Stories about "Judith Magyar Isaacson"

Judith Magyar Isaacson ’65, LL.D. ’94, dies at age 90
Thursday, November 12, 2015 12:27 pm
She was an educator, author, champion of equal opportunity for women, and a human-rights advocate whose passion was forged by her experiences in the Holocaust.
Katalin Vecsey reads from acclaimed memoirs of Judith Isaacson '65
Friday, February 6, 2009 3:37 pm
Katalin Vecsey, a member of the Bates College theater faculty, reads from the writings of Holocaust survivor Judith Magyar Isaacson '65 in a free public event.
'Seed of Sarah' author Judith Magyar Isaacson, former Bates dean, honored by Maine Women's Hall of Fame
Tuesday, February 10, 2004 4:00 pm
Judith Magyar Isaacson of Auburn, author of the acclaimed "Seed of Sarah: Memoirs of a Survivor" and a champion of women's rights at Bates College during the 1970s, is one of this year's two inductees into the Maine Women's Hall of Fame.
Holocaust photo exhibit to be held at Bates; survivor and author to speak
Monday, March 22, 1999 3:24 pm
Remembering Luboml: Images of a Jewish Community, a photo exhibit of daily life in a Polish shtetl (village), will be displayed at Bates College on the first floor of the George and Helen Ladd Library from April 5 through June 19. In honor of the exhibit's opening, Holocaust survivor Judith Magyar Isaacson, author and former dean of students at Bates, will deliver a talk, "Return to Auschwitz: How to Forgive?" at 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 7, in Skelton Lounge of Chase Hall. The public is invited to attend both the exhibit and lecture free of charge.
Judith Magyar Isaacson concludes Spiritual Journeys series
Thursday, March 18, 1999 12:56 pm
Judith Magyar Isaacson, Holocaust survivor and author of "Seed of Sarah: Memoirs of a Survivor," will discuss "Return To Auschwitz: How To Forgive" from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Wednesday, April 7, in Skelton Lounge, Chase Hall. The public is invited to attend the Spiritual Journeys lecture at Bates without charge. Call 207-786-8272 for more information.
Holocaust conference to be held at Bates
Friday, February 14, 1997 11:33 am
A three-day conference linking Maine scholars, school teachers, concentration camp survivors and students, will examine the Holocaust of European Jewry from Feb. 28 through March 2 at Bates College.