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Class Secretary: Susan Gangemi Murphy, 204 Jackass Annie Rd., Minot, ME 04258 e-mail smurphy@bates.eduClass President: C. Ellen Yeaton Perry, 6 Laura Ln., Barrington, NH 03825-3217Next Reunion in 1999. Pamela Alexander is cowinner of the 1996 Iowa Poetry Prize for Inland. A writer in residence at MIT and poetry columnist for the Boston Book Review, Pam has written two other books of poetry: Navigable Waterways (1995 Yale Younger Poets Prize) and Commonwealth of Wings: An Ornithological Biography…. Pam Decker Baker has been elected to the board of trustees at Hebron Academy, where she andDavid are past parents. Chair of the Division of Natural Sciences at the College, Pam teaches biology. Last year she visited China with an international delegation of microbiologists to observe Chinese research and medical practices. She coauthored Biology Today with Bates professor Eli Minkoff and is the author of My Book of Sign, a young children’s introduction to sign language. | |
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Class Secretary: Libby Glover Wiers, 4 Bigelow Rd., P.O. Box 159, St. Albans, ME 04971Class President: Janet Face Glassman, 4 Whitman Dr., Granby, CT 06035-2709Next Reunion in 2002. Living in Scarborough, Martha Collier Jackson continues her work as a reading specialist in the Standish-area school district. Reports of her family include a college graduation and a wedding last summer, as well as the retirement of husband Bill ’70 from state Maine service…. Preparing to finish her master’s in 1997,Shirley Demian Moulton now is married to Bob Parker, who teaches in New Hampshire….”We are first-time home owners at age fortysomething,” says Carol Hendrickson. She and husband Mark continue to teach at Marlboro College. During the past year they have done research and presented papers in Fiji, Chicago, and Guatemala…. In Wakefield, R.I., Bill Matteson faces educational challenges at the university. He and wife Pam, a pharmacist, also face the challenge of a young son, who turned 4 last Thanksgiving…. Still hiking and skiing,Peggy McCauley enjoys living in Seattle, where she is an editorial director at Microsoft Press…. From Vienna, Va., Thuy Diep Nguyen wrote that she was sorry to miss Reunion since it was high school graduation for her daughter who is enrolled at Johns Hopkins…. Working with Nippon Telephone and Telegraph as a data processing consultant, Marsha Pease is on a two-year assignment in Tokyo…. Bill Sherwonit, a free-lance outdoors writer and photographer, has had two books published this year. He teaches a class in “wilderness writing” at the Univ. of Alaska/Anchorage…. With children away at college or working, Mike and Libby Glover Wiers still have little free time. Mike has returned to a solo law practice after several years in a partnership. Libby manages elderly housing and currently oversees a major renovation project. | |
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Class Secretary: Christine Love Pac, 515 Hall Hill Rd., Somers, CT 06071-1056Class President: Gregory J. Pac, 515 Hall Hill Rd., Somers, CT 06071-1056Next Reunion in 2002. | |
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Class Secretary: Carol S. Lovejoy, 133 W. Shore Dr., Marblehead, MA 01945-1343Class President: Kaylee Masury, 40 Farmer Rd., Andover, MA 03903-1810Next reunion in 1998. Joanne Stato e-mailed the College recently with news that she received her master of education degree from George Washington Univ. last spring, with certification in English and ESL. “I am now working at Kenwood High School in Essex, Md., as the business education teacher and yearbook advisor,” she wrote. “I have been living in Baltimore for the last two years and really love the port, the history, and all the seafood. Since I graduated from Bates, I have wanted to be able to say I had a career, and now I finally do.” | |
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Class Secretary: Julia Holmes Reuter, 822 Grover Hill Rd., Bethel, ME 04217Class President: Paul M. Burke, 9 Hanson Rd., Andover, MA 01810-4507Next Reunion in 1999. Kudos to John Jenkins again! The second-term mayor of Lewiston was elected to the Maine Senate in the November election. He will serve in the Legislature and continue as mayor until his term in the city expires. John also was one of seven people nationwide selected for the Outstanding TRIO Award. Presented by the National Council of Educational Opportunity Assn., the TRIO programs help low-income, disadvantaged students enter and succeed in colleges and help students overcome environmental, cultural, and academic barriers to higher education. Honorees must have been a former Upward Bound TRIO participant — an experience John credits with making a real difference in his life. | |
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Class Secretary: Carol Burgess Goetz, 27 Jewett St., Pepperell, MA 01463Class President: Deanna L. Grayton, 301 Newbury St., Danvers, Ma 01923Next Reunion in 2000. | |
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Class Secretary: Marjorie Poznansky Getz, 33 Old Powerhouse Rd., Falmouth Foreside, ME 04105, e-mailBates76@aol.comClass President: Lee S. MacPhee, Morrison, Mahoney & Miller, 250 Summer St, Boston, MA 02210-1181Next Reunion June 6-8, 1997. Laaaaaaa!!!! And that, folks, is the sound of the fat lady singing, my swan song. I am taking myself off the list for reelection to the job as your class secretary. Want the job? Apply now! First-class travel, high pay, great bennies! Well, actually, no, but the College does occasionally invite you for a sandwich and a Diet Coke. Seriously, it’s been a lot of fun getting back in touch with people, and as I look back on the last nine years I am filled with awe at how much has happened: three houses (including my years in Tokyo), sickness and health, too many gray hairs, my friends’ children turning into college-aged young people themselves. (Has anyone else noticed this? I mean, I don’t get older, and my friends don’t get older, but these kids. They are like little ticking clocks reminding me that, yes, I am now more than 20 years away from my time at Bates!) If I can be said to have accomplished anything at all during my tenure, I hope it is this: After years of bitching and moaning (at which I am an expert — my employees don’t call me “Bitch Goddess” for nothing, and my tiara and ermine robe are in the closet!), I believe I have finally convinced the College to lighten up on our class notes. To those of you who have been frustrated by the way your news has appeared, we promise a less formal, more conversational format, starting now and continuing in the future. So please write in, even though your “news” may not be of work promotions, etc. Your friends are interested, and the College will print it. And now, onward to the news:
Libby Bassette Lennox is director of development at Alacrity Systems Inc. in Hackettstown, N.J. They are software engineers who develop drivers and applications for Windows-based PCs that communicate with multifunction devices. She says they are looking for experienced Windows programmers if anyone would like to relocate to beautiful northwest New Jersey! Libby’s other full-time job is mother of three: Scott (14), Jack (12), and Annie (9). A soccer mom! She is still sailing and skiing and just out in nature — also poking around for antiques. A quote: “I long for a simpler life and feel almost ready to make some changes. Does anyone else out there feel this way?”… Marian Bubbers Laroche is still busy parenting her children, ages 11, 13, and 15, and driving 1,000-plus miles per week for their skating. They are just starting to make the college rounds (yikes, how did we get this old?). She continues in her career as a nurse at Mid Coast Hospital in Bath and runs into Maureen Goudreau andDave Enright ’77 almost daily at work, and often sees Bruce Campbell at the rink. They are thinking of moving down my way and actually looked at a house on my road in Falmouth, so Marian and I might once again be neighbors as we were 20 years ago at Roger Bill! Geez, Marian, some of us can remember when all you had to do was work at WRJR: “Marian Boobers keeping you abreast of the news!”… Douglas Caracappa spent some very enjoyable time in Maine last summer on the schooner Timberwind out of Rockport…. Loads of good news fromNeal Carter up there in the frozen North. Neal won the National Association of Homebuilders Energy Value Housing Award for the most advanced or innovative home in the cold climate region of the country. He’s been taking a short sabbatical from building to guide people through the process of designing a home harmonious with their site, their lives, and the environment as well as teaching builders and architects the methods of solar-assisted and superinsulated homes that are healthy, too (see profile this section). But his really big news is his third home birth: son Beorn Naia (“bear” and “dolphin”) was born at 4:55 a.m. on Dec. 5, 1995, with Neal and midwives in attendance to Susan. I received a beautiful letter from Neal describing the birth. Our thoughts are with you, Neal, and your family! Neal plans to be at Reunion…. Well, I just got off the phone with Shauna Deady Hyde, who says she’ll kill me if I write anything about her, so I guess I’m a dead duck. A quote: “I don’t know what to say, I have a perfectly normal life, normal kids, a cool job.” Shauna lives five minutes up the road from me, so I happen to know that she has a broad intellectual life, lots of friends, and wonderful kids. But apparently no telephone or car, since she hardly ever phones, and almost never stops by! I do occasionally get to wave at her when I see her running at lunchtime, however…. After receiving a Ph.D. in ecology at Dartmouth and doing a post-doc at Virginia Tech, Michele Dionne moved back to Maine in 1991 and is directing the research program at Wells (Maine) National Estuary Research Reserve. Michele married Michael Wright in 1993, and bought his family farmhouse in Berwick in 1994. Michael is a cabinetmaker, organic farmer, and all-around community activist who led a successful drive to declare Berwick a nuclear-free zone. He is also founder and longtime president of the Berwick Library Assn. Their first daughter was born Feb. 17, 1995, and their second Aug. 17, 1996. The girls’ names are a mixture of Irish and French, the pooled heritage of their parents: Moira Adele Dionne Mullin Wright and Ciara Michele Dionne McCarthy Wright, but Michele says for the moment they are going by just their first and last names. Michele (and family?) will be at Reunion in June…. For the past three years Stu Eldridge has been director of the Archeology in Spain program offered through Northfield Mount Hermon’s Advanced Studies program. They take between eight and ten students to northern Spain for five weeks and participate as crew at the archeological site of Tiermes in Soria in northern Spain. Tiermes was a provincial capital city at the height of the Roman Empire. He says it’s a great combination of practical archeological pursuits and an introduction to the culture and history of Spain. Lots of castle hunting and fiestas, too!… Recent trips for Barry Gilberg have included Miami’s South Beach and a summer trip to Glacier National Park in Montana. He continues to be employed as a clinical social worker at the Charlotte (N.C.) Institute of Rehabilitation…. In the last 21 years, Tod(Goble) Gobledale has spent 11 years living in Africa, mostly South Africa and Zimbabwe. He and his wife, Ana, work for the United Congregational Church of South Africa, a partner church to the United Church of Christ in the United States. Tod and Ana have pastoral responsibilities for 26 churches. They do lay-leadership training, AIDS education, and chaplain at the local high school. Tod says they are delighted to be there, and enjoy watching their children growing up in an environment so different from their own childhood experiences. He asked that I send greetings to all his friends…. From my roommate Muffin Milligan and her husband (my might-as-well-have-been-my-roommate-he-was-there-so-much), Dana Johnston, the following: “After bouncing from Bates to Minnesota, Oklahoma, Norway, and California, we settled down in Eugene, Ore., where we both work for the Univ. of Oregon. Muffin works in the university publications office and works desktop publishing magic on her Mac. Dana is associate professor in and chairs the Department of Geological Sciences.” They haven’t been back to visit Bates since 1978 and are greatly looking forward to the many changes they have read about in Bates Magazine. Obviously, they will be at Reunion. How cool — I haven’t seen them since graduation…. Paul Joyce, now living in Korea, has been one of my best correspondents. (Hope you keep it up, Paul, even after I’m not secretary anymore.) To make a long story short, Paul will be in Korea at least another two years as he is in love with the country (not to mention the women, right, Paul?). He is involved with a Korean-owned communications business called 21st Century Communications. They hold seminars and coordinate native-speaking and conversational programs for various institutions and business groups. He’d like to put all his time into that venture but really enjoys the one-to-one contact with all the children he teaches. Paul has been doing lots of traveling around Asia, but still maintains his home on the golf course in Richmond, Va. He’s hitting the gym every day and plays a bit of b-ball with the kids. Paul is great about answering people’s letters, so drop him a line, c/o Eiffel Institute Daeyon-dong 1740-2, Nam-gu, Korea. He may get the chance to show up this June — we hope….Elizabeth MacKie is also abroad. I got an e-mail not from her, but from her husband, Joe Venturato. He says that their new address is Langangsstrand 15, 182 75, Stocksund, Sweden. They can also be reached via e-mail Joe is CFO at GE-Capital/Scandinavia and Elizabeth is home with the kids: Emily, Erin, and Peter…. Steve McGrath moved to Maine in July. He’s with Wright Express, a credit card company that has had 40 to 60 percent year-over-year growth. Steve is director of financial planning and does budgets, forecasts, strategic plans, and some limited M&A work. Wife Beth and their kids Gordon (10) and Garrett (7) love the new house and being in Maine. (Well, who doesn’t?) And hey, Steve, better keep it quiet at Reunion: I live next door to the guy that owns Wright Express — no k |
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Class Secretary: David L. Foster, IOMA, 29 W. 35th St, 5th floor, New York, NY 10001-2299; e-maildfoster@ioma.comCo-Class Presidents: Molly H. Campbell and Nils Bonde-Henriksen, 659 Green St., Cambridge, MA 02139-3137Next Reunion June 6-8, 1997 . | |
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Co-Class Secretaries: George E. Beckwith, 180 Cabrini Blvd, Apt. 62, New York, NY 10033-1148; Sarah B. Wardner, 40 Tahoma Rd., Saranac Lake, NY 12983-2314; Susan Peillet Yule, 207 Waltham St., Newton, MA 02165Class President: Ronald W. Monroe, 59 West St., Bloomfield, CT 06002Next Reunion June 6-8, 1997. Mark your calendars for Reunion! Living in Maine with her family, Cherie Ames Wenzel enjoys the good life “except during blizzards, mud season, cabin fever, and black flies.” She works part time in the Maine Department of Human Services…. At Whippoorwill Associates, Deni Auclair is a financial analyst with distressed and bankrupt investing. As an avocation, for 11 years she has been involved in amateur boxing, including operation of the electronic scoring system at the 1996 Olympics…. The Dean Bermans have had an extraordinary two years with daughter Kendall, twins Kyle and Cassie, a new home, and a litter of Rotweilers…. Recently ordained an elder in the Presbyterian Church, John Blatchford still works in cross-cultural, outpatient mental health. He would like to contact classmate Ichiro Takayama, whose last known address was Japan…. Eileen Carbonneau has left Lewiston and moved herself and her company back to Portland…. Mark and Dori Carlson Reinhalter are happily parenting three energetic kids. Mark is with the solicitor’s office, Department of Labor, and Dori teaches kids and adults at the Silver Spring (Md.) YMCA….Kevin Cox teaches physics and chemistry at Burncoat High School, his alma mater. He sends a special “hi” to classmate Mike Garvey, and to ’79ers Bob Kraus and Frank Ficarra…. Jim ’76 and Susan DeCosta Nuttinglove living and working in Maine with children Scott and Rachel. Susan teaches biology and anatomy at Leavitt Area High School in Turner…. Another Mainer, Paul Duplinsky, works at Associated Hospital Services on Medicare’s home health contract for the New England States. He, wife Catherine, son John, and daughter Faith enjoy life in Portland. Paul still finds time to fly fish for striped bass…. Howard Fleishon, a diagnostic radiologist in the Phoenix area, keeps in touch with Batesies through visits from Mark and Dori Reinhalter, Vicki and Steve McCormick ’77, as well as a visit to Colorado to see Ann and Charlie L’Esperance ’77…. “Life is never dull with the `Killer Bees’ — Brent (2) and Brian (5),” says Kurt Gelfand. He provided sports medicine coverage for the 1996 Olympics and plans to open his fourth sports medicine facility by the end of 1996…. In June 1995, David Hannon and family moved to Westerly, R.I. He is director of development at Pine Point School in Stonington, Conn…. Daniel Hansen is on a two-year tour as a family physician and officer-in-charge of U.S. Naval Branch Medical Clinic in Edzell, Scotland. He enjoys the culture and travels with wife Karen and children Blake and Marla….Annelisa Johnson Wagner is in her second year teaching second grade at Berwick (Maine) Academy, a private school. Her “wonderful” daughters are Anne Louise and Abijohn…. In Boston, Rick Johnson is curator of the Sports Museum of New England. He has coauthored biographies of Ted Williams, Joe DiMaggio, and marathon legend Johnny Kelley. His biography of Jackie Robinson is due in 1997. Richard lives in Milton with wife Mary and children Bobby and Elizabeth…. For four years in Cleveland, Tim Jones has been a senior account executive for the Midwest bureau of PR Newswire. The Joneses bought a new house in Shaker Heights they share with Timothy Paul (2)…. In southern Maryland Tina Kabb Diaduk enjoys teaching preschoolers. Her school has expanded and asked Tina to be head teacher of all the classes. Bill, Tina, and son Nicholas enjoy living near the Patuxent River…. Deborah Luce Beaulieu and her husband celebrated their 25th anniversary last year and love living in Bayside, Wis., with children Becky and Damon…. In her new job, Jane McArdle Davin is a regional sales manager for UroMed Corp., a startup company. She also is learning how to race her sailboat against summertime neighbors in Cushing…. Bill McMurray is the new and first dean of admissions at Sea Education Assn. in Woods Hole, Mass. He keeps in touch with classmate Lars Llorente and ’75ers Rick Rizoli and Dave Ferrucci, and looks forward to seeing everyone at this year’s “faux-20.”… In Chapel Hill, N.C., Peter Maffly-Kipp is the HIV chaplain at the University Hospitals. Spouse Laurie is working on her second book and their children, Wesley and Joseph, are healthy, curious, and energetic…. After six years on Capitol Hill and six in New Jersey state government, Kyra Najnigier Lindemann is now in the public affairs office at Merck & Co. She was appointed to the N.J. Public Broadcasting Authority board of directors by Governor Whitman. In her spare time Kyra keeps up with husband John, a new house, quilting, and singing in the church choir…. In West Hartford, Conn., Ron Monroe has been appointed chair of the English department at Kingswood-Oxford school, where he has taught for 10 years. Ron is working on his thesis for a C.A.S. at Wesleyan Univ…. Along with home-schooling daughter Rebecca, Peggy Morehead Wilbur also trains tutors in a reading and tutoring program that helps urban Colorado Springs children learn how to read and improve literacy…. In Winnetka, Ill., Todd Nelson is middle school head at North Shore Country Day School. His three kids attend the school and Todd plays bagpipes in the Univ. of Chicago Alumni Assn. Pipe Band…. Marty Pease continues work as the director in a private orthopedic physical therapy clinic. Married for ten years, she has no kids, two dogs and one cat, and she enjoys golf, road and mountain biking, skiing and gardening…. “Since I recently brought home a fourth child and third boy, I expect to remain a full-time mother for quite some time,” writes Marjorie Percy Reinhardt…. Doug andDeb Thyng Schmidt ’77 moved to Colorado in February 1996 when IBM consolidated operations and Doug was promoted to advisory engineer…. Ginny Smith Wright lives in central New Hampshire with husband Russ and daughters Andrea and Sarah. She is perinatal services nurse manager at Franklin Regional Hospital and is studying to be a family nurse practitioner…. “Happy 40th b-day to all my classmates!” says Debra Sorlin Robey. Husband Ray’s company transferred them to the Chicago area in 1994 where she is involved with Girl Scouts, PTA, occasional handbell choir, and “Mom’s Taxi” for Kim and Allison…. At Liberty International, David Skinner has been appointed CFO at the subsidiary of Liberty Mutual Group. For eight years he was with Aetna Inc. as treasurer and CFO of Aetna Canada, as CFO of East Asia Aetna, and CFO for the company’s expanding companies in the Far East. He and Allison (Gaffney `79) have moved back to the USA and live in Acton, Mass., with Megan (13) and Brendon (11)…. Susan Stucke Funk has been elected to the board of trustees of the Pine Point School in Stonington, Conn., where children Arianna and Nathaniel attend. Also at the school are David Hannon and Mary Raftery ’79. Susan is supervisor of interpretation and training coordinator at Mystic Seaport Museum. Other Batesies on the staff include Norm Clarke ’59, Lynn Barker ’92, and Karl Steinmayer ’79…. Suzanne and Peter Vignati moved to New Jersey with boys 5, 3, and 6 months. Peter’s new job at Fidelity Chemical is manager of sales and marketing…. Maureen K. Wright practices dentistry with husband Jeff Vigliemo. They enjoy son Kealey (1) immensely. |
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Class Secretary: Wendy K. Harris, 3489 Whytecliff Way, Sun Prairie, WI 53590-9490Class President: Ronald J. Hemenway, 18, Neillian Way, Bedford, Ma 01730-2306Next Reunion in 2000. Last May John Beaman completed his M.S.W. and now is a clinical supervisor at Community Care Systems of Maine in Scarborough…. Mark and Cathy Sutton Bennett have purchased land in Scarborough with plans to build a home. Last June, at a party celebrating the wedding of Gary and Kelly Gabree, they joined classmates Bill and Ann Wymore Dean and Dave and Karen McHugh Pier…. Bill Bogle is in his 11th year at New England Pension Consultants in Cambridge, Mass…. In 1994 Sharon Bomer Lauritsen and family “bucked the trend” and moved from the suburbs into Washington, D.C., where Sharon continues to work at the U.S. Department of Agriculture…. In addition to becoming involved in the Latino community, Sue Calhounteaches Spanish at South Portland High School…. Another full-time mom, Karen Florczak Palange, has a successful home-based business in Monroe, Conn…. After six years out of the United States, four in Hong Kong and two in Canada, Dave `78 and Allison Gaffney Skinner look forward to life back in the States at 22 Stoneymeade Way, Acton, Mass. 01720…. Rosemary Gray Cronin is a regional manager of agency relations for United Way of Stamford, Conn…. Linda Hope Harris Lewis has been a free-lance writer for several magazines covering the Internet, and does publicity writing for a group that arranges computer conferences…. Two llamas have been added to the household of Martha Joseph Johnson…. Moving from Atlanta to Shavertown, Penn.,Robin Kufel Kinley was adjusting to the cool mountain weather and 90 inches of snow they had last winter…. Julia and John Macauley still live in Bar Harbor where John works at Jackson Laboratory in the field of basic mechanisms of aging…. A full-time mom, Michelle Miclette in her “spare” time is studying for state certification in long-term care administration. She also runs a small home business selling children’s books…. During a period of market shrinkage, John Peckenham still continues to run an environmental consulting business…. Mark Pricehas added a third partner to his pediatrics practice in St. Johnsbury, Vt. “It has been great to see the practice grow.”… In Boston, Peter Rainville now works as an associate at Lahive & Cochfield…. Since last DecemberSusan Reid has been teaching at the New England Culinary Institute…. Ed Sparkowski set up a date to play golf with classmates Greg Zabel and Peter Stevens…. Stephanie Stohr Peele is director of media relations and assistant account manager for the Burris Agency in Browns Summit, N.C. She is excited to be part of an incredibly talented team of creative “experts” in the advertising world. Since 1992 she had been marketing and public relations specialist for the Greensboro Symphony. Earlier she did public relations for the Children’s Home Society and was a reporter with The Views & Record…. Geology teacher at Dover (N.H.) High School, Don Wason received a grant for innovative teaching…. At Boston City Hospital, Peter Weimersheimer is a second-year resident in emergency medicine….. Allen Weinberg is senior vice president of product management, strategic planning, and market development in Palo Alto, Calif. |