Obituaries: Spring 2012
Edited by Christine Terp Madsen ’73
Katherine Ilene LaMontagne
June 25, 2011
She grew up in Lewiston, but Katherine Ilene LaMontagne didn’t hesitate to accept a job teaching English in Puerto Rico under the federal Department of Education in 1935. After several years, she returned to Lewiston to teach at Lewiston High School and later moved to Washington to work at the Library of Congress. She later earned a master’s in library science from Boston Univ. and organized libraries at several high schools before retiring in 1976. She returned to Lewiston in the 1990s and remained active in church and literary activities. Survivors include nieces and nephews. Katherine Ilene LaMontagne was one of the oldest Bates alumnae.
Samuel Charles Gilman
October 11, 2009
Sam Gilman was president of Charles Gilman & Sons, at one time one of the largest liquor distributors in Massachusetts, where he worked with his late brother, Arthur ’35 (whose obituary is below), at the company founded by their father. A biology major, he was active in the Outing Club and the Phil Hellenic Club while at the college. He was a member of Temple Shalom in Newton, Mass., and of Pine Brook Country Club. Survivors include wife Charlotte; children Barry Gilman and Paula Gilman Bayles; and one grandchild.
Richard Tuthill ’33, who had outstanding knowledge of the geography of the Pacific, designed commercial air routes still in use today.
Richard Lovejoy Tuthill
March 17, 2011
Many Bates men had their studies interrupted by World War II, but few simply because they could read a map. Richard “Tut” Tuthill understood the geography of the Pacific islands and Japan, and that attracted the attention of the founder of the OSS. His outstanding knowledge of the area was immensely important to the war effort. After the war, he designed commercial air routes still in use today. An English major at Bates, he earned a doctorate from Columbia in geography and enjoyed a long career as a professor of geography at the Univ. of Kentucky (1946–53) and Duke (1953–77). At both, he became the first registrar. He specialized in the economic geography of Canada, Africa, the Soviet Union and the Pacific Rim. He was a member of many professional organizations and served as an officer for many of them. He was married twice, first to Sylvia Bickford and then to Sandra McWhorter, both of whom predeceased him. Survivors include daughters Rhoda Rankin and Marcia Butterfield; four grandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren.
Robert Morrill Butler
September 23, 2011
He had speed and endurance, enough to earn letters in track and cross country, enough to serve as an officer of the Varsity Club and the Athletic Assn. and as captain of the crosscountry team, enough to compete at the New England Championships, with enough left over to enjoy the Outing Club and La Petite Academie. Robert Butler graduated with a degree in French and went on to teach in Dixfield before marrying Priscilla Smith and moving to New Jersey. There he rose to become the headmaster at Newark Academy, teaching Latin and algebra along the way and supervising its move to nearby Livingston and its transition to coeducation. He also found time to serve as publishing chair of the New Jersey Bates Club (1962–65), as class vice president (1989–2007) and class president (1963–68). He retired as headmaster in 1967 and returned to teaching, from which he retired in 1974. Both of his children, Robert “Skip” Butler ’63 and Elisabeth Butler ’67, are graduates, as is Skip’s wife, Judith Mosman Butler ’63. Other survivors include two grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.
John Edward Cooper Jr.
April 12, 1994
John Cooper lived most of his adult life in Illinois and Pennsylvania and owned his own insurance brokerage. He was active in his church and in Rotary. His aunt and uncle were Bessie Cooper 1904 and Christopher Cooper 1905.
Stella Clemants Kishon
November 26, 2009
Stella Kishon, an Auburn native and graduate of Jordan High School, threw herself into everything the college had to offer. She was very active with the YWCA and served on its cabinet for two years. She chaired the Tea Dance Committee of Lambda Alpha during her senior year and was active in the Orphic Society all four years. She was a sociology major, but her interest in science drew her to the Ramsdell Scientific Society during her final two years. Her late husband was Anton Kishon ’37.
Arthur S. Gilman
December 23, 2010
Arthur Gilman left Bates in 1934. He and his brother, the late Samuel C. Gilman ’33, who died in 2009, owned Charles Gilman & Sons, which was once one of the largest liquor distributorships in Massachusetts. Survivors include wife Marcia Tuck Gilman; children Paul, Carol and Jeffrey Gilman; and three grandchildren. His late first wife was Jeanette Lodgen Gilman.
Ruth Rowe Wilson
February 19, 2012
Ruth Rowe Wilson grew up on one college campus, Bates’, then became the wife of the president at another, Skidmore, before returning to Bates as a widow to build both a career in college publishing and friendships across generations of students, alumni, faculty and staff. In 1964, after the death of husband Val Wilson ’38, with five of her six children still at home, she returned to Lewiston, Maine, from Saratoga Springs, N.Y., to work for Bates as the editor of its magazine and college publications, a position she learned as she went and held until 1980. At Skidmore and at Bates she was a role model but disliked the term. “It never occurred to me that I was playing a role,” she said in 1998. “I was just doing what I was doing.” She later served as class notes editor, until 2002. She enjoyed several years in her gardens at her home on College Street and in Ocean Park, Maine, her longtime summer home, before moving to California to be near family in 2007. From Skidmore she received the board’s Denis B. Kemball-Cook Award, honoring a leader who “has given sacrificially of wisdom, time and talent,” and in 1986 she received the Bates Alumni Assn.’s Distinguished Service Award. One of her many acts of friendship and fellowship at Bates was to host the college’s international students, often joined by James Reese, at her Ocean Park seaside home for an annual picnic. When she moved to California in 2007, they signed a guest book for her. “My first month at Bates, you welcomed me to Ocean Park, where I signed your guest book,” said Sorina Crisan ’07 of Arad, Romania, as she presented the book to Ruth. “At the end of my Bates education, it is a privilege for me to be able to say goodbye in the same way.” She was the daughter of legendary Bates dean Harry Rowe 1912 and Hope Chandler Rowe. Ruth is survived by sister Esther Rowe Tallamy ’38; children David, Alden, James, Carol Grandin, Nancy Schaffer and Kathryn Schmidt; 16 grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren; and two great-great-grandchildren. A memorial service will take place in the summer at Bates.
Daisy McPherson Clark
October 12, 2010
Daisy Clark was living in Michigan at the time of her death. Her husband, L. Verdelle Clark ’36, passed away in 1996.
Margaret Bennett Mansfield
January 21, 2011
“Bennie” Bennett Mansfield taught in Maine schools for several years before following her husband to his hometown of Bar Harbor, where she became president of the YWCA and the literary union and served on the boards of the library and the concert association. After retiring to Florida in 1977, she continued her service to the local library and to her community association. An English major, she was active with the Student, the Buffoon and the Mirror at Bates. Her husband, Kenneth Mansfield, predeceased her. Survivors include daughter Susan Mansfield Pogue; two grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. Her daughter wrote, “My mother always felt that she had received a superb education at Bates and was proud to be an alumnus.”
Herbert Austin Miller
August 10, 2011
Herb Miller spun scrap metal into luxurious textiles. He took the knowledge about running a business he gained working with his father and uncle at their junkyard and bought up spinning mills around the state. He soon became a master at improvising old equipment to new technology and at combining new fibers with waste fibers. At one point, his businesses were producing more than 100,000 pounds of yarn and 100,000 pounds of cloth per week, and his company was producing blankets for clients such as L.L.Bean, Macy’s and Lands’ End. He and his second wife, Jo Pollock, owned the blanket store in the remaining portion of the Worumbo Mill in Lisbon Falls. His cousins were Lester Miller ’34 and Harold Miller ’38. Nephew Stephen Schaffer ’64 and grandniece Sara Isaacson ’07 survive him, as do three stepchildren and three grandchildren. His daughter, Deborah Bornstein, predeceased him.
Frank Harold Jewett II
February 10, 2011
Frank Jewett graduated from Bates with a degree in biology with plans to become a doctor, but illness forced him to withdraw from Boston Univ. School of Medicine. Instead, he taught science and worked in the chemical field for many years. He also enjoyed beef and chicken farming. Three children, Jonathan Jewett ’68, Meredeth Libby and Carol Jewett, predeceased him. Survivors include wife Ruth Arenstrup Jewett ’42; son Frank Jewett III ’66; six grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren. His father was Frank Jewett 1913.
Barbara Mary Leonard
June 9, 2011
With her degree in mathematics from the college, Barbara Leonard went on to earn a master’s in education from the Univ. of Maine (1958) and a master’s in mathematics from Bowdoin (1963), all of which augmented her teaching career. She taught first at Brunswick High School and then at the American High School in Paris before returning to Brunswick to chair the mathematics department. She retired in 1972, at which point she joined the Peace Corps and traveled to Kenya to teach mathematics. Afterward, she worked as a travel agent in Brunswick and traveled the world. She is survived by a brother and many nieces and nephews.
Lionel Abney Whiston Jr.
July 5, 2011
Lee Whiston followed in his father’s footsteps, being ordained in his father’s church in Fitchburg, Mass., in 1942 after completing studies at Andover Newton Theological School. He taught for eight years at Catawba College in North Carolina before joining the faculty at Eden Seminary in Missouri to teach the Old Testament and Hebrew. He retired in 1983, at which time he turned to pastoral counseling. His interests were in social justice, and he and wife Dorothy Weeks Whiston ’41 traveled to Alabama for Martin Luther King’s voter registration drive. He was also involved in Christian-Jewish dialogues and was intrigued by the intersections of religion, science and literature. He was also known for his expertise on film. He earned a doctorate in theology from Harvard in 1951 and in 1965 spent the school year in Jerusalem on sabbatical with his wife and three of his sons, William, Charles and Stephen. They survive him, along with a fourth son, Lionel III (Lee) ’66, who was in college at the time. Other survivors include eight grandchildren and one great-grandchild. His wife is deceased.
Carl Edwin Andrews
September 12, 2011
The Bates name “Andrews” — of Lake Andrews and Andrews Road fame — signifies multigenerational service to the college. Carl Andrews was the son of Bertha May Bell Andrews, who established the women’s physical education program, and the nephew of Bates treasurer Delbert Andrews, Class of 1910. A star football player, president of the Jordan Society and secretary of the Varsity Club at Bates, Carl became a respected surgeon in Florida following medical school at Yale and residencies during his Army service. He loved growing things, and was an improver of the world around him. He gave out bags of homegrown citrus — he called the offerings “preventative medicine” — from the 100-plus citrus trees on his Florida home in a residential airpark. His property had a fishing pond, where he taught his grandchildren the finer points of casting, a talent he possessed thanks to his experience as a Maine Guide; he had a special love for Mount Katahdin and the Allagash River. He established a Bates fund in memory of his mother to support lectures emphasizing the moral aspect of education, and he established the William Sawyer Class of 1913 Memorial Biology Lecture Fund. Survivors include wife Jane P. Andrews; children Richard Andrews, Jean Andrews and Ruth Andrews Morris ’72; seven grandchildren including Mark Andrews ’09 and Kristy Andrews ‘12; and a great-grandchild. He was predeceased by son Carl “Bert” Andrews ’74, whose wife was Cindy Holmes Andrews Whyte ’74. Bert’s name is on the exercise room in Merrill Gym.
Thomas Puglise
August 9, 2011
All Tom Puglise wanted to do was teach. It took him two years of working in Stratford, Conn., to earn enough money and an associate’s degree to transfer to Bates and continue on to a bachelor’s in French, his fourth language (along with Greek, Italian and English), so he could return home to a career of teaching at his own high school. Service in the Air Force interrupted his career for a bit, but little else did, until he retired in 2002. He did take time to earn a master’s from the Univ. of Bridgeport. He became head of the English department and directed both the local summer school and adult education program. His wife, Lucille, passed away in 2009. Survivors include children Thomas Puglise, Ernest Puglise and Kathi Loughlin; five grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.
George Allan Rollins
December 31, 1999
Allan Rollins ran track and cross country at Bates. A father of six, he was deeply involved with Boy Scouts, Little League and Babe Ruth Baseball. He also organized sports and outings for senior citizens and trained umpires for youth leagues. He owned his own real estate agency in Redwood City, Calif., for many years. His wife, Vivian Sampson Rollins ’42, died in 1995.
Frank Avery Saunders
April 28, 2003
A history and government major, Frank Saunders was active in debate and managed the track team while a student. The college regrets that it has no further information on Mr. Saunders.
Carol Jean Stifler
July 5, 2011
Both grandfathers were ministers. All three uncles were ministers. All her aunts married ministers. Her father was a minister. So Carol Jean Stifler was going to be a doctor, no doubt about it. Until she transferred to Bates and Professor Rayborn Zerby — ah — opened her eyes. In addition to her degree in religion from Bates, she also held a bachelor’s in divinity, the steppingstone to ordination, from Yale. She worked for many years for the Fund for Renewal, a capital funds campaign designed by the American Baptist Church and the Progressive National Baptist Convention Inc. to help Baptist-related minority institutions become self-sufficient. Before that, she had worked with the ABC in other capacities. Her work allowed her to travel extensively throughout the world. Survivors include a number of nieces and nephews.
Dorothy Carey Roeske
May 16, 2001
Dodie Roeske was a librarian at Principia College in Illinois. She earned a master’s in library science from Simmons in 1957, started work at Principia in 1959 and became the director of its library in 1987. Her cousin is Janet-Lee Fay Stanley ’54. Her late sister was Ruth Carey Drake ’43.
With a trace of astonishment, librarian Nancy Cole ’41 wrote that she spent an entire week on the beach during vacation but “never got to the library.”
Nancy Hutchinson Cole
March 8, 2010
Nancy Cole could never quite give up books. No matter how many times she stopped being a librarian, she always seemed to start again, either at another job, or as a volunteer or in the Peace Corps. In one note home from vacation, she wrote with a trace of astonishment in her voice that she spent an entire week on the black sand beach but “never got to the library.” She worked in libraries in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Florida and California, as well as St. Kitts in the Peace Corps. She was president of the Philadelphia Bates Club in the late 1960s. Her marriage to the late Arthur F. Cole ’42 ended in divorce. Her son Richard predeceased her. She is survived by two sons, David and Peter, and a grandchild.
Gilbert Parker Wood
November 14, 2010
Gil Wood attended Bates for one year. He was a Linotype operator at the Lewiston Sun Journal, until the machines became obsolete, and then became executive secretary of the Araxine Wilkins Sawyer Memorial Foundation. He is survived by sons John, Alan and Mark; four grandchildren; and seven great-grandchildren. His late sister was Carolyn Wood ’42.
Althea Comins Cliff
February 14, 2011
Her degree from Bates in French led her to a job teaching French at the high school in Mars Hill, where she met Lloyd Cliff, who decided to see America before marrying her. He wrote letters and postcards from Florida to California to Alaska, where he helped build the Alaska Highway and finally proposed. She followed him to Fairbanks, where they were married. They moved on to Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, before returning to civilization in Massachusetts, eventually building a house in West Suffield, where they lived until he died in 2007. She continued to teach and eventually became chair of the foreign language department at Windsor Locks High School in Connecticut before retiring in 1980. Survivors include children Linda Hartz, Nancy Neumueller, Bruce Cliff and Janet Cliff; and five grandchildren.
Louis Joseph Hervey
June 27, 2011
Lou Hervey took the long view on life and once claimed that he got more from scrubbing pots and pans in Commons than from many classes at Bates, though he did credit lifelong friendships, four state baseball championships and encouragement from Harry Rowe, Norm Ross and others for influence on his success. His time at Bates was interrupted by heroic service in the Army, where he won multiple Bronze Stars, landed on Utah Beach just after D-Day, was on the first cargo ship into Toulon Beach after the French fleet was scuttled and was on the first cargo ship into Antwerp after it was liberated. He remained in the Army Reserves until 1963, retiring as a major. His career was as a teacher in Black River, N.Y. He taught English at Black River High School from 1946 to 1951, at which time he became its principal, a position he held until 1958, when he became principal of the new Carthage Junior-Senior High School. He retired in 1978. In 1949, he received an M.Ed. from St. Lawrence Univ. A three-sport athlete at Bates in baseball, football and basketball, he continued to play both baseball and basketball for many years. He also was active in town politics and was mayor of Black River and a trustee of the town. He also was a member of the town of LeRay planning board and president of the Jefferson County Teachers Assn. and was active in the Fort Drum Regional Liaison Organization, which worked to keep the base open during base closure sessions. His wife, the former Irene Sheldon, predeceased him, as did daughter Catherine Job. Survivors include children Elizabeth Harrington ’68, Tamara Hervey, Maureen Sandon, Louis Hervey and Sheldon Hervey; 11 grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.
Jean Keneston Fisher
July 20, 2011
College can set the course of a person’s life, and it certainly did for Jean Fisher. At Bates, she met the man she would marry, she met the woman who would become her lifelong friend, and she found the place she wanted to live: Maine. Hildreth “Bud” Fisher ’42 would stay at Bates for three years, but that was plenty of time for them to fall in love. And whether it was luck or divine inspiration, she was paired with Ruth Ulrich Coffin ’42 as roommates, a friendship that would last a lifetime. She had a head start on loving Maine: her late parents, Sheldon and Maude Howard Keneston (1916 and 1915), had blazed the path. Active in student government and choral groups, she earned a degree in sociology and was elected to the Bates Key. She was a social worker for the state of Maine following graduation, working with at-risk children and families. Later, she became very involved with Girl Scouts and eventually became the field director for Girl Scouts of Maine. She received a 65-year pin from the organization recently. She retired in 1985. Additionally, she was active in Al-Anon and at addiction recovery centers. Bud Fisher passed away in 1998. Survivors include children Susan Hall and Stephen Fisher; seven grandchildren; 13 great-grandchildren; and a great-great-grandchild. Another daughter, Katherine, died in 1951 and son, Thomas ’81, died in 1990. Her former sister-in-law was Virginia Fisher Briggs ’43.
Ardith Lakin Cronin
June 27, 2011
Ardee Cronin started out in politics as many women of her generation do — active in the League of Women Voters. From there, she became the first woman elected to the Falls Church (Va.) City Council and then the first woman to chair the local regional planning commission. There, she helped create a master plan for the city that has stood as a model for 30 years. She drew friends and “adopted” children to her wherever she traveled and claimed her dog was the perfect dog. Survivors include sons Jefferson Cronin and Gregory Cronin.
Lorraine McGee Roberts
January 31, 2011
Lorraine Roberts taught in Rhode Island for many years, after moving there in 1950. Survivors include children Bill Roberts and Linda Thomson; four grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren.
Anne Momna Howard
December 16, 2009
Annie Howard came to Bates from Westbrook Junior College and earned a degree in English. She taught in schools in Old Orchard Beach, Maine, and Boxford, Mass. She is survived by two sons, including Jonathan ’75; a daughter; and seven grandchildren. Her husband, Stedman, died in 2001.
Elizabeth Bliss Garzio
May 26, 2011
Betty Garzio left Bates and headed for Simmons, where she added a master’s in social work to her resume before moving to the Midwest, eventually settling in Kansas. There, she became a champion for the rights of people with developmental disabilities. She was a founder of the Riley County Assn. for Retarded Citizens and an advocate of quality healthcare. She worked for many years at Kansas State Univ.-Lafene Mental Health Center, from which she retired. Her stepsister, Muriel Bliss Wilbur ’32, predeceased her. Her niece is Deborah Bliss Behler ’69. Other survivors include children Judith Nole and Eric Garzio; six grandchildren; and a great-grandchild.
Gilbert Sayward Center
February 1, 2011
Marjorie Cahall Center|
August 16, 2011
Laconia, N.H., is a big enough city in a small enough state that an active, intelligent couple can shine a bright light over it. Gil and Marjorie Center’s many talents were invaluable to Laconia: He was its unofficial historian, writing a local column for the newspaper for 25 years and serving on city and state historical commissions; she was the booksmith, the one who always knew just what you should read next. He taught history at Laconia High School for 25 years before becoming executive director of the N.H. American Revolution Bicentennial Commission and then director of the N.H. State House Visitors’ Center in Concord. She worked at Gale Public Library for 42 years and especially enjoyed its outreach to children and retirement homes. Gil volunteered at the library, researching its photographs and historical items. Both were active in the Cheney Bates Club and as class officers. They were also active in the American Baptist Church, especially in its world mission. Marjorie was the choir director at the South Baptist Church in Laconia for 35 years. After college, Gil served two years in the U.S. Navy before earning a master’s in education from UNH. During that time, Marjorie worked at the university’s library. In 1958, Gil won a William Robertson Coe Fellowship for the Study of American History at Stanford. Their son Rob is a member of the Class of 1973. Other survivors include daughter Jodi Center and two grandchildren.
Webster Palmer Jackson
February 5, 2011
Web Jackson was proud to be a graduate of the college, but it was a few weeks at Notre Dame that really changed his life. It was while he was there for Navy training that he met Gina Moomaw, up from DePauw Univ. for a dance. She became, he once said, not only his wife but his “best friend.” A history and government major, he was class treasurer while a student, played football and basketball and was on the staff of the Student. He returned to his hometown of Wakefield, Mass., after graduation, where he took a job with A.C. Lawrence Leather, a job he kept for 43 years. He served as class president as an alumnus and on the Bates Fund Committee. He was a lifetime member of the local Baptist church and a longtime member of the Masonic lodge. He loved watching the changes, alternately subtle and dramatic, from his hilltop retirement home in Ipswich, Mass. Gina passed away in 2008 and son William ’70 in 2009; William’s widow is Martha Collier Jackson ’71. Other survivors include son Mark Jackson and his wife Karen Wakefield Jackson ’73; granddaughter Emily Jackson Sanborn ’94; three other grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.
Burton Henry Knust
May 30, 2011
Burton Knust left Bates after two years to become a naval aviator, winning the Distinguished Flying Cross and five Air Medals. He then built a successful career in the office furniture business in the Hartford, Conn., area. Survivors include daughters Laura Knust and Tracy Knust and two granddaughters.
Arthur Lawrence Bram
July 7, 2011
Lawrence Bram’s time at the college was interrupted by military service during the war, but he completed his degree in 1947. He then went on to NYU to become a dentist and practiced in the New York-New Jersey area. He also taught briefly at Mount Sinai Hospital.
For Caroline Gray Atkinson ’43, her sociology degree did not even hint at her eventual job of caring for infant giraffes — in her home.
Caroline Gray Atkinson
January 1, 2005
For some graduates, their degrees from Bates lead naturally to a career. But for Caroline Atkinson, her sociology degree did not even hint at her eventual job of caring for infant giraffes — in her home. She started at the Bronx Zoo as a volunteer, but soon was hired to care for her “babies” in a special home nursery. After teaching in Connecticut and Maine, she worked briefly as a New York City social worker in the 1950s before marrying Joseph Atkinson Jr. During World War II, she worked for the U.S. Signal Corps in Virginia. Her husband died in 1978. She is survived by a son, a daughter and two grandchildren.
Abraham Samuel Keller
April 15, 2004
Samuel Keller traveled the world in search of that precious commodity: oil. He was a geologist by training, having enhanced his Bates education with further studies at the Colorado School of Mines. He put in four years with the U.S. Geological Survey before joining Union Oil Co., which eventually sent him to Australia, where his crew struck gold, so to speak, by establishing enough wells to form the first oil field in the country, one that brought Queen Elizabeth II all the way south to commemorate the event. He was the author of several books and many technical papers. His late brother was Israel Harry Keller ’36. He and wife Irene had two children, Kathy and Tracy.
Esther Linder Bray
February 27, 2011
She was new to town, and all 25-year-old Essie Bray wanted to do was volunteer at her daughters’ school library. But the principal asked her if she happened to have a teaching certificate — which she did and never used. But that was just fine for the administration in Killeen, Texas, where she taught for the next 19 years until she retired in 1989. She had moved back to Keene, N.H., after graduation, to work at the local radio station as a copywriter and editor of its program guide, before moving to Cleveland three years later. There, she was the assistant to the promotional director, which gave her a chance to meet interesting people, such as Bill Veeck, owner of the Cleveland Indians, and Cornelia Otis Skinner, a writer and actress, as well as her future husband, Dan Bray. They married in 1949. Essie was secretary of the Ohio Bates Club and class secretary in the 1940s. She is survived by daughter Betsy MacPherson and a grandchild. Her husband and daughter Ellen Bray predeceased her.
Leonard Avery Hawkins
February 9, 2011
Football and baseball were the games of the day while he was a student. Golf and bowling carried him through his later years, with hockey and softball filling out the middle. He also was a skilled bridge player and kept his yard in top shape. He worked for Aetna for 37 years, joining the company soon after receiving his degree from Bates in 1948 (delayed because of military service during World War II). He is survived by wife Helen Spencer Hawkins; sons Peter Hawkins and David Hawkins; six grandchildren; and seven great-grandchildren. Son John Hawkins predeceased him.
Margery Lincoln Hansen
April 11, 2011
The onset of World War II forced Margery Hansen to withdraw from Bates. Many years later, she received a degree from Keene (N.H.) State College and taught elementary school. Her husband, Roger Hansen, predeceased her. She is survived by two sisters.
Daniel Vieira Norte
February 20, 2011
When Dan Norte was chosen by his Rotary Club in Cortland, N.Y., to travel to a small town in Brazil to study its culture and needs, he came back with the idea to collect old and new musical instruments for donation, just what the music teacher there needed. The program was a big success. A few years later, he was named Rotarian of the Year by his local club. He devoted his life to service to others, working primarily at YMCAs throughout the Northeast. For many years, he was the executive director of the YMCA in Cortland. Helping a music program was right up his alley: He played in the band and the orchestra at the college, where he received a degree in history and government, delayed until 1947 by the war. He also held a master’s from Boston Univ. His wife is Constance Wood Norte ’46. They were active in the Buffalo Bates Club in the 1960s, and he was class president in the late 1970s. He also served on the board at his church. Along with his wife, survivors include sons Harvey Norte and Clifford Norte; four grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren. Daughter Cynthia Bodine died in 2010.
Barbara Cosgrove Robinson
November 9, 2010
Despite living in Delaware for more than 30 years, Barbara Robinson never let go of New England. She was proud of her heritage and returned to Maine after the death of her husband, Allan Robinson, in 2002. She had worked as an activities counselor at YWCAs in Massachusetts and Delaware over the years and had spent three years in Germany when her husband’s work with DuPont took him there. She enjoyed traveling throughout Europe during that time. Survivors include children Winston Robinson and Diane Robinson DiNardi ’75 and a grandchild.
Mary Stanley Merker
August 7, 2011
Mary Stanley Merker started at Bates when she was 16 and finished in three years, with a degree in English and dean’s list credentials to brag about. She taught in Connecticut, New York and Utah, where the local Mormon bishop made sure his children were in her class. She and husband Jarrold (“Jerry”) Merker moved to Lincoln, Neb., in 1969, when he became chief of psychology at the VA there; he passed away in March 2012. In Lincoln, she became interested in quilting and was appointed to the yearbook committee of the Lincoln Quilters Guild. Her survivors include daughter Sally Jane Merker and several nephews, among them Richard J. Stanley ’79 and Edward M. Stanley ’81. Her father was Richard Stanley 1924, and her uncle was John P. Stanley Jr. 1926.
Frances Wheeler Kelsey
May 24, 2011
Frances Wheeler Kelsey enjoyed a busy life on campus as part of singing groups, the Student, The Garnet, the Women’s Athletic Assn., the Quimby Debate Society and the Campus Assn. She graduated with a degree in economics and sociology and worked briefly in the Office of Public Affairs in Washington, D.C., and at the Back Bay Ledger before becoming a teacher in Hanover, N.H., where she remained for 25 years. She earned a master’s degree from Plymouth (N.H.) State College. Survivors include daughter Kathe Houst, son Mark Kelsey and two grandsons.
Preston Abbott ’47 had been missing in action for three weeks, but the calm letter home gave little hint of the dramatic events. His B-24 had crashed over Yugoslavia on its 25th mission.
Preston Sargent Abbott
June, 9, 2011
He’d been missing in action for three weeks, but the calm letter home gave little hint of the dramatic events: Gunnery Sgt. Preston Abbott’s B-24 had crashed over Yugoslavia on its 25th mission. He and its crew had been rescued by Yugoslav partisans and smuggled to safety. He received the Purple Heart, the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Air Medal for his actions. He had started at Bates with the Class of 1942, but the interruption of war allowed him to meet Barbara Beattie ’48, who became his wife. He also earned a master’s from the Univ. of Hawaii and a Ph.D. from Brown. He was a research psychologist for the Air Force from 1951 to 1955 and then joined the Human Resources Research Organization as program leader for the training methods division. He remained there for most of his career, although he also served as director of the American Univ.’s Center for Research in Social Systems from 1970 to 1975. In 1975, he left both organizations to start Abbott Associates, a consulting firm that conducted research for the U.S. Army and Air Force and the Kingdom of Jordan, among others. His wife survives him, along with children Judy, David and Mark, and four grandchildren.
Josephine Ingram
April 21, 2011
Josephine Ingram taught in five different states — and in France, Germany, Turkey, Libya and Morocco, as part of the Department of Defense School System. In addition to her degree in English (Phi Beta Kappa) from the college, she held a master’s from American International College. At Bates, she was secretary of the Philosophy club, president of the Robinson Players and active in student government. Survivors include brother Paul and several nieces and nephews.
Leonard Andrew Charpentier
May 28, 2011
Len Charpentier waited until after World War II to come to Bates — after he had flown 29 combat missions, had been shot down, taken prisoner, nursed back to health by a German medical team and liberated by American forces. Discharged as a captain, he came to Bates to resume the studies he had started at Springfield College, then went on to Boston Univ. for a medical degree. While in residency in obstetrics in Galveston, Texas, he met and married Gwendolyn Stratton, the chief dietician at the university hospital. They remained in Galveston until they retired in 1994. He was a diplomate of the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology. In 1985, he became a full-time teacher, specializing in gynecologic surgery. He was president of numerous organizations and served on many boards, both medical and community. He also received awards recognizing his excellent teaching. His wife survives him, as do children Alicia Haley and Laurence Charpentier and five grandchildren.
Emery Willington Flavin
January 29, 2011
Emery Flavin was of the right age to enlist in the Army Air Corps before college, and so he came to Bates after the war. A history and government major, he went on to Boston Univ. to earn a master’s and then taught high school in New Hampshire for several years. Eventually, he joined the faculty of Ulster County Community College, where he taught sociology and from where he retired in 1987. He was a consultant on college textbooks. Survivors include sons Eric, Dana and Bevan Flavin and five grandchildren. His wife, Shirley Putonen Flavin, predeceased him.
Phyllis Simon Albright
March 23, 2011
She thought she’d be a teacher — two years in Future Teachers of America — but Phyllis Albright, who earned a degree in mathematics, instead went to work for GE, as she put it, as a “calculator,” formally known as an engineering assistant. At GE, she met Donald Albright, whom she married in 1953. Their life in Schenectady was full of golf and bowling and bridge — and kids. They raised four children. She still found time to serve as secretary of the Hudson-Mohawk Bates Club in the 1980s. In 1989, she and Don started their own firm with two of their children, making a diagnostic tool for large turbines, today considered the leader in its field. He passed away in 2010. Survivors include children Janet Albright Ruckel ’76, James, David and Carl Albright; 11 grandchildren; and a great-grandchild.
Barbara Cottle Aldrich
August 30, 2011
Barbara Aldrich was active in Robinson Players and also its business manager, a logical fit for an economics major. A resident of Connecticut, she was a fan of the Univ. of Connecticut’s women’s basketball team. She had been active with the Women’s Fellowship at the First Congregational Church of Wallingford. She was co-secretary of her Bates class at the time of her death. Her husband, Curtis Aldrich, died in 2001. Survivors include son Samuel.
Lydia Fox Stoughton
July 16, 2011
Lydia Stoughton liked to divide her time among boating, volunteering at the local art museum and working as a teacher’s aide in Duxbury, Mass. She served as president of the Buffalo Bates Club in the 1960s before moving to Duxbury. A biology major at Bates, she was active in the Outing Club and the Orphic Society. She leaves her sons, Scott and Peter Stoughton, and two grandchildren. Her husband, Ralph Stoughton, predeceased her.
Phyllis Garland
February 12, 2011
Phyllis Garland spent a brief time at Bates before transferring to Bridgewater State College, where she earned a degree in history. She then returned to Oak Bluffs on Martha’s Vineyard to work at her family’s store. She was active in the Trinity Methodist Church and Eastern Star. There are no immediate survivors.
Ann Sargent Bensen
June 11, 2011
Annisquam is a small, waterfront neighborhood isolated from the rest of busy Gloucester, Mass., but it had everything that Ann Bensen wanted: a yacht club for sailing, a library where she could research and volunteer, and old churches where she could practice her brass rubbings, which were displayed in Gloucester and in New Jersey. She was also an expert genealogist. She had earned a teaching degree from William Paterson Univ. and taught kindergarten for 25 years in New Jersey, returning to the family’s summer home in Annisquam when she retired. She served on the board of the Annisquam Library and volunteered with the Cape Ann Historical Museum. Her first husband, Richard Lowcher, passed away, as did her second husband, George Bensen III. Survivors include sons Philip, Mark and Matthew Lowcher; four grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. A son, Peter, predeceased her.
Ann Small Stinson
April 11, 2011
Her roots in Auburn reached back to the Revolutionary War: Ann Stinson’s great-great-great-grandfather built the 1785 house she lived in as a child, after he returned from battle. She shook off those roots for a while, after graduating from the college, to earn a degree in library science at Columbia, where she supported herself by working at the library in Newark, N.J. She even worked as the children’s librarian at the New York Public Library until 1955, when the roots pulled her back to Maine and she opened the Munjoy Hill branch of the Portland Public Library. Later, she became the director of the Lewiston Public Library and, in 1963, the South Portland Public Library, a library she designed and built. In 1973, she retired and moved to Deer Isle with husband Willard “Sonny” Stinson, an organic farmer, whom she had married four years earlier. (Her first marriage, to Henry Bauer, ended in divorce.) Survivors include Mr. Stinson and her son, John Bauer. Her late parents were Wesley ’20 and Mable Plummer Small ’23.
Jane Waters Wright
July 6, 2011
It makes sense that Jane Wright was a sociology major at Bates. What she enjoyed doing the most was having her entire family together, enjoying the dynamics and interactions of the group, bound to be substantial with four adult children and 11 grandchildren. She had her quiet activities, too — painting and gardening — but holidays or times at Ocean Park were her favorites. Survivors include husband Frederick Wright; children Karen Reed, Stephen Wright, Tom Wright and Judy Cox; and 11 grandchildren.
Jesse Eustace Castanias
July 16, 2011
Jesse Castanias arrived at Bates fresh from piloting 35 successful B-17 missions over Germany in World War II to join the almost-unstoppable football team that made it all the way to the Glass Bowl, before losing to the Univ. of Toledo, 21–12. He used his degree in economics to build a 47-year career in the food and beverage industry, primarily in the Midwest. Survivors include sons Greg and Richard Castanias and four grandchildren. His wife Janet Carol Johnson preceded him in death.
Robert Beaton Sanderson
March 16, 2011
Robert Sanderson was busy working in the family’s business even before he graduated, and so it was logical that he would open a similar business of his own several hours north when the time was right. He founded the Springfield (Vt.) Printing Corp. and was able to turn it over to his sons when the time was right. His degree from Bates was in history, and he studied further at Bucknell. Survivors include wife Barbara Calderwood Sanderson; children Wendy Murphy, Martha Erickson, Mark Sanderson and Bruce Sanderson; and six grandchildren.
Elaine Baraby Littlefield
June 20, 2011
Elaine Littlefield left the college to marry classmate Charles Littlefield, who passed away 10 years later. She remained close to her Wilson House roommates — the “Wilson 6,” she called them. Survivors include son Bruce Littlefield and daughters Anne Littlefield and Jeanie Littlefield. A son, Scott, predeceased her.
Alan Irving Dunham
July 19, 2010
Alan Dunham was a lifetime firefighter in Carver, Mass., and a lifetime member of the American Legion Post there, too. He had a deep streak of stick-to-it-tiveness not often found today; he even stayed with the same company, Clark Babbitt Foods, for his entire career, starting after he left the Navy in 1946 and retiring from there as vice president in 1972. He served 21 years on the school committee in Carver and also on the planning board and was its treasurer for 11 years. He was president of the Bristol County Bates Club in the mid-1950s, the Cape Cod Bates Club (1969–72) and president of his class (1961–70). His first wife was the late Joyce Gilman Atwood ’51. Survivors include wife Alice Huxley Dunham; children Susan Shane, Alan Dunham ’75, Philip Dunham and Joyce Mazalewski; six grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.
Patricia Dunn Ferguson
September 28, 2011
Pat Dunn married classmate William Ferguson shortly after graduation, and the two enjoyed a long marriage, living in New Jersey and in Lausanne, Switzerland, where his work for Alcoa took him. In 1967, they moved to Fox Chapel, Pa., where Pat volunteered in plant therapy and eagerly taught her grandson to play bridge. Her husband passed away in 2006. Survivors include daughter Katherine Charapko and a grandchild. A son also predeceased her.
Donald Peck ’51 spent years perfecting a surgical technique that did away with the need for ostomy bags, a medical procedure now used around the world.
Donald Alan Peck
March 26, 2011
People around the world can thank Dr. Donald Peck for something they don’t have: a little bag hanging off their abdomen walls. He spent years perfecting a technique that did away with the need for the ostomy bags often required after colorectal surgery, a medical procedure now used around the world. His medical degree was from New York Medical College, and he held internships and fellowships in the Navy and at the Mayo Clinic. He was an assistant professor of surgery at Stanford Univ. and was at Good Samaritan Hospital in Los Gatos, Calif., for 12 years. He was a fellow of the American College of Surgeons. He was married twice, to Judith Winkler and to Margaret Peck; both predeceased him. He is survived by children Beth, Michael, Mara, Jonathan and Joshua; 10 grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.
George Lewis Corey Jr.
September 30, 2011
“Here I was scrubbing floors in the cafeteria,” said George Corey once, describing his time at Bates. “A cloud didn’t come down out of the sky or anything. I just knew at that instant that I wanted to be a pastoral minister.” He majored in religion and went on to Andover-Newton Theological School to earn a master’s and was ordained as a Congregational minister in 1955. Raised a Presbyterian, he converted to Congregationalism at Bates because he liked that the church members are the ultimate authority in church matters. He served churches in New Hampshire, South Dakota, Missouri, Ohio and Massachusetts. He took into the ministry with him his tennis skills and his singing voice. Sometimes he made deals with people: I’ll play tennis with you if you’ll go to church. He started youth clubs centered on athletics to bring kids together. He got members of theater groups to sing solos at his churches. His first wife, who died in 1990, was Jean Chapman ’52. Survivors include wife Deborah Friedrich Cory; children Margaret Sheldon, Bruce Cory, Joanna Conley, Elizabeth Curran, Emily Haskell and Matthew Cory; 21 grandchildren; and seven great-grandchildren. A grandson predeceased him.
John Harvey McDonald
January 12, 2002
An English major at Bates, John McDonald went on to earn a law degree from Fordham in 1955, where he was the assistant editor of the Law Review. He held positions at several firms before becoming vice president and general counsel at Singer Credit Corp. In 1979, he joined Pitney Bowes Credit Corp. as vice president, general counsel and secretary.
Richard Insley Trenholm
February 25, 2011
Rich Trenholm was bored in high school, wanted to be “where the action was,” so he joined the Navy. He found himself in Hiroshima very soon after the atomic bomb was dropped. What he saw there made him wonder why he bothered to even get up in the morning if this was what was coming. He decided the only thing he could do was try to “teach peace.” He became a charter member of United World Federalists, finished high school and came to Bates, where he founded the World Government Club and was class president. He served on the student council and on the political affairs committee. He added a master’s in history from BU in 1954 to his credentials and then started his teaching career at various schools throughout New England. In 1973, he earned another master’s in secondary school administration from the Univ. of Conn. At Minnechaug High School in Wilbraham, Mass., where he was the principal and chair of the history department, he met and married the former Christine Clark, who survives him. In 1977, he became a history teacher at the Whitingham School in Jacksonville, Vt. and retired in 1990. He had remained active in UWF and the organizations that resulted from it and eventually became involved with Traprock, a peace center in Massachusetts, where he became part of its Core Group. In an article in this magazine in 1996, he said that his goal had always been to help make the United Nations “a workable, limited, democratic world government.” He was active with Coalition for a Strong United Nations, a grassroots network that reviews the role of the U.N. as it now functions and determines how it could function more effectively. As an alumnus, he served as class president and was active in the Cheney Bates Club. Other survivors include sons David and Mark Trenholm and a grandchild.
Edna Williamson Zemanian
August 1, 2011
Edna Zemanian found a way to teach wherever she went, whether crawling on the floor with a 3-year-old or putting together a special presentation on DNA research. She taught in elementary schools in New York and New Jersey before she joined the staff at SUNY Stony Brook, designing and managing community outreach programs for local teachers and students to take advantage of the school’s resources. Her skill at this job won her recognition as “Woman of the Year in Education” in 1993 from the Village Times Herald, and she received the SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Education in 1995. She was instrumental in the expansion of the Long Island Science and Engineering Fair for high school students and was one of its first trustees. She also was active in the Setauket Presbyterian Church, especially its soup kitchen and Sunday school. Survivors include husband Armen Zemanian; children Peter, Thomas and Lewis Zemanian and Susan Drennan; and nine grandchildren.
Warren Hasty Carroll
July 17, 2011
Warren Carroll, the son of Herbert ’23 and Gladys Hasty Carroll ’25, once told the Central Maine Morning Sentinel that his parents had given him full freedom, yet the guidance and education he needed to develop his talents. He started by graduating summa cum laude with a degree in history and a PBK ring and going on to Columbia for a doctorate in history (he wrote his dissertation in their paint shed). He attended law school for two years and worked for the CIA and the California State Senate. During this time, he met and married Anne Westhoff, who converted him to Catholicism, which radically changed the course of his life. He went to work for Triumph, a conservative Catholic magazine founded in reaction to the changes implemented by Vatican II. When the magazine folded, he founded Christendom College in 1977, located today in Front Royal, Va. He served as its president and one of its five faculty members. He was chair of the history department until 2002, but resigned the presidency in 1985. At the time of his death, he had published five volumes of A History of Christendom with the final sixth possibly completed by his wife next summer. The series is known for its frank Catholic explanations of critical historical events. He is survived by his wife. His sister was Sarah Carroll Watson ’62, whose obituary appears on pg. 89.
Dominic John Gacetta
June 24, 2011
The seventh son of a seventh son, Dom Gacetta was a successful salesman for General Mills and for Scott Paper Co. He came to Bates after serving in the Marine Corps during World War II. He continued his football career at the college (his Stephens High School team in Rumford was state champion) and married the former Betty Ryder while a student. He taught at Lewiston High School before he graduated and continued to teach at Readfield until he joined General Mills in 1956. In 1964, GM sent him to Barre, Vt., where he and his family lived for many years. In 1971, he joined Scott Paper Co., where he was named salesman of the year several times. In 1995, he was one of the principal organizers of a “super reunion” of Stephens High School graduates. In addition to his wife, survivors include children Donna Gacetta, Sandra Ayer, David Gacetta, Cathy Kukla and Mary Beth Gacetta; five grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. Son Peter predeceased him.
Judy Schadt Graham
December 24, 2010
In one way or another, Judy Graham’s work kept taking her back to the knowledge she gained as a biology major at the college. She worked in a medical office and as a diagnostic technician shortly after graduation and then, after raising her daughter, she worked for the American Red Cross, coordinating special services for individuals. Her husband, Dr. Howard Graham, predeceased her. Survivors include daughter Wendy Matthews and three grandchildren.
Stanwood Gordon Ladd
May 21, 2011
Stanwood Ladd spent a good portion of his time at Bates traveling between Lewiston and Portland to visit his sweetheart, Gwendolyn Reed. They married the week after graduation. He built a 45-year career in insurance for himself and retired from the Mashigonne Agency as regional group sales manager. An athlete and outdoorsman, he enjoyed boating, skiing and camping and was a member of several country clubs. At the college, he played football, baseball and golf, and coached all three of these sports as a young man. In addition to his wife, survivors include children Kayla Loeffel and Robert Ladd and four grandchildren. His grand-nephew is David Argereow ’99.
John Doane Barlow
June 27, 2011
No matter how many pots there were to stir, John Barlow kept them all simmering. He was passionate about classical music and supported several concert series and radio stations. He worked hard to revitalize Hartford, Conn. He was a tireless speaker on lesbian and gay rights. He served on countless boards for a multitude of purposes. He is invariably described as a Renaissance man by friends. His eager conversation about what he loved drew the listener in with him. He found that when talking with young lesbians and gay men, for instance, that recounting what his life was like when he was their age often grabbed their interest when other approaches failed. He served in naval intelligence for a few years after college and then became an editor for Ginn & Co. He moved from there to Harper & Row and then to Houghton Mifflin, where he was an educational salesman for 20 years. He served as president of the Southern Connecticut Bates Club in the 1970s and was active in other alumni affairs.
Jean Darnell Sweeney
March 17, 2011
Jean Sweeney was one of a small group of students to graduate with a degree in nursing, a degree that she used throughout her life. She worked as a nurse in New Jersey and in Massachusetts, until the birth of her first child in 1958, and then part time for the Pittsford (N.Y.) Ambulance Service. In the early 1970s, her family moved to Amherst, N.H., where she became involved with the Amherst Congregational Church, especially its handbell program. She worked part time for the Crotched Mountain Foundation from 1984 to her retirement in 1996. She was a past president of the Amherst Women’s Assn. and served on the boards of the Amherst Public Library and the Souhegan Nursing Assn. Her husband, who survives her, is David Sweeney ’52. Other survivors are children Janet Sweeney, Michael Sweeney, Peter Sweeney and Kathleen Sweeney; and two grandchildren.
Allan Taylor Kennedy
August 30, 2011
Allan Kennedy was an Army veteran when he came to Bates, having enlisted right out of high school. He was active in the Psychology Club and Future Teachers of America — good choices, since he majored in psychology and became a teacher — and moved to California not long after graduation with his first wife, the former Elizabeth Foyer. There, he taught at Huntington Beach High School, Marina High School and Golden West College. He also earned a master’s in psychology at USC. He and his wife amicably divorced, and he later married again. His second wife, Marylou, survives him, as does his blended family of six children, 12 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
Cornelius Andrew Toner
May 22, 2011
As if enduring four years of college, four years of medical school in Albany, N.Y., a year of internship and another of residency, both in Portland, and then three more at Tufts in neurological training weren’t enough to test his strength — not to mention dealing with Boston traffic during those last three years — Neil Toner returned to Maine in 1963 to become the only neurologist in the entire state, traveling its length and width to attend to patients. He lasted five years, until a job in Albany called him back. Shortly afterward, he moved to Springfield, Mass., to join a group of neurologists and neurosurgeons there, where he worked until retirement in 1998. He retired seven days after his 65th birthday, married a woman he’d known for 30 years and built a house in Scarborough. His first marriage, to Ginnie LaFauci ’53, ended in divorce. Survivors include wife Shirley Toner; children Nelson Toner, Valerie Toner ’83, Wesley Toner ’86 and Amanda Toner; four grandchildren; and four step-grandchildren.
Richard Samuel Barton
April 9, 2011
If you watch very, very closely, you just might catch a glimpse of Buzz Barton in the movie The Brinks Job, where he plays a police officer. In real life, however, he was an attorney, taking his degree in biology with him into the Marine Corps first and then to Boston Univ., where he received his law degree. He established his law office in Malden, Mass., and was past president of the Middlesex Bar Assn. He was active in the Melrose Community Players and a board member of the Melrose YMCA. Survivors include wife Joan Dowling Barton; children Amy Amesbury, Alison Rudolph, Michael Barton, Andrew McNeilly and Liam McNeilly; and seven grandchildren.
Aideen Blanchard Coyne
May 4, 2011
Deenie Blanchard Coyne worked briefly before the birth of her son in 1956 and then again after her children were grown. Her degree from Bates was in psychology. Her children, Kenneth Baker and Cynthia Locke, survive her.
Carol Hollister Conklin
May 17, 2010
When life presented an opportunity, Carol Conklin shrugged and said, “OK.” She moved to the front to save a school principal’s job when her daughter was young and busing was an issue. After 23 years of marriage to the Rev. George Conklin ’53, they separated, and she decided to move cross-country, back to New England, where she bought — sight unseen — a new house and took on a teaching job. When she discovered at the age of 47 that she could actually sing, she immediately joined a choir and was soon its president. She earned her teaching certificate in 1975. Before that, she was the Christian education director at United Church of Christ in Hillsdale, Calif. In Connecticut, she taught in Washington, Kent and Falls Village, retiring in 2006. Daughter Karen Conklin survives her.
Phoebe Ann Johnson Fernald
February 12, 2011
Phoebe Fernald devoted most of her career to cancer patients. It is bitterly ironic that the disease claimed her life. After graduating from Bates with a five-year nursing degree, she married Bruce Burnett ’54, with whom she had four children. She also became active in AAUW, serving as president of the Rhode Island division. She earned her MSN at Boston Univ. and became a nurse specialist at Rhode Island Hospital in the oncology department. She later served as president of the N.E. Regional Oncology Nurses and president of the Oncology Nursing Society of Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts. She was a leader in the formation of the R.I. Pain Initiative. She won two awards from the American Cancer Society for her work, including Oncology Nurse of the Year. She was certified as an advanced oncology clinical nurse specialist. Early in her marriage to her second husband, Everett Fernald, she enjoyed sailing the New England coast from their house on Narragansett Bay. Later, they replaced the sailboat with a 44-foot powerboat that they took to Fort Lauderdale in the winter. He survives her, as do children Katherine Burnett Angelini, Thomas Burnett, Susan Burnett Pullyblank, Benjamin Burnett and Amy Fernald Parent; and 15 grandchildren.
Betty Lou Baulch
August 10, 2011
Betts Baulch came down from Houlton for the five-year nursing program at Bates so she could return home and train several generations of young people to care for others. When her youngest child reached kindergarten age, she started teaching practical nursing students at what was then Northern Maine Vocational Technical Institute, now Northern Maine Community College, and soon became chair of the nursing department. She championed its transition from a diploma-awarding program to an associate’s degree program in nursing and received the Director’s Award (forerunner of the President’s Award) for her efforts. She earned a master’s of education from the Univ. of Maine in 1980 and served on the Maine State Board of Nursing for more than a decade, including three years as president, and on the National Council of State Boards of Nursing for eight years. In 2008, she was named one of four inaugural inductees to the NMCC Health Care Professionals Wall of Distinction. She was president of the Aroostook County Bates Club from 1977 through 1979. Survivors include daughter Corris Marie Smith ’80; sons Walter and Michael Clark; and seven grandchildren. Her grandmother was Luella Green Ebbett 1904, and her cousin was Charles Baulch ’41.
Eric Matthew Lederer
February 24, 2011
Eric Lederer was a successful actuary, but he wanted something different. He had taught high school briefly right after graduation and decided to try it again. He became a successful college professor, teaching mathematics at Red Rocks Community College in Colorado for many years and publishing several college-level textbooks. He retired in 1992. He had long been interested in English history and in the space program and became a docent at the Space Odyssey exhibit at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. Wife Mary Arturo Lederer survives him, as do children Rachel, Seth, Naomi and Adam Lederer; and two grandchildren.
Jeffrey Dana Mailey
July 29, 2011
Jeffrey Mailey left Bates after two years for a career in insurance sales with Equitable Life. He lived in the Philadelphia area with his wife, Nancy, who predeceased him. Survivors include children Pamela Shivone, Jeff Mailey, Jill Mailey and Todd Mailey; and six grandchildren.
Jane Wichert Muller
July 16, 2010
Jane Muller was married to the late George Muller ’60. A resident of Denver, she is survived by daughters Kimberly Muller and Pamela Young.
Her many friends on the online auction site eBay knew Jean Doane ’58 as “mainelady,” and indeed she was.
Jean Leighton Doane
June 26, 2011
Her many friends on the online auction site eBay knew her as “mainelady,” and indeed she was. Jean Doane lived most of her life in and around Yarmouth and Cumberland, except for the precious weeks on Chesuncook Lake up north. In between raising two sons, she built a career in banking, first at Maine National Bank and later at Key Bank. When she retired in 1988, she was vice president of private banking. It was then that her love of eBay took over and she started to prowl yard and book sales, looking for anything she thought she could sell at a profit. She was well past the 4,000-items-sold mark several years ago. Valedictorian of her high school class and Phi Beta Kappa in economics at Bates, she married classmate Dick Doane six days after graduation and went to work for Union Mutual (later UNUM) in the actuarial department. She also worked part time in her children’s schools as they grew up. Her husband survives her, as do sons Richard and Jeffrey, along with three grandchildren.
Bradford Churchill
September 11, 2011
Don’t worry, Brad Churchill told parents of late bloomers in the Taunton Daily Gazette in 1980. “Sit back and wait.” He knew from his own experience that late bloomers eventually bloom. It took him a four-year diversion through the Coast Guard before he was ready for college, but his career as a chemist took off right from there. He eventually put his name on three patents, including one for the very first generation of “wash and wear” shirts. He worked for General Aniline & Film, Lucidol and Ethyl Corp., retiring from the last as regional sales manager. When his work took his family to rural New York in 1966, he got his three sons interested in 4-H and turned them into prize-winning cowhands. He led one of the biggest 4-H clubs in western New York, and at the Erie County Fair, for five years, three out of the four top beef animals came from his club. In retirement, he enjoyed directing the Cornish Fair in New Hampshire. His wife, the former Martha Myers ’56, died in 1999. Her brother is John Myers ’52. Other survivors are sons David, Duane and Deane Churchill and four grandchildren.
Sally Hendricksen Bates
August 4, 2011
Sally Bates, a history major, married William Bates ’60 a few months after graduation. They divorced after having three children, one of whom, Randall, graduated from the college in 1989. She lived in Hawaii, California and Newport, R.I., before returning to Cape Cod in 1988, where she had summered as a child. There, she volunteered at the Thornton Burgess Museum for many years. In addition to Randall, survivors include children Kristi and Todd and six grandchildren.
James Walter Carignan
August 14, 2011
Jim Carignan was musing about Ed Muskie ’36 when he said that Bates “has historically had a commitment to…taking the poor kid from [Rumford, Maine] and giving that kid a chance, on the basis of intellectual promise and ability, to go up the ladder to a different place and play a different role.” And, Carignan added, that’s what happened to him. The son of a millworker and a store clerk, neither of whom graduated from high school, he was discouraged from applying to Bates by his high school guidance counselor. But he’d seen the campus on a debating trip with his debate coach, Ruth Patterson Estes ’29, whom he affectionately described as a “battleaxe.” He had some doubts about his future when he received a D on his first exam, but he went on to earn honors in history, become class president, serve on the Outing Club and History Club boards and play soccer. At the urging of two history professors (Jackman and Muller) and with the encouragement of his father, he went on to get a Ph.D. in colonial American history from the Univ. of Rochester. He was happily teaching history at Kenyon College in Ohio when he received a letter from the new president at Bates, T. Hedley Reynolds, asking him to apply to become dean of men. He wrote back declining to apply and furthermore chastised the college for still having a “gender bifurcated deanship” in 1970. That made President Reynolds even more interested in him, and although he started as dean of men, he was dean of the college within six months. He was also an associate professor of history, teaching classes that brought elements of diversity to the classroom. He was instrumental to the creation of the Muskie Archives as a repository and research library of the former senator and secretary of state and as a venue for political programming. He served on dozens of local and state boards, most in education and community development. He was a member of the state board of education. In 1985, a sniper lodged a bullet near his heart, almost killing him, which resulted in two heart transplants within a few years. He responded by increasing his involvement with the community, becoming a Lewiston city councilor and a member of the L/A Excels steering committee. He retired from Bates in 2003. “It was a great, great ride,” he said to the Lewiston Sun Journal at the time. Survivors include wife Sally Larson Carignan ’62; children Steven, Mark and Paul Carignan and Sarah Carignan Belanger ’95; and nine grandchildren.
Claire Jaggard Krisewicz
December 27, 2010
Claire Krisewicz, a history major, taught in several towns in New Jersey before marrying Joseph Krisewicz in 1967. Three years later, they moved to Salisbury, Md., where she eventually earned an M.Ed. from Salisbury Univ. Her career was in teaching children with special needs. Her husband survives her, along with children Brant Krisewicz and Kathi Adams and two grandchildren.
Sarah Carroll Watson
August 17, 2011
That Sally Carroll Watson would follow her parents and her brother to Bates was nearly inevitable. That her life would go in a completely different direction was unforeseen. Her parents were Herbert Carroll ’23 and Gladys Hasty Carroll ’25, and her brother was Warren Hasty Carroll ’53, whose obituary appears on pg. 87. An English major, she was the editor of The Garnet, worked on the Student and the Mirror and appeared poised to follow in her famous mother’s footsteps. She even got a job at Little, Brown after graduation. But then she realized her spiritual path lay with the Mormon Church, and her professional path lay in special education. She earned a teaching certificate from Brigham Young Univ. in 1973 and a M.Ed. from Salem State in 1976. She was in the forefront of the “mainstream” movement and built programs in several Massachusetts towns. She returned to Utah to work on a doctorate at BYU and was named Utah Teacher of the Year in 1985 during that time. She finished her teaching career at the Frisbee School in Kittery and at Dover (N.H.) High School. In retirement, she turned her attention to Dunnybrook, the historical foundation started by her mother at the 350-year-old family farm. Survivors include children Caroline Jones and James Watson and six grandchildren.
Paul Castolene ’63 taught biology, coached football and found that coaching allowed the students to see him as a “regular person.”
Paul Joseph Castolene
July 5, 2011
Paul Castolene was a standout athlete throughout high school in Bristol, Conn., and at Bates, in both basketball and football. He was named to All-Maine, All-New England and All-East teams in football. He taught biology in his hometown and coached football and found that coaching added a dimension to his teaching: It allowed the students to see him as a “regular person,” he said. He went on to earn a master’s in biology from Wesleyan in 1975 and later became principal at an elementary school in Bristol and finally a vice-principal at the high school. He retired in 2000. He coached midget football and served on its board and was vice president of the Connecticut Pop Warner League. He also was very active in civic affairs, especially in the Chrysanthemum Festival and the Miss Bristol Pageant. He served on the board of the Miss Connecticut scholarship program and was a commissioner for the Bristol Bicentennial Celebration. Survivors include daughters Tami Miclette and Traci Castolene; a grandson; and companion Diana Rode.
Robert Lorenzo Couturier
June 5, 2011
When he was 13, Robert Couturier was offered a four-year future scholarship to Assumption College. He turned it down, because he had already decided to attend Bates. A Lewiston native, he quickly became involved in local politics and was elected an alderman in 1964 and mayor in 1965, the youngest mayor the city has ever had. Two years later, he became a state senator. He also managed to squeeze law school into his schedule and received his law degree in 1970 from the Univ. of Maine. In 1967, he became the police commissioner for Lewiston, a position he held for over a decade. He was serving his third term as a probate judge for Androscoggin County at the time of his death. His deep roots in Lewiston were French-Canadian, and he broadcast a French radio program for more than 15 years. He was active in several French-Canadian groups in Lewiston, and in 1983 his flag design was adopted by Franco-Americans in New England. He served as chair of the governor’s committee on Canadian relations in 1973. In 1988, he was elected secretary-general of L’Association Canado-Américaine, for which he also served as general counsel; he served on the board of Le Conseil de la Vie française en Amérique of Quebec City. The Province of Quebec awarded him its Ordre des Francophones d’Amérique in 1989 and in 2000, the government of France named him Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres. His first wife, the former Rose Belanger, died in 1995. Survivors include wife Monique St. Hilaire Couturier; stepsons Gerald and Denis Touchette; one grandchild; cousin Paul St. Hilaire ’58; and niece Rachel Langlais Maier ’89.
Roland Norman Simard
March 16, 2011
Roland Simard fought in Vietnam for three years after college and then set about building a successful career in commercial real estate in Connecticut. He managed and developed various properties in New York and Connecticut and in 1972 was the director of the Better Business Bureau of Southwestern Connecticut. He also had business interests in Miami. Survivors include sisters Loraine Livingston and Janine Reny; and brother Roger Simard.
Barbara Reid Schmus
January 30, 2011
For her 25th Reunion, Bobbi Schmus wrote that Bates had given her the confidence to attack a problem and “attempt to find a solution and not be defeated by temporary failure.” She drew on that confidence when she stepped into the role of company president of Connex International, after its founder passed away in 1990. She had more or less stumbled into the nascent teleconferencing field nine years earlier, after working as a portrait photographer during the 1960s and then raising her sons. She remained as president of Connex until 2001,
when she retired. She turned her attention to watercolor painting and went on to win several awards. Survivors include husband Harry Schmus; sons Jeffrey and Jeremy Heyel; stepson Bob Schmus; and five grandchildren. She was divorced from Peter Heyel ’65.
Nancy Dillman Larson David
June 18, 2011
The high school musicals she produced made more money than the football team, said Nancy David, and were the prototype for the entire state of Connecticut, well in advance of Disney. They involved as many as 400 students and, she joked, helped establish the costume rental business in the Hartford area as other schools followed suit. She also edited the newsletter for the schools in Wallingford and won 11 first-place awards for it from the Conn. Education Assn. She taught in Wallingford for 34 years and completed a master’s in education at Southern Connecticut State College during that time. She was active in local, state and national educational organizations. Her first husband was Kenneth Larson ’63; he passed away in 1992. At her 30th Reunion, she bumped into classmate John David, and again the Bates magic worked: They married in 1997. She retired shortly after, and they moved to Amherst, N.H., where she became active in a number of local causes, including walks against hunger and homelessness. Her husband and stepchildren John David and Katherine Burden are among her survivors.
Edward Brian Deevey
October 6, 2010
Brian Deevey, the child of a world-famous biologist who helped figure out carbon dating, chose to look at the world in a very different way: He became an anthropologist. To prepare himself, he studied history at Bates and was president of the History Club and vice president of the Art Association. He entered the Peace Corps after graduation, which taught him to get by on nothing and introduced him to life in Southeast Asia. He spent two years in Thailand in public health and returned home in time to be drafted and sent to Vietnam. He earned his master’s from Central Connecticut College and a doctorate from the Univ. of Missouri. His research took him back to Thailand, where he studied life in a small village on the Malay Peninsula. A Fulbright grant helped fund his doctorate. Among his survivors is his sister, Ruth Lehmann.
Carol Johnson Cooper
June 26, 2011
Music shaped Carol Cooper’s life in many ways. Active in the Chapel Choir and the Choral Society, she also was a member of the Merimanders all four years at Bates. And it was in the Chapel Choir that she met the man who would become her husband, R. Bruce Cooper ’65. She continued to sing throughout her life and even worked in a music store. The first in her family to attend college, she graduated magna cum laude with a degree in English and a Phi Beta Kappa key and was a Travelli Scholar. After winning a trip to the Caribbean, she and Bruce traveled to all seven continents. Her husband survives her. Other survivors include her mother, Evelyn Johnson; daughters Cathryn Moyski and Cynthia Cooper; and four grandchildren.
Daniel Alley Johnson III
February 12, 2011
Daniel Johnson tried out a few careers before finding the one that fed his soul: teaching history. First he worked in hospital administration in the Boston area and then he did business consulting, using his spare time to earn a master’s in education at Boston Univ. He was a lifetime member of the Pilgrim Society and a collector of presidential autographs, so his enthusiasm for history was easy to transfer to the classroom. He taught at Bedichek Middle School in Austin, Texas. A religion major at Bates, he was also a Dana Scholar. Survivors include his mother, Elizabeth Johnson; wife Ginger Edwards; daughter Elizabeth Johnson; and former wife Barbara S. Johnson.
Give Bob Kinney ’70 a job to do, and he got it done. He never fumbled the football, never lost a yard while playing. Just get the job done.
Earl Robert Kinney Jr.
March 19, 2011
Give Bob Kinney a job to do, and he got it done. He never fumbled the football, never lost a yard while playing. Nothing flashy; just get the job done. He started college with the Class of 1967, but felt compelled to leave Bates to join the Marines in 1964 to serve in Vietnam and got the job done there, too. He returned to finish his degree in sociology. He made Bates history of a sort by
opening The Cage near campus shortly after graduation. He sold it to another alum a few years later and took off to start a career in warehouse management. He retired from Nashua Corp. in 1999, which gave him a chance to try teaching at the local high school in Merrimack, N.H., as well as coach lacrosse. He and wife Sally Greenlaw Kinney ’69 were active in World Wide Marriage Encounter and the Lung Assn. of N.H. and attended Riverside Christian Church; she survives him. Among other survivors are parents Earl Robert Kinney Sr. ’39 and Mary Reid Kinney; children Samantha Kinney Leone ’93, Mari Reid Kinney and E. Robert Kinney III; and four grandchildren. His aunt is Elizabeth Kinney Jones ’44.
Richard Winslow Suffern
January 30, 2011
Win Suffern transferred to Bates for his junior and senior years and was a history major. He quickly made his mark with the Robinson Players and went on to perform and coach theater for many years. He also taught English, history and Latin in New Hampshire and Vermont. He received master’s degrees from UNH in 1971 and 1975. Survivors include wife Leona Martin; children James Suffern and Erika Suffern; and stepchildren Micki Centrone, Timothy Powers, John Powers and Penny Shultz.
Julie Ann Waltz
September 22, 2010
Julie Waltz prepared for a career teaching history by majoring in it at Bates, spending her junior year at Oxford. She then went on to earn a master’s at UNH. She taught at schools in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. She also became an award-winning photographer and director of adult and community education in Duxbury, Mass. She received a certificate in computer science and became a computer trainer after her marriage to Gary Robinson dissolved. Survivors include sisters Pamela Hodsdon and Marie Theriault.
John Clifford Johnson Jr.
February 22, 2011
After graduation, John Johnson returned to the Hartford area to earn a master’s in special education and to work as the co-director of the Mansfield Day Treatment Center. His degree from Bates was in psychology. Later he became director of online services at McGraw-Hill Publishing Cos. in Farmington and Columbus, Ohio. Survivors include parents Jean and John Johnson Sr.; and sister Beth Briggs.
Douglas Albert Moody
June 4, 2011
An internship at the Governor Baxter School for the Deaf on Mackworth Island convinced Doug Moody that he wanted a career working with the deaf community. He earned a master’s at Gallaudet Univ. and then worked as director of evaluation and assessment at the American School for the Deaf in West Hartford. He eventually returned to the school on Mackworth Island, now renamed the Maine Educational Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, and was its guidance counselor when he became ill. Survivors include his son, David Moody.
Thomas Jonathan Shaw
June 4, 2010
Tom Shaw was an anesthesiologist in Denver. A chemistry major at Bates, he attended Kansas City College of Osteopathic Medicine and did his internship and residency at Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio. Among his survivors is his son, Thomas Shaw.
David Kevin Horne
July 30, 2003
David Horne was a principal economist working for Freddie Mac at the time of his death. A dean’s list student, he graduated from Bates with a degree in economics and went on to the Univ. of Pennsylvania to become a teaching fellow, earning a doctorate and becoming a professor there. He also taught at Lehigh and Temple universities. His first wife was Mary Beth Pope Salama ’77, whose sister is Susan J. Pope ’79. Survivors include wife Leigh Ann Coates and children Caitlin and Lucas Horne.
Donald Edward Orifice
June 12, 2011
Don Orifice taught at the Lincoln Technical Institute in Somerville, Mass. Previously, he was the executive director of the North Shore Computer Society. Survivors include wife Linda Hill Orifice; daughter Jennifer MacRobbie; and a grandchild.
Linda Hope Harris Lewis
July 19, 2011
Linda Lewis was struggling to recover from an eating disorder when she died of an infection. She had been working as a freelance writer for a number of years, following a successful career as an industrial engineer in academic systems at companies such as Wang, ADP and IBM. She earned her master’s in the
field at Lehigh Univ. A dean’s list student at Bates, her degree was in theater and speech. Her son, Timothy, is a member of the Class of 2010. He is among her survivors, along with husband Mark Lewis; daughter Deirdre Lewis; and mother Irma Harris.
Richard Allen Bjork
July 14, 2011
Richard Bjork used the rules of chemistry he learned at Bates to work magic in the kitchen and turned himself into a successful pastry chef despite being tethered to a breathing apparatus. In 1993, he became one of the first people with cystic fibrosis to receive a double lung transplant, which enabled him to ditch the breathing apparatus, move to Pittsburgh and get a job at a restaurant. There, he fell in love with one of the waitresses. They married and adopted two daughters. He and a few others bought the restaurant, and he enjoyed a normal life until his health deteriorated in 2010. In the end, his kidneys failed, a side effect of the anti-rejection drugs he was forced to take. His wife, Zuleikha, and daughters Summer and Marissa survive him. Other survivors include parents Janice and Karl Bjork; and brothers Bill, Andrew and David Bjork.
Jeffrey Scott Caron
March 6, 2011
“Grades are important,” Jeff Caron once said, “but it’s important to have a life, too.” He managed a 3.1 average, worked as an athletic trainer, served as a junior adviser and resident coordinator, played drums in a rock band (“Dorm Damage”) and spent a term studying the Costa Rican rain forest. This was a somewhat slower pace than his high school years in Thomaston, where he served as a junior firefighter and EMT, leaving class whenever his emergency beeper sounded. A biology major, he went on to graduate from medical school at the Univ. of Vermont and then complete an internship in emergency medicine in Orlando. His residency in family medicine was at the Univ. of Tennessee. At the time of his death, he was the director of urgent care at a facility he owned near Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Survivors include parents Sandra and Louis Caron; sisters Michelle Grant and Heather VanBuskirk; brother Chris Caron; and close friend Brian Humphries.
Kenneth Jay Seaman II
July 19, 2011
Ken Seaman liked to combine his passion for good food and winning sports teams by cooking up tailgate parties for Patriots games. He played rugby at Bates, where he was an English major. He worked as a reporter for The Cape Codder, Worth and Boston Magazine before becoming a consultant for John Hancock. Survivors include wife Jill Coppelman Seaman; daughter Morgan Lillie Seaman; parents Kenneth and Judith Seaman; and brother Christopher Seaman.
Andrew Mark Shriver
June 14, 2011
Andy Shriver’s love of travel took him to Ireland, France and Australia. He worked as an event coordinator for the World Congress Center in Georgia and then the Atlanta Track Club before taking a job with the San Francisco Symphony. He returned to Atlanta to work as an aide to state Rep. Pat Gardner. Survivors include parents Mark Shriver and Patricia McKay; brothers Brian and Pepper Shriver; and sister Tamerie Shriver.
Former Faculty
Sydney Jackman wore the traditional black academic gown of an English don to class every day, refused to learn to drive and called himself Toby, after his childhood Teddy bear.
Sydney Wayne Jackman
February 27, 2011
Sydney Jackman was an American professor who lived in Canada and acted British. He wore the traditional black academic gown of an English don to class every day, refused to learn to drive and called himself Toby, after his childhood Teddy bear. He received a Ph.D. from Harvard and arrived at Bates in 1953. He left in 1963 for the new Univ. of Victoria in British Columbia, where he had been raised after his parents died. He retired in 1990. Over the course of his career, he wrote 16 books — longhand, because he refused to learn to type. Only one secretary could read his scribbles. He also refused to fly, unless absolutely necessary. To visit Scandinavia, for instance,
he traveled from Victoria, B.C., on a cargo ship to Genoa, Italy, and then by rail. He was 80 at the time. He also refused to stay at hotels built before the end of the Austro-Hungarian empire. Near the end of his life, when he was confined to bed, his friends worked out a schedule to be sure he always had someone to talk to. “He could talk the hind leg off a donkey,” said John Money, a longtime friend.
David Salzer Broder
March 9, 2011
Doctor of Humane Letters, 1992
David Broder’s newspaper column was read by millions in The Washington Post and 300 other newspapers for more than 40 years. Called the “dean” of the Washington press corps, he won a Pulitzer Prize for his commentary in 1973. In his acceptance speech, he admitted that newspapers didn’t print “All the News That’s Fit to Print,” but instead delivered “the best we could do under the circumstances, and we will be back tomorrow with a corrected and updated version.” He was a regular on Meet the Press and authored or co-authored eight books. Survivors include wife Ann Collar Broder; sons George, Joshua, Matthew and Michael Broder; and seven grandchildren.