BOC Minutes 3/8/17

Oh em gee, so random I forgot to send the Minutes out last week.  Sorry angels.  Hope this satisfies your thirst for all things Outing Club.
Minutes 3/8/16
Noel: We are going to start with speeches for Pres, VP, secretary.  We are going to keep these short 30 sec or under.  There will be google form sent out after the meeting, open until Friday afternoon.  Don’t forget to vote !!
(Are all abroad and we haven’t heard from them.  But you can still vote !!)
Dan: (Mitch) As close as possible to real Dan. Excited to be president! A way for him to give back to the club which has given so much to him. Love to get new people involved. “Stay sendy!”
Kurt: Hey, I’m involved in the Outing Club in some way or another.  I would be happy to be president.  Some things to consider: 1) I want website to come to fruition 2) I have experience with logistics, AESOP coordinator 3.) I want Outing Club linked with OIE. I’m an all or nothing type of guy.  And I have a relaxed fall semester.  Vote for me if you like.
Sarg: (aka Matthew) I’ve been involved in the club for awhile.  I would like to help contribute and learn as VP, and eventually become president.  Also nominated for secretary, I would show up for every meeting.
Eli: I would be super stoked.  I have lots of experience in leadership positions.  I’m president of Club Ski Team, I’ve managed budgets well.  I know the inter-workings of Bates college, better than I would like to admit.  Nick Drezler and I are homies… just saying.  There’s been a lot of talk, but people don’t get out there and do it. I’ve done it.
Thorn: I’ve had a couple leadership roles in the Outing Club.  E room director, water sports, and more.  I want to make directors accountable for leading trips and hope Nate’s calendar continues.
Kurt: One extra thing, I would like to add a google drive to keep things organized and relevant.
Thanks to Maggie and Danielle for being awesome E-Room workers! We really appreciate it.
Judy: We have senior awards that are given out each year to someone who has contributed the most to the Outing Club (1 for man, 1 for woman).  We have to vote for them before last meeting (April 5th).  Kim will be sending out a google form with all the seniors’ names on them.  So look out for that and vote!
Miles: WFR is happening. It was close, but we are pulling through.  There is one open space, so hop on that fast.
Aud: The trip with the Women of Color club went really well.  We got a lot of positive feedback, and they possibly want to do more trips in the future.  Thanks to everyone who helped out.
Thanks Aud for putting that together !
Noel: Mica Burnhart will be on campus 4:15pm next Thursday, showing movie she made about climbers, biologist, conservationists in Mozambique.  The film is called “Namuli.” She will be giving a talk on what she did on this exhibition, which you don’t necessarily see in the movie.
Audrey: Justine, Eli, and I are organizing “Gaper Day.”  We want to do it the day LV hosts pond skimming.  Keep a look-out ! Trying to get as many people out there as possible.
Noel: It was warm out. I got my hammock out.
Aud: It will be 11 degrees on Saturday.
Ethan will teach us how to change a tire…. we don’t know which kind of tire. Tune in next week to find out.