Institute in Washington, D.C., and accredited by the Interim Ministry Network in 1991, Bob is a D.Min. degree candidate at Ecumenical Theological Seminary in Detroit. Earlier he served UCC churches in Michigan and was chaplain and head of the Department of Religion and Human Development at Cranbrook Educational Community in Bloomfield Hills. |
Class Secretary: Linda Gramatky Smith, 60 Roseville Rd., Westport, CT 06880.Class President: Nancy Nichols Dixon, 1615 Axemann Rd., Bellefonte, PA 16823-9672Next Reunion in 1998. |
Class Secretary: Louise Kennedy Hackett, P.O. Box 35, Merrimack, NH 03054-0035Class President: Joyce E. Mantyla, 306 Munn Ln. E., Cherry Hill, NJ 08034-3029Columnist and author Nicholas Basbanes has published A Gentle Madness: Bibliophiles, Bibliomanes, and the Eternal Passion for Books, “a happy combination of anecdote, scholarship, and enthusiasm, an archive of vicarious satisfaction.”… Congratulations to James L. Fine, who won the Greater Hartford Chamber of Commerce 1995 midsize business leader award. Owner of the family business begun by his father, James says that Acme Auto Parts grew in “a controlled fashion.” The company, a wholesale and retail distributor of auto parts, has twenty-three stores and warehouses in the state. The company’s motto is “More than Auto Parts. Auto People.” He says, “People are our greatest resource.” Managers are developed from within, there is longevity in the workplace, and employees are made aware of the direction the company is taking. The Hartford Courantrecently ran a feature about Fine…. Last fall, Evelyn Hathaway Horton became the new principal of the Whitefield (Maine) School. For eight years she had been assistant principal at the Young School in Saco, and earlier was the teaching principal at the Buxton primary school. |
Class Secretary: Carol Stone Haberland, 80 Howard St., Northborough, MA 01532-1445Class President: Joseph H. Matzkin, 27 Laudholm Rd., Newton, MA 02158-1931 |
Class Secretary: Judith Lanouette Nicholson, 100 Peele Rd., Nashua, NH 03062-2522Class President: Jon G. Wilska, 20 Luce Ave., Niantic, CT 06357Don and Karen Gulbrandsen Bean live busy lives in Bethel, Maine. A self-employed carpenter, Don does a lot of renovation work year round and also enjoys his involvement with Project Opportunity, a local scholarship program. Recently Karen was certified by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. “I volunteered to pilot an assessment to recognize and certify teachers in early adolescent/English language arts,” she says, “as a way to recognize excellence — something we desperately need in teaching.” As part of the first group certified, she was invited to celebrate at a White House reception in Washington, D.C., “a really exciting experience” with a picture of her shaking hands with the president as an added bonus. Grown sons Nathaniel and Matthew, now 24 and 21, are fun to be with…. In Bethel, Connecticut, Carol Becker Olson is still a K-3 aide at Berry Elementary School, usually finding something every day to make her laugh. David ’65 continues to work as operations manager at Hughes Aircraft in Danbury. Son Peter’92, a University of Connecticut Law School graduate, is now practicing law. This year Stephanie graduates from Iowa and Bruce from Muhlenberg…. “I consider myself a judge first and foremost and then a security analyst,” says Peter Beekman. Disenchanted with the practice of law, he continues as a part-time district judge on the Kickapoo Nation in Kansas and as senior judge on their district court. His time also is filled with other projects. An active EMT since 1975, he lectures on pre-hospital emergency medical liability to EMTs, paramedics, ED physicians and nurses. Peter also owns Flute Song, a “tiny but growing enterprise” that deals in Native American art. He and his POSSLQ, Francine, collect prehistoric effigies, contemporary Navajo rugs, and pottery. His other company, TEAM, comprised of Peter and four other former Air Force security officers, does security and safety surveys and training for schools and industry. “I know of no other company that fills the niches as we do.”… In Collegeville, Pennsylvania, for the past twenty-two years Bill Bensch has worked in the aerospace industry developing software systems, mostly with GE Aerospace, now with Lockheed Martin Corp. Last year he helped win two major military proposals with one four-month assignment outside San Francisco. While there he and Jim Sawdy ’68 did some mountain biking and Bates reminiscing. He and Anne celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary in Hawaii with son Michael, an eighth grader. Anne has been a school volunteer with PTO fund raising and as a member of the school’s Board of Trustees. The family spent spring break in Vermont, where skiing is their winter highlight…. The Bob Bowdens attended most of the Bates football games during the four years that son Jonathan ’95 was a varsity letterman on the team that never won a game. “Actually, all three of us were sad not to be present this [past] fall as the entire Bates community celebrated Bates’s win over Bowdoin.”… In Fall River, Massachusetts, Nancy Carvalho Fraze has taught Spanish and Portuguese at Bristol Community College for twenty-eight years. Last year she received a grant to travel in Puerto Rico and visit several ESL programs on the island. In the summer she went to Spain with daughter Meghan who spent the vacation studying at Salamanca “since Yale doesn’t have an enlightened view about the importance of junior year abroad.” Family spare time is ruled by son Grant’s soccer games in which he is “awesome on defense.” He is thirteen and “towers over me,” Nancy says…. Marian Clough Hillsdon will be at Reunion “only in spirit” since she is graduating that weekend with an M.Ed. degree from East Stroudsburg University and daughter Jennifer graduates from high school. They keep busy between looking at colleges for her and getting the Hillsdons’ new company off the ground…. Joan and John Ladik continue to enjoy life in Pepperell, Massachusetts. John, still at Analytic Services Corp., works in system modeling and statistical analysis, while Joan teaches adults for the city of Lowell. Otherwise they meet the challenges of John IV, a junior at Johnson and Wales University, and Julie, a sophomore at Lawrence Academy…. Class secretary Judy Lanouette Nicholson says, “Things have come full circle” in the ski world since Pam Johnson Reynolds taught me to ski at Lost Valley “those many years ago.” Now Judy, Pam, and husbandDick hang around ski-race finish lines to watch their sons race in the New Hampshire Buddy Werner League. Ben Reynolds skis for Waterville Valley and Matt Nicholson for Pat’s Peak…. Attorneys Susan and Alan Lewis “struggle with the empty nest, filling our lives with golf and skiing.” Fledglings include Barbi, graduating from Harvard Business School (“in about three to five years I guess I will be working for her”) and Arnold, Middlebury graduate, who has been in Chile skiing, touring, working, growing (“If you don’t do it then, when will you ever?”) Susan has her own law practice and Alan remains at GE as vice president, general counsel…. Bruce andAlexandra Baker Lyman send fond greetings to all. They find that “the work of caring for aging parents and a still-young family makes for fascinating juxtapositions and learnings in the meaning of life!” The family carries on in Woodstock, Connecticut, where Bruce enjoys weekend away from his second year as a partner in an oncology/hematology practice in Albany, New York. Son Zach, a trumpet-performance major at the College of Wooster, was among three winners in a concerto competition and soloed with the college orchestra. Whitney finishes her first year at Amherst College. Thatcher, 13, is a Connecticut MATHCOUNTS champion, and “Sand” keeps active in civic, school, and church activities, singing in a local choir with Peter Oakes’66, among others…. Shoppers at the Maine Mall will findLeola Morse Edwards as manager of the Mrs. Fields Cookies store. After ten years as owners of The Wrong Brothers Pub & Restaurant at Port Billiards, they closed the business in August, but Lee never got the vacation or time to work on their house since she began work in South Portland. Son Brian and his wife, Emily, have made her a grandmother, and daughter Wendy has returned from two-and-a-half years in Seattle…. Stephanie and Kevin Murphy have started their own insurance agency, “smaller, but a lot more fun, less stress (I’m too old to handle stress).” Kevin, still in the Marine Corps Reserve, is one of the “old, gray colonels” who push paper and watch the kids do all the fun stuff. “My boots are older than some of the troops I work with!” Son Michael, a senior at the University of New Hampshire, plays lacrosse and does just about anything to make money, such as being on the crew that puts down and picks up the basketball floor in the new sports facility…. Living in Latham, New York, Anita Preston Stanley now has her own private practice as a speech and language therapist, working in early intervention…. In Acton, Massachusetts, this is “Mac” Reid‘s second year as principal of the R.J. Grey Junior High School in the Acton-Boxborough Regional School District. His 1955 Chevy Nomad won a first-place trophy for its class and “Outstanding Paint” and “Outstanding Interior” at the World of Wheels Bayside Expo Center in Boston last January — the culmination of five years’ work. He and Beth (Krause ’68) continue close Bates friendships with ’68ers Gerry and Barbara Burnham Leary,Fred and Kathy Simmons Schultz, Paul ’69 and Norrine Abbott Williams. Along with former roommate Bill Bensch, Mac also keeps in contact with musical friends: Hanseatic League member Larry Power (Jerry Garcia) ’69, and he even still jams with ex-bass player Mark Horton ’68. He and Beth recently joined other Batesies at a concert of Larry’s blues band, “12:0,” at the House of Blues in Cambridge. The Reid offspring have been in college — Kimberly graduating this May from the College of Wooster, and Kerry finishes her sophomore year at Gettysburg College…. Living in Pleasanton, California, Marti Sander Martin is coordinator of the benefits department of the Kaiser Foundation Health Plan regional office in Oakland. One son was married this April, and another will be a college junior in the fall. Marti says her friendship with Rocky Wild Harvey has been one of her best gifts from Bates, and she has had the great good fortune to connect several times with Rocky both in Bellevue, Washington, and Pleasanton…. In Portland, Oregon, Rita Sorensen Leonard, still writes for various community newspapers and in November landed a free-lance photojournalist job with the Retail Observer, taking photos of conventions for Portland-area retailers. She is a special education aide at Irvington Elementary School and takes a computer course at Portland Community College. Both daughters are in a chess club. Kate, sixteen, is looking at engineering colleges (hoping for a big scholarship). Sally, eleven, is learning to play the cello, does fencing and juggling, and is a champion at selling Girl Scout cookies! Last summerKathy Kelly Zrebic and her family visited the Leonards overnight. In spite of massive flooding, Rita says their house remained unscathed…. Charlie Wall is now president of Greenfield (Massachusetts) Community College. Previously, until September 1995, he was dean of academic affairs at Northwestern Connecticut Community Technical College in Winsted…. “Life is great” says Jon Wilska, thanks first of all to Mary, his wife of twenty-nine years. He adds son Greg, twenty-four, aspiring entrepreneur and all around great young man, daughter Emily, twenty-one, aspiring film maker and gifted young woman, both college grads and no more tuition payments. Jon cites his teaching career of three decades with “daily opportunities to make a positive influence in the lives of young people.” And finally, “the great satisfaction of knowing with last year’s win over Bowdoin, Bates will not go the entire decade of the ’90s without winning a football game!” |
Class Secretary: Gretchen Hess Gage, 55 Cedar St., Belfast, ME 04915-1441Class President: Karen Konecki Goober, 80 Upland Rd., Sharon, MA 02067-1748Next Reunion in 1999. Renee Phillips Reid says major milestones occurred in 1995 for her family — son Eric graduated from Florida Institute of Technology “with honor” and received his commission as second lieutenant in the U.S. Army Reserves. Twins are in college — Megan at Bethany College in West Virginia, and Susan at Montclair (New Jersey) State University. “Peace and quiet reigns supreme at home.” Renee also visited the New Jersey Vietnam Veterans Memorial the day after it was dedicated on May 7. She says, “A special note to all who knew and loved Dave Nash: I found Dave’s name on the wall, and left behind thoughts and prayers from us all. It was a profound experience in a powerful setting. When you travel the Garden State Parkway, be sure to plan a visit to the Memorial at Exit 116, Holmdel, New Jersey.” |
Class Secretary: Bonita E. Groves, 41 Eastview Dr., Unit 7, Wilton, NH 03086-5960Class President: Jeffrey D. Sturgis, 84 Old Woodman Hill Rd., Minot, ME 04258Next Reunion in 1999. |