Stories about "Julia Sleeper-Whiting"
A panel of Bates alumni discuss entrepreneurship: from building their own businesses, supporting their communities, and more!They will share stories of entrepreneurship, managing failure and adversity, and offer advice on how to develop these skills so vital to making a difference in any setting or industry. This event also kicks off Bobcat Ventures, Bates’ entrepreneurship program that provides students with skills, training, and mentorship culminating in a pitch competition. Students of all majors, years, and interests are invited to participate!Introducing the panel is Allen Delong, Senior Associate Dean, Center for Purposeful WorkPanel from left:Moderator, Chris Barbin '93, Bates Trustee and Serial Entrepreneur, Venture Partner at GGV Capital ;Mbali Ndlovu '12, Founder of LukafitMichelle Pham '15, Account Manager at Google Julia Sleeper '08 Founder and Executive Director of Tree Street Youth
Advice from Bates entrepreneurs: Find a need, talk to customers, and get a return

Friday, November 8, 2019 8:59 am

A Google account manager, a founder of an activewear brand for women of color, and a founder of a Lewiston youth center — all Bates alumnae — share their stories.

Bates in the News: Sept. 20, 2019

Friday, September 20, 2019 9:44 am

An alum helps Colin Kapernick guest-edit a magazine, and Olive Kitteridge returns to Elizabeth Strout ’77.