Faculty grant recipients honored in gathering
Bates faculty members are active scholars, and many receive external grants to support their scholarship. Faculty in fields as diverse as economics, art and visual culture, and environmental science receive external funding from myriad sources, federal and private, national and international. In 2008–09 an unprecedented number and range of Bates faculty were awarded peer-reviewed grants, and a gathering on Sept. 23, sponsored by the offices of the president and the dean of the faculty, honored these individuals. Here are the 2008–09 funding recipients:
Claudia Aburto Guzmán, Associate Professor of Spanish, Agnese Haury Institute for Interpretation, University of Arizona, Scholarship.
William G. Ambrose, Jr., Professor of Biology, Maine Sea Grant Program, Growth and long-term abundance patterns of the bloodworm (Glycera dibranchiate).
Rachel N. Austin, Professor of Chemistry, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Characterizing Hydroxylation Mechanisms of Diiron Enzymes.
Ryan Bavis, Assistant Professor of Biology, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Time-Dependent Changes in Respiratory Control After Perinatal Hyperoxia, and the Maine INBRE (IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence) NIH, Regulation of Carotid Body Development by Hyperoxia.
Lilian Childress, Assistant Professor of Physics, Cottrell College Science Award from the Research Corporation for Science Advancement, Manipulation of individual nuclear spins in diamond.
Carol Dilley, Associate Professor of Dance, Artist Residency at the Lock-Up in Newcastle, Australia.
Amy Bradfield Douglass, Associate Professor of Psychology, a Faculty Visiting Research Fellows Award from Flinders University in Adelaide, Australia, and the National Science Foundation, The Dynamic Interaction between Investigator and Eyewitness: Effects on Memory Reports and Interviewer Behavior.
Holly Ewing, Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies, the National Science Foundation, Opening Pandora’s Box with a Biotic Key: Can Cyanobacterial Blooms in Nutrient-Poor Lakes Accelerate Eutrophication?
Robert Feintuch, Senior Lecturer in Art and Visual Culture, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation fellowship for creation of a body of work for his next exhibition at New York’s CRG Gallery.
Rebecca M. Herzig, Associate Professor of Women and Gender Studies, the National Science Foundation, RNAi, Race, and the Domestication of Biotechnology: The Emergence of Cosmetic Genomics.
Beverly J. Johnson, Associate Professor of Geology, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for student monitoring and assessment of the Sprague River salt marsh at Bates Morse Mountain Conservation Area, and she and co-PI Will Ambrose, the National Science Foundation for Baseline Conditions in Gulf of Maine Coastal Ecosystems Over the Last 4000 Years.
Nancy Kleckner, Associate Professor of Biology, the National Science Foundation, Characterization of GlutamateReceptors in the Pond Snails, Helisoma trivolvis and Biomphalaria glabrata.
Lynne Y. Lewis, Associate Professor of Economics, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) sub-award from University of Maine, Measuring and Incorporating Stakeholder Values into River-Restoration Decisions: A Socio-Economic Analysis, and Mitchell Center for Environmental and Watershed Research, Water Resources Research Institute, USGS, Incorporating Stakeholder Values into River Restoration Decisions.
Kathryn G. Low, Professor of Psychology, American Association of Colleges & Universities, Bringing Theory to Practice.
Nathan Lundblad, Assistant Professor of Physics, DEPSCoR/Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Condensed Matter Analog Systems with Ultracold Atoms in Novel Optical Lattices.
Margaret Maurer-Fazio, Betty Doran Stangle Professor of Applied Economics, Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA) visiting research fellowship in Bonn, Germany.
Hiroya Miura, Assistant Professor of Music, Commission: Film score for Junko’s Shamisen, and Commission: Music from Japan.
Joseph Nicoletti, Lecturer in Art and Visual Culture, Maryland Institute College of Art’s Alfred & Trafford Klots Artist’s residency, Rocheforte-en-Terre, France.
Mary Rice DeFosse, Professor of French, New England Campus Compact, Northern New England Engaged Department Grant.
Michael Sargent, Associate Professor of Psychology, the University of Chicago’s Arete Institute Defining Wisdom Project, D*A*R*IA: Testing A Model of Principled Reasoning.
Paula J. Schlax, Associate Professor of Chemistry, the Maine INBRE (IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence) NIH, Translational Regulation of Ribosomal Protein and RNA Polymerase Subunit Synthesis in Diverse Bacterial Species.
Bonnie J. Shulman, Associate Professor of Mathematics, sub-award from the Maine Department of Education, the Girls Get It Math-Science Day, part of Developing Teachers’ Understanding and Practice of Effective Mathematics Instruction.
Rebecca Sommer, Associate Professor of Biology, the Maine INBRE (IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence) NIH, Dioxin Exposure Impairs Embryonic Heart Development: Comparative and Functional Genomics of Cardiac ß1-adrenergic Receptors.
Nathan W. Tefft, Assistant Professor of Economics, co-funding from Yale University’s Robert Wood Johnson Foundation grant, Evaluating the Effects of “Easy” State Interventions to Combat Childhood Obesity through Decreasing Soft Drink Consumption: Taxes and Vending Machines.
Thomas J. Wenzel, Charles A. Dana Professor of Chemistry, the National Science Foundation, Collaborative Research: Development of Contextual E-Learning Modules for Analytical Chemistry, and the National Science Foundation, Chiral NMR Shift Reagents.
Peter N. Wong, Professor of Mathematics, the National Science Foundation, Topics in Topological Fixed Point Theory.
Shuhui Yang, Professor of Chinese, Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation, Stories to Awaken the World: A Ming Dynasty Collection, Volume III.