Gwendolyn Calhoon

Assistant in Instruction for Neuroscience
Hathorn 105
electrophysiology, rodent behavior, behavioral pharmacology, optogenetics, neurophysiology, neuroscience
- BA. Psychology, Saint Mary’s College of Maryland (2006)
- Ph.D. Neuroscience, University of Maryland, Baltimore (2013)
- Postdoctoral Fellowship, Brain and Cognitive Sciences, MIT (2018)
- NRSC 160 Introduction to Neuroscience
- PSYC 215 Medical Psychology
- NS/PY 250 Biological Basis of Motivation and Emotion
- BI/NS 308 Neurobiology/Lab
- NS/PY 330 Cognitive Neuroscience/Lab
- NS/PY 362 Psychopharmacology
- NS/PY 363 Physiological Psychology/Lab
- NS/PY 399 Junior-Senior Seminar in Biopsychology
Selected Publications
- Calhoon, G. G., Sutton, A. K., Chang, C.-J., Libster, A. M., Glober, G. F., Leveque, C. L., Murphy, G. D., Namburi, P., Leppla, C. A., Siciliano, C. A., Wildes, C. P., Kimchi, E. Y., Beyeler, A., & Tye, K. M. (2018). Acute food deprivation rapidly modifies valence-coding microcircuits in the amygdala. bioRxiv, doi: 10.1101/285189.
- Calhoon, G. G. & Tye, K. M. (2018). Getting emotional: How the amygdala learns the difference between good and bad. Frontiers for Young Minds, 6: 69.
- Namburi, P., Al-Hasani, R., Calhoon, G. G., Bruchas, M. R., & Tye, K. M. (2016). Architectural representation of valence in the limbic system. Neuropsychopharmacology, 41 (7): 1697-715.
- Beyeler, A., Namburi, P., Glober, G. F., Simonnet, C., Calhoon, G. G., Conyers, G. F., Luck, R., Wildes, C. P., & Tye, K. M. (2016). Divergent routing of positive and negative information from the amygdala during memory retrieval. Neuron, 90 (2): 348-361.
- Namburi, P., Beyeler, A., Yorozu, S., Calhoon, G. G., Halbert, S. A., Wichmann, R., Holden, S. S., Mertens, K. L., Anahtar, M., Felix-Ortiz, A. C., Wickersham, I. R., Gray, J. M., & Tye, K. M. (2015). A circuit mechanism for differentiating positive and negative associations. Nature, 520: 675-678.
- Calhoon, G. G. & Tye, K. M. (2015). Resolving the neural circuits of anxiety. Nature Neuroscience, 18 (10): 1394-1404.
- Calhoon, G. G. & O’Donnell, P. (2013). Closing the gate in the limbic striatum: prefrontal suppression of hippocampal and thalamic inputs. Neuron, 78 (1): 181-90.
- Stalnaker, T. A., Calhoon, G. G., Ogawa, M., Roesch, M. R., & Schoenbaum, G. (2012). Reward prediction error signaling in posterior dorsomedial striatum is action-specific. The Journal of Neuroscience, 32 (30): 10296-305.
- Gruber, A. J., Calhoon, G. G., Shusterman, I., Schoenbaum, G., Roesch, M. R., & O’Donnell, P. (2010). More is less: A disinhibited prefrontal cortex impairs cognitive flexibility. The Journal of Neuroscience, 30 (50): 17102-17110.
10. Stalnaker, T. A., Calhoon, G. G., Ogawa, M., Roesch, M. R., & Schoenbaum, G. (2010). Neural correlates of stimulus-response and response-outcome associations in dorsolateral versus dorsomedial striatum. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 4: 12