Meet our Multifaith Partners!

If you are wondering what a “multifaith” community is, it is a group of people who create spaces for sharing and exploring identities, perspectives, convictions, and practices. At Hearth, {Pause}, or any of the programs of the Multifaith Chaplaincy, you will meet some of these student leaders and many others who bring unique stories and perspectives. These Multifaith Partners plan all the activities of the Multifaith Chaplaincy, so you will see them around. Below, you can find a few words about what they have found in this community.

Mariam Almzainy ’27 – Stringfellow

Emma Davidson ’26 is a Psychology major from Newton, Massachusettes. She loves to spend her time painting, playing the ukulele, running, and hiking. She also loves people-watching and eating toasted PB and jelly sandwiches. She enjoys the serenity of nature and likes to practice yoga in peaceful, sunny places. You can most likely find her walking endless loops around the puddle with her friends. She loves having authentic conversations with new people and is super excited to bring people together through fun events as an Arts and Spirituality Fellow!

Emily Gonzalez ’25 – Multifaith Banquet & Baccalaureate

Risa Sood Horiuchi ’25 is a Sociology major from Queens, New York. She loves to run around Lewiston, eat all kinds of ethnic food, and sit in commons for hours at dinner time. At Bates she’s also involved in the South Asian Students Association, the Bollywood Dance Team, and the Restorative Practices Program. If you were to peek into her room’s window you’d likely find her having her own little dance party. She is thrilled to be a Crossroads fellow this year as multifaith has been a home for her since her first year. She hopes to pass on the warmth and kindness that the multifaith family has shown her. Passionate about bringing people together and fostering lasting communities, she can’t wait for Crossroads in the fall!

Rosina Makwabe ’25 – Hearth

Caroline McCarthy ’26 – Hearth

Maria McEvoy ’25 – Pause

Whitney Miller ’26 is from Brooklyn, NY. She hasn’t declared her major yet, but has quite enjoyed her history and sociology classes. She can often be found doing a crossword puzzle, taking a lengthy walk, and embarking on spontaneous adventures with her friends. Whitney is a strong proponent of drinking at least two cups of tea a day and taking time to stare at the moon. She is really excited to be a Stringfellow and help create space for thoughtful conversation and social justice-oriented action.

Fenna Oliphant-Linden ’26 is an Africana major from Bethesda, MD. He loves to cook for those he loves, read, make music, bike and fish. If you are looking for him on campus, you can be sure to find him in the Ronj or an Olin practice room. He is so unbelievably pumped to host new events, engage in meaningful conversation, and help people find where they belong at Bates as a Stringfellow this year. WARNING: please do not bring up the countries of the Netherlands or Jamaica or mention the 1997 Volvo 850 wagon unless you are prepared for Fenna to talk AT you for upwards of half an hour. 

Hanna Roggendorf ’27 – Arts & Spirituality

Jilly Scott-Lewis ’27 – Hearth

Stella Simonds ’27 – Pause