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The Fine Art of Astrophotography, with the Bates Astronomy Club

Muskie Archives
70 Campus Ave
Lewiston, ME 04240
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Join us for a stellar evening when Education Curator Anthony Shostak leads a viewing and discussion of a selection of astrophotographs acquired from the exhibition Starstruck: The Fine Art of Astrophotography, which premiered at the Bates Museum of Art in 2012.

These photographs were made by earthbound artists from across the world and include subjects such as asterisms, eclipses, nebulae, galaxies, auroras, and more. The presentation will include some of the basic science about the subjects as well as the techniques artists used to create these stunning pictures.

After the presentation and weather permitting, the Bates Astronomy Club will welcome visitors to view night sky targets through their telescopes outside the Olin Arts Center. 

Free and open to the public! Light snacks will be provided.

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