Robert Louis Stevenson (Scottish, 1850-1894)
A giant in the history of literature, Stevenson was a prolific writer, producing a large body of letters and travel fiction, several novels, and poetry. Several of Stevenson’s first few novels were written in a highly romantic style, including Treasure Island, Kidnapped, and The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. His later career was marked by a turn towards darker realism inspired by his time spent in Samoa, and these works would prove to be key inspirations for future writers. Stevenson’s reputation, while quite positive in his lifetime, has fluctuated significantly over time. He was viewed in a more negative light after the romantic era throughout much of the twentieth century, but many of his works are considered classics today, and he remains one of the most commonly translated authors in the world. The bronze plaquette of Stevenson in the show is one of a large number of works made to commemorate his legacy.