Stories about "Bryan Stevenson"

‘Get proximate to people who are suffering,’ Bryan Stevenson tells Bates Commencement audience
Sunday, May 27, 2018 2:45 pm
A nationally esteemed human rights lawyer, Stevenson offered an address with a riveting mixture of reminiscence, humor, and urgent exhortation at Bates College's Commencement on May 27.

Video: 2018 Bates Commencement
Sunday, May 27, 2018 2:09 pm
The video includes awarding of honorary degrees, the Commencement address by Bryan Stevenson, and conferral of degrees to 474 graduates.

Human rights lawyer Bryan Stevenson to deliver 2018 Commencement address, joined by honorands Lynsey Addario, Jill Lepore, and Bob Ludwig
Tuesday, April 10, 2018 10:00 am
Stevenson's work has freed wrongfully convicted death-row prisoners, reduced excessive sentences given to others, and brought greater equality to the U.S. criminal justice system.