Class of 1952

Class Secretary: Florence Dixon Prince, PO Box 594, Monument Beach, MA 02553,

Class President: John F. Myers, 37 Eagle Wing Ln., Brewster, MA 02631

Next Reunion in 2007. Got news? Tap out a note to!Larch Foxon Miller taught knitting and played grandma for the fourth summer at a friend’s large girls camp in Casco, Maine. “Nice way for an old lady to feel,” she says…. John and Susan Martin Ames are settled into a new home at Plymouth Harbor, a continuing-care retirement community located in the middle of Sarasota Bay established by the First Congregational Church of Sarasota in 1966, which is where John had his second career…. Instead of volunteering their medical skills this year, Bill Rust and Sue taught English at the Fourth Military Medical Univ. in Xi’an, China. The class was full of doctors, all of whom were also Chinese military officers…. Richard Trenholm and Christine enjoyed an Elderhostel trip entitled “The Hills are Alive: Dance and Music of the Berkshires” last summer.