Bonnie Shulman, Professor Emerita

Shulman, Bonnie J.

Professor Emerita

31 Frye Street







Professor Shulman specialized in Mathematical Physics. 

Born in Champaign, IL, Feb. 8, 1951. Raised in New York City. Attended Bronx High School of Science, graduated in 1968. Lived on a farm in upstate New York until 1971. Daughter born in 1972. Worked as editor at Third Press Publishing Co. 1972 – 1975. Attended Naropa Institute Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics, Boulder, CO., 1975 – 1978. Studied with Allen Ginsberg and Anne Waldman. Ran a writing workshop at Boulder County Justice Center for prisoners 1977 – 1979. Edited and published the poetry journal _Bombay Gin_ 1976 – 1979. Transcribed and edited manuscripts for Ginsberg, Waldman, et. al. 1979 – 1981. Attended University of Colorado at Boulder and received PhD in Mathematical Physics, 1981 – 1991. Professor in Mathematics Department at Bates College, 1991 – present. Chair of Mathematics Department 2007 – present. Current scholarly research interests: Mathematical Biology; Game Theory; History and Philosophy of Science; Feminist Science Studies; Mathematics Education.

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Professor Shulman’s completed curriculum vitae