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Artist Lecture and Reception

L to R: Dawn Clements, Brown bracelet, Marc Leuthold, Rhino (after Dawn Clements’ Bracelet), Marc Leuthold, Rhino Wheel (after Dawn Clements’ Bracelet), Dawn Clements, after Marc Leuthold’s brown bracelet/rhino sculpture, Bottom, L to R: Dawn Clements, Marc Leuthold’s Sculptures on my Table, Marc Leuthold, Rhino Wheel (after Dawn Clements’ Bracelet).

L to R: Dawn Clements, Brown bracelet, Marc Leuthold, Rhino (after Dawn Clements’ Bracelet), Marc Leuthold, Rhino Wheel (after Dawn Clements’ Bracelet), Dawn Clements, after Marc Leuthold’s brown bracelet/rhino sculpture, Bottom, L to R: Dawn Clements, Marc Leuthold’s Sculptures on my Table, Marc Leuthold, Rhino Wheel (after Dawn Clements’ Bracelet).

Artists Dawn Clements and Marc Leuthold will each present a brief slide lecture on their individual work. The audience will then move to the Museum of Art, where the artists will participate in a conversation about the collaborative “Back + Forth” work. For more, see exhibition page. Reception to follow in the Museum.