Bates community urged to register, vote


“It’s often said that democracies are measured by the participation of their citizens,” President Elaine Tuttle Hansen observed. “We are fortunate at Bates to have student Democrats and Republicans who each year take that civic commitment to heart and work to register their fellow students.”

Hansen listed several ways Bates is getting out the vote as we approach Election Day Nov. 2:

* As in past years, both groups set up tables on Orientation Day to register new students to vote. Since then, the effort has continued one-to-one.

* Discussions on the debates have been moderated by Assistant Professor of Rhetoric Stephanie Kelley Romano and Professor of Political Science James Richter. Richter is also moderating a series of student discussions about election issues each Wednesday, 6-7 p.m. in the Rowe Room of Commons.  Occasional guests have included Judy Meyer, editorial page editor of the Lewiston Sun Journal.

* TV debate-watching nights are being organized around their respective big screens by the Republicans, Democrats, and those who prefer a non-partisan venue.

*A panel discussion was held on Oct. 6 to discuss the Palesky Tax Cap referendum in Maine, and what it would mean to Lewiston.  Panelists were:  John L. Painter, Candidate for District 74; Dale Douglas, Maine School Management Association; Nathan Harrington, Bates ’05; Weston Bonney, Maine State School Board; Tom Hood, Longley Elementary School Principal; Robert Walker, President of Maine Education Association and chair of Maine Education Leadership Consortium.

*  Election issues will again be the topic of a speech by Thomas E. Mann of the Brookings Institution on “The 2004 Election: What’s at Stake?” at 7 p.m. Oct. 18 in Chase Hall Lounge.  There will be a voter registration drive outside of Chase Lounge beginning at 6:30pm.