Sunday Telegram profiles Metropolis Ensemble founder Andrew Cyr ’96
When Andrew Cyr ’96 founded Manhattan-based Metropolis Ensemble seven years ago, a goal was to attract nontraditional classical audiences and give young classical music composers a chance to be heard.
So far, it’s worked out well, says reporter Bob Keyes of the Maine Sunday Telegram.
In April, a composer Cyr championed won a Juno Award, the Canadian equivalent of a Grammy.
Composer Vivian Fung won Classical Composition of the Year for her violin concerto, which Cyr recorded with the Metropolis Ensemble and released last fall on the Naxon label imprint Canadian Classics.
Video of the 2011 world premiere of Vivian Fung’s Violin Concerto, performed by violinist Kristin Lee and the Metropolis Ensemble, with Cyr conducting.