Class of 1939
Class Secretary: Eleanor Smart Parker, PO Box 210, North Bridgton ME 04057,
Class President: TBA
Selections from the recent Class Letter: Dottie Adler Bridges is hard at work going three times a week to the YMCA cardiac fitness class: aerobics, bicycling and rowing. A good group of all ages attends…. Bob Braddicks and Eleanor sold their house a year ago and moved in with daughter Carolyn and her family…. Ruth Butler writes from Brooksby Village that life there is a gift: lots of great neighbors and a group of dear friends…. Ev Copeland founded a poetry circle with a friend last year, and it’s doubled in size…. Marita Dick Stratton was one of two grand marshals in the Founders Day Parade in Lee, Mass. They drove in a Model T Ford, vintage 1924. Marita notes that they were older than the car…. Following a car accident, Barbara Kendall Ireland moved into an apartment in downtown Stowe, Vt., near two friends…. Ros MacNish and Lois Clarke are photographing and cataloging houses, barns, and open spaces in Wethersfield, Conn…. Since January 2003, Helen Martikainen has been active in a non-partisan group called “Elders for Peace,” which is deeply concerned about happenings in Iraq, Afghanistan, the Middle East, and other parts of the world. They want to make people aware of the attacks on basic constitutional rights in the name of terrorism. She listed nine examples, such as belittling the worldwide roles and services of the United Nations’ systems of specialized agencies, and abrogating women’s and workers’ rights and rights to choose…. John Nash is a treasurer of his newly dedicated church…. Chet and Eleanor Smart Parker went to a Sea Dogs game with Judy Chick ’42 and Dana Wallace and Harry and Bee Wilson Shepherd (’40, ’42) last season. They also had lunch with the Wallaces and Fred Downing at Reunion in 2003…. Don Purinton says he and Vera are “grateful for a president who appears to be leading the country in the right direction in spite of critics.” Don participates in lawn bowling about twice a week…. Dana Wallace says his oysters are growing and they demand much TLC. Dana is also on the local marine shellfish committee and involved with the Down East Institute for Marine Research and Education at Great Wass Island. He had successful cataract surgery and can now drive at night…. Lionel Whiston’s daughter, Lee Whiston ’66, says that her father is physically frail (two canes or a walker to get about), but he has kept up his season tickets for the St. Louis Symphony Opera Theater and other drama, music and dance groups. He is president of the residents’ association at the retirement center where he lives and has used his skills to reduce the management/residents tension that is inevitable in such a setting. He also leads a number of film discussion groups…. Jay White concentrates on genealogy and swimming. He had already been in three meets and was holding his own until his 13-year-old granddaughter beat his best time by 10 seconds. He now admits he is over the hill.