Registrar’s Office
Welcome, new students, and welcome back, returning students, from the Registrar’s Office!
As you begin the 2013-2014 academic year, please be reminded that DegreeAudit is your link in Garnet Gateway to checking your progress toward ALL graduation requirements, including majors and minors. It can be found under the “Student Records” menu.
Your underclass or major adviser has access to your DegreeAudit as well. This system is available 24/7 and updates automatically as you register, finish courses and declare majors, minors and concentrations.
We also lremind students that the registration adjustment period (add/drop) opens for all students at 7 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 3. Students may add and drop as space allows through Sept. 10, and with instructor permission until the last day to add, Sept. 17.
We hope everyone has enjoyed a pleasant summer break!