Events Schedule: September 2010
Hello from Bates! Here is a preview of public events at the college in September 2010. Except as noted, these events are open to the public at no charge. (Where there is an admission fee, the cost for the general public appears first, followed by the cost for students and seniors.)
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For up-to-date events information throughout the month, see our Upcoming Events page. Questions or comments? Contact events editor Doug Hubley at this calendar@bates.edu.
Saturday, Sept. 4
Men’s and women’s cross country: Alumni meet.
Russell Street Field
Tuesday, Sept. 7
Convocation: In a one-time departure from the usual Wednesday event, Bates begins its 145th academic year with a Tuesday program including talks by Bates President Elaine Tuttle Hansen and by Professor of Religious Studies Marcus Bruce, whose Convocation address is titled A Shared Vocation.
Historic Quadrangle (rain site: Alumni Gymnasium)
Friday, Sept. 10
Lecture: Watson Fellowship recipient Sulochana Dissanayake ’09 describes her year of researching contemporary theater companies in South Africa and Indonesia. An information session about applying for the Watson follows.
Benjamin Mays Center
Contradance: Traditional New England folk dancing to the band Bustopher Jones. No experience needed; all dances taught and called. Beginners’ workshop at 7:30. Admission: $5. Sponsored by the Freewill Folk Society.
Chase Hall Lounge
Global Lens film: The international film series begins its Bates season with The Night of Truth (Burkina Faso, 2004; 100 min.) Admission: $5. For more information contact 207-786-6135 or this olinarts@bates.edu.
Olin Arts Center, Room 105
Saturday, Sept. 11
Men’s and women’s cross country vs. Colby.
Pineland Farms, New Gloucester
Global Lens film: The Night of Truth (see Sept. 10).
Olin Arts Center, Room 105
Sunday, Sept. 12
Field hockey vs. Amherst.
Campus Avenue Field
Women’s soccer vs. Amherst.
Russell Street Field
Spiritual gathering: Protestant worship service featuring Bates’ gospel choir. The Rev. William Blaine-Wallace, multifaith chaplain, leads the service with faculty, staff and students participating. All are welcome. For more information call 207-786-8272.
Bates College Chapel
Tuesday, Sept. 14
Noonday Concert: Frank Glazer, pianist and Bates artist in residence, performs music by Haydn, Weber and Chopin. For more information contact 207-786-6135 or this olinarts@bates.edu.
Olin Arts Center Concert Hall
Men’s soccer vs. Maine-Farmington.
Russell Street Field
Wednesday, Sept. 15
Figure drawing sponsored by the Bates College Museum of Art. Artists should bring drawing board and supplies. Easels provided. Admission: $7 (free for Bates students).
Olin Arts Center, Room 259
Volleyball vs. Colby.
Alumni Gymnasium
Friday, Sept. 17
Lecture: Illuminating Dark Energy — A Staged Approach by Gregory Tarlé, professor of physics at the University of Michigan. Tarlé will discuss pending developments in research to determine the nature of the mysterious dark energy that dominates our universe and has caused its expansion to accelerate. Co-sponsored by the physics and astronomy department and the Southern Maine Chapter of Sigma Xi. For more information contact 207-786-6490.
Carnegie Science Building, Room 204
Global Lens film: The international film series presents Adrift (Vietnam, 2009; 110 min.). Admission: $5. For more information contact 207-786-6135 or this olinarts@bates.edu.
Olin Arts Center, Room 105
Saturday, Sept. 18
Field hockey vs. Bowdoin.
Campus Avenue Field
Women’s soccer vs. Bowdoin.
Russell Street Field
Men’s and women’s cross country vs. Bowdoin, Colby and Tufts.
Pineland Farms, New Gloucester
Men’s soccer vs. Bowdoin.
Russell Street Field
Global Lens film: Adrift (see Sept. 17).
Olin Arts Center, Room 105
Sunday, Sept. 19
Spiritual gathering: Protestant worship service (see Sept. 12).
Bates College Chapel
Tuesday, Sept. 21
Noonday Concert: Performer to be announced. For more information contact 207-786-6135 or this olinarts@bates.edu.
Olin Arts Center Concert Hall
Lecture: A talk on a topic TBA by Nancy Bauer, an associate professor of philosophy at Tufts University who explores the history of philosophy and philosophy’s role in everyday human life, especially in its intersections with gender and with film. Sponsored by the philosophy department.
Pettengill Hall, Keck Classroom (G52)
Men’s soccer vs. Plymouth State.
Russell Street Field
Field hockey vs. Husson.
Campus Avenue Field
Wednesday, Sept. 22
Women’s soccer vs. Wellesley.
Russell Street Field
Figure drawing sponsored by the Bates College Museum of Art (see Sept. 15).
Olin Arts Center, Room 259
Friday, Sept. 24
Concert: Musica Nuova, a Boston-based baroque ensemble, performs the program It’s Complicated. The program takes unrequited love for its theme, Italian music from the early 1600s for its substance and a Facebook relationship status for its name. Admission: $5, available at www.batestickets.com. Proceeds benefit the 2010 Dempsey Challenge. For more information contact 207-786-6135 or this olinarts@bates.edu.
Olin Arts Center Concert Hall
Global Lens film: The international film series presents Becloud (Mexico, 2007; 111 min.). Admission: $5. For more information contact 207-786-6135 or this olinarts@bates.edu.
Olin Arts Center, Room 105
Saturday, Sept. 25
Global Lens film: Becloud (see Sept. 24).
Olin Arts Center, Room 105
Sunday, Sept. 26
Spiritual gathering: Protestant worship service (see Sept. 12).
Bates College Chapel
Monday, Sept. 27
Reading: Marianne Boruch, author of six poetry collections and two books of essays about poetry, reads from her work. The Language Arts Live series of literary readings is sponsored by the English department, the Humanities Fund, the Learning Associates Program, the programs in American cultural studies and African American studies and the John Tagliabue Poetry Fund. For more information contact 207-786-6256 or 207-786-6326.
Chase Hall, Skelton Lounge
Tuesday, Sept. 28
Noonday Concert: History professor Atsuko Hirai, a soprano, performs songs of Richard Strauss. For more information contact 207-786-6135 or this olinarts@bates.edu.
Olin Arts Center Concert Hall
Volleyball vs. Maine Maritime.
Alumni Gymnasium
Wednesday, Sept. 29
Figure drawing sponsored by the Bates College Museum of Art (see Sept. 15).
Olin Arts Center, Room 259
Bates College Museum of Art
Museum hours: 10am–5pm Tuesday–Saturday
Through Sept. 25
Joseph Nicoletti: A Retrospective: Nicoletti, an important realist painter known for impeccable landscapes and still lifes as well as psychologically fraught self-portraits, is a senior member of the art and visual culture faculty at Bates. He has taught at Bates since 1981 and had work featured in numerous Bates exhibitions, but this is the museum’s first exhibition of a broad range of his work. Featured are paintings and drawings from the collections of the Bates museum, other museums and individuals, and the artist himself.
Recent Acquisitions: This exhibition celebrates the acquisition of artworks that have entered the collection during the last year as gifts or purchases. Featured are sculptures, paintings and prints by artists including Abe Ajay, David Driskell, William Manning, Hermann Nitsch, Frohawk Two Feathers, Charlie Hewitt, Bernard Langlais, William Pope L., Joel Shapiro, Kiki Smith and Andrea Sulzer. Organized with assistance from museum intern Emma Scott ’10.
Landscapes of Maine: Then and Now: Inviting contemplation of the evolution of Maine’s landscape and how artists approach it, this exhibit pairs paintings made from 1880 to 1905 by beloved Lewiston artist Delbert Dana Coombs with landscapes from the corresponding period 100 years later. Organized with assistance from museum interns Charlotte Widlein ’09 and Andrea Svigals ’10.