Events Schedule: January 2011
Hello from Bates! Here is a preview of public events at the college in January 2011. Except as noted, these events are open to the public at no charge. (Where there is an admission fee, the cost for the general public appears first, followed by the cost for students and seniors.)
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For up-to-date events information throughout the month, see our Upcoming Events page. Questions or comments? Contact events editor Doug Hubley at this calendar@bates.edu.
Monday, Jan. 3
Women’s basketball vs. New England.
Alumni Gymnasium
Wednesday, Jan. 5
Men’s basketball vs. New England.
Alumni Gymnasium
Thursday, Jan. 6
Women’s basketball vs. Colby.
Alumni Gymnasium
Friday, Jan. 7
Women’s basketball vs. Maine Maritime.
Alumni Gymnasium
Saturday, Jan. 8
Men’s basketball vs. Colby.
Alumni Gymnasium
Tuesday, Jan. 11
Noonday Concert: Performer TBA. FMI: 207-786-6135 or olinarts@bates.edu.
Olin Arts Center Concert Hall
Men’s basketball vs. Brandeis.
Alumni Gymnasium
Women’s basketball vs. Bowdoin.
Alumni Gymnasium
Wednesday, Jan. 12
Figure drawing sponsored by the Bates College Museum of Art. Artists should bring drawing board and supplies. Easels provided. Admission: $7 (free for Bates students).
Olin Arts Center, Room 259
Thursday, Jan. 13
Lecture: Kate Brown, award-winning historian and associate professor at the University of Maryland, discusses “plutonium cities” in the U.S. and former Soviet Union. Sponsored by the politics department. FMI: 207-786-8295.
Pettengill Hall, Room G21
Friday, Jan. 14
Lecture: Uncertainty, Modeling and Climate Change by Kerry Emanuel, a professor of meteorology at MIT and one of Time Magazine’s 100 influential people for 2006. Sponsored by the chemistry, physics and geology departments and the environmental studies program. FMI: 207-786-6294.
Carnegie Science Hall, Room 204
Men’s basketball vs. Williams.
Alumni Gymnasium
Museum reception: The three winter Museum of Art exhibitions (described under Museum of Art, below) open with a reception. For more information call 207-786-6158.
Bates College Museum of Art
Women’s basketball vs. Williams.
Alumni Gymnasium
Saturday, Jan. 15
Men’s and women’s indoor track and field vs. MIT and Colby.
Merrill Gymnasium, Slovenski Track
Men’s and women’s swimming and diving vs. Bowdoin.
Merrill Gymnasium, Tarbell Pool
Men’s basketball vs. Middlebury.
Alumni Gymnasium
Women’s basketball vs. Middlebury.
Alumni Gymnasium
Sunday, Jan. 16
Martin Luther King Jr. Day Memorial Service of Worship: A Methodist minister and civil rights activist praised by King for his philosophy of peaceful activism, the Rev. James Lawson offers the sermon at this annual event. Also featured: music by the Gospelaires and Crosstones and liturgical dance by Justified. Sponsored by the Multifaith Chaplaincy. FMI: 207-786-8272.
Bates College Chapel
Monday, Jan. 17 Martin Luther King Jr. Day
In observance of the holiday, classes are canceled and special programming takes place throughout the day (see Jan. 16, 18 and 20 for related events). The 2011 King Day theme at Bates is Get Up, Stand Up: The Fierce Urgency of Now. FMI: 207-786-6400.
First keynote address: The Rev. James Lawson, a founding member of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee and a crucial figure in the development of civil disobedience tactics in the civil rights movement, discusses the continued importance of direct action and social justice in the 21st century.
Olin Arts Center Concert Hall
Breakout sessions: In concurrent sessions (times and rooms TBA), members of the campus community discuss and debate the ideas presented in Lawson’s keynote address, and plan for future activism.
Pettengill Hall
Debate: Members of the debate teams from Morehouse and Bates colleges, joined by local high school debaters, address the resolution that “Violence is a justified response to political oppression.”
Benjamin Mays Center
Second keynote address: Asher Kolieboi, co-director of the Equality Ride and LGBTQ community coordinator in the Multicultural Resource Center at Oberlin College, addresses contemporary challenges for social activists in 21st-century American culture.
Olin Arts Center Concert Hall
Breakout sessions.
Pettengill Hall
Plenary session: Exploration of the day’s theme will conclude with a plenary discussion with the Rev. James Lawson and Asher Kolieboi.
Pettengill Hall (room TBA)
Performance: Bates students present Sankofa, a celebration of the African Diasporic experience through theater, music, dance and spoken word.
Schaeffer Theatre
Tuesday, Jan. 18
Noonday Concert: A performance in conjunction with Martin Luther King Jr. Day by Vinie Burrows, the renowned actress, storyteller and social justice activist (also see Jan. 20). FMI: 207-786-6135 or olinarts@bates.edu.
Olin Arts Center Concert Hall
Wednesday, Jan. 19
Figure drawing sponsored by the Bates College Museum of Art (see Jan. 12).
Olin Arts Center, Room 259
Women’s squash vs. Harvard.
Bates Squash Center, 156 Plourde Parkway
Thursday, Jan. 20
Performance: Vinie Burrows. The social justice activist and acclaimed actress, known in recent years for her solo shows, offers an evening of performance, recitations and songs recalling lives of oppressed Africans and African Americans, often women, fighting for dignity and rights. Free, but tickets required: Visit www.batestickets.com or contact 207-786-6161.
Schaeffer Theatre
Friday, Jan. 21
Women’s indoor track and field hosts Bates Pentathlon.
Merrill Gymnasium, Slovenski Track
Saturday, Jan. 22
Men’s and women’s indoor track and field vs. Maine, Colby and Southern Maine.
Merrill Gymnasium, Slovenski Track
Sunday, Jan. 23
Concert: Sundays With Schubert. Pianist Frank Glazer, Bates artist in residence and one of Maine’s best-known pianists, spotlights the music of Franz Schubert in the first of three concerts. Free, but tickets required. FMI: 207-786-6135 or olinarts@bates.edu.
Olin Arts Center Concert Hall
Spiritual gathering: Protestant worship service with gospel music led by the gospel choir. The Rev. William Bill Blaine-Wallace, multifaith chaplain, leads the service with faculty, staff and students participating. All are welcome. FMI: 207-786-8272.
Bates College Chapel
Monday, Jan. 24
Arts Summit presentation: Meet the Visiting Artists. Bates’ premiere Arts Summit brings to campus three artists known for their use of the arts for community and environmental stewardship. Lynne Conner of Colby College is a playwright, director and scholar; Amara Geffen of Allegheny College, a visual artist and environmental activist; and Marc Bamuthi Joseph, spoken-word performer, writer and hip hop dancer. They will present slides and talk about their work. FMI: 207-786-6381.
Schaeffer Theatre
Lecture: The Assessment of the Health Care Reform of 2010 by Joseph Newhouse, founding director of the health policy doctoral program at Harvard and a pre-eminent economist known worldwide for his work on health insurance issues and for advancing the field of health economics. Sponsored by the economics department.
Pettengill Hall, Keck Classroom (G52)
Arts Summit performance: Red, Black and GREEN: A Blues. This new multimedia and multidisciplinary work by Marc Bamuthi Joseph and collaborators deals with environmental justice, social ecology and community. FMI: 207-786-6381.
Schaeffer Theatre
Tuesday, Jan. 25
Noonday Concert: Duo Orfeo. FMI: 207-786-6135 or olinarts@bates.edu.
Olin Arts Center Concert Hall
Wednesday, Jan. 26
Women’s squash vs. Bowdoin.
Bates Squash Center, 156 Plourde Parkway
Figure drawing sponsored by the Bates College Museum of Art (see Jan. 12).
Olin Arts Center, Room 259
Friday, Jan. 28
Men’s basketball vs. Wesleyan.
Alumni Gymnasium
Performance: Sangai Asia Night features a variety of performances and fashions from countries ranging from India to China, as well as Asian culinary delicacies. Sponsored by Sangai Asia.
Schaeffer Theatre
Men’s squash vs. Denison.
Bates Squash Center, 156 Plourde Parkway
Women’s basketball vs. Wesleyan.
Alumni Gymnasium
Saturday, Jan. 29
Men’s squash vs. University of Vermont.
Bates Squash Center, 156 Plourde Parkway
Men’s and women’s squash vs. Connecticut College.
Bates Squash Center, 156 Plourde Parkway
Men’s basketball vs. Connecticut College.
Alumni Gymnasium
Women’s basketball vs. Connecticut College.
Alumni Gymnasium
Men’s squash vs. Boston College.
Bates Squash Center, 156 Plourde Parkway
Performance: Sangai Asia Night (see Jan. 28).
Schaeffer Theatre
Men’s and women’s squash vs. Drexel.
Bates Squash Center, 156 Plourde Parkway
Sunday, Jan. 30
Nordic skiing hosts Chummy Broomhall Cup.
Black Mountain of Maine, Rumford
Concert: Sundays With Schubert (see Jan. 23).
Olin Arts Center Concert Hall
Spiritual gathering: Protestant worship service (see Jan. 23).
Bates College Chapel
Jan. 19–Feb. 3
More Than a Rap Sheet: The Real Stories of Incarcerated Women: Photos and short bios of women in Maine prisons in an exhibition organized by Jennifer Stasio ’07, who works for Family Crisis Services in Portland as an advocate for incarcerated women.
Chase Hall Gallery
Bates College Museum of Art
Museum hours: 10am–5pm Tuesday–Saturday
Exhibitions: Jan. 14–March 25
Bound to Art: Illustrated Books from the Edmund S. Muskie Archives and Special Collections Library: This exhibition celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Muskie Archives and Special Collections Library taps the archives’ collection of rare books, exploring the dimensions through which the fine-book form can delight our eyes and inspire our minds.
Selections From the Collection of the Ogunquit Museum of American Art: Devoted exclusively to American art, the OMAA has a superb assortment of works by Maine-related artists and is recognized for its holdings in modern and contemporary art. The collection represents artists such as Romare Bearden, Charles Burchfield, Marsden Hartley, John Marin and Louise Nevelson.
Dialogue, a video series: Reflecting Bates’ fundamental dedication to an open exchange of ideas and artistic expression, artists in this series explore communication in videos that are profound, humorous and provocative. The three-part series opens with New York artist Christian Marclay’s Telephones (1995, 7:30 min.), which runs through Feb. 5. Videos are screened continuously in the Museum of Art’s Synergy Space, on the museum’s lower level.