Class of 1948
Class Secretary: Lois Youngs Dennett, 275 Port Rd., Wells, ME 04090-9542
Co-Class Presidents: Richard F. Daly, PO Box 546, Sagamore Beach, MA 02562,; Richard F. Woodcock, 12 Beech St., Woodstock, CT 06281-3000
Next Reunion in 2003. Got news? Tap out a note to!
Bill Sutherland remembers playing on five varsity teams as an undergraduate. In the summer, he played baseball with the Winthrop Mills and Augusta Millionaires teams. He served in Europe during World War II, then joined the State Department as director of Bi-National Cultural Relations Center in Argentina. Later he was consultant to the Bi-National program in New York and Columbia universities, taught two different times in Newton (Mass.) High School and later returned to Argentina as director at the bi-national cultural center for the U.S. Information Service…. We send sympathy of the class to Dorothy Tillson Young whose husband, Arthur, died Dec. 22, also leaving four daughters and four grandchildren.