BOC Leadership Meeting Minutes: September 18, 2024 

Introductions (Owen, Lili, Catie)

Very important would-you-rather quiz: Have a potato fall out of your mouth each time you talked or laughed or have a 9 foot horn growing out of your head?!; votes were taken, alliances were mashed, thoughts were had, but once the consensus was hashed out it was overwhelmingly potato sided

Lili and Owen went though this wonderful slideshow BOC Leadership Kick Off

Some points from said wonderful BOC Leadership Kick Off Slideshow:

Goals for the meeting 

  • Build community and excitement within the outing club
  • Establish responsibilities and expectations for leadership roles
  • Clarify processes and procedures (Bates Engage & Itineraries)
  • Fun and good times

Responsibilities + Expectations for Leadership Roles!

Head Trip Leaders-

  • Support trip leaders in respective area
  • Lead two trips per semester – one intro level
  • New trip ideas

Equity & Inclusion Officer –

  • Foster partnerships with groups on campus
  • Monthly meeting with OPMs
  • DEIA Lens for program

Community Liaison Officer – 

  • MATC
  • Relationship building with local orgs
  • Connect students to LA/Maine
  • Outdoor Program Managers –
  • Work closely with Catie and BOC leadership to organize and facilitate BOC culture (trips, community, and everything in between)! 

Secretary/Historian – 

  • Meeting minutes/archive
  • Elections
  • Leadership team archive
  • Attendance

Social Media/Marketing Officer-

  • Promote club activities through social media
  • Create user friendly posts/content
  • Boost engagement

Leadership Team Action Items!

Head Trip Leaders:

  • Backcountry: Organize Backpacking trip before winter
  • Frontcountry: Organize day trips that run on a regular basis, bring back Intro Hiking Series
  • Climbing: Organize Evo trips (weekly or biweekly), look into ice climbing
  • Paddling: Organize a day trip (Bates -> Bowdoin club collab?), organize trailer training with Catie and Hayden
  • Surfing: Organize an overnight surf trip, continue surfing day trips

Leadership Team:

  • Secretary/Historian: Make meeting notes funny again, get photos from BOC events & archive in the drive, etc.
  • Social Media: establish system for posting (with OPMs), post funny things, keep aesthetic consistent
  • Equity & Inclusion Officer: one affinity trip this semester, build relationships with other clubs/affinity groups on campus
  • Community Liaison: reach out to Ron (MATC), create opportunities for community engaged events/opportunities

Trip Leader Responsibilities!

  • Lead two trips per academic year
  • For your trips (we can help you with these):
    • Create Itinerary for trip
      • Check out the Google Drive, it’s got how-to’s and templates!
    • Create event on Bates Engage
      • Can draft events on Bates Engage but not have registration to go live till the time 
      • Will need Catie to approve events so no last-second Bates Engage work
      • If running a trip that a similar one has been run before, can duplicate past one from Bates Engage and then just change it a bit
      • When making Bates Engage: Put all details in the post (when/where you will meet etc) in description, in case you forget to send a follow up email!
      • Tell people in your description of event to check out the BOC website for information regarding no-show/cancelation policy
    • To send emails
      • Go to Bates Engage → square that says email → click on compose emails (top right) → pick who you want to send it to → compose email + write + send! 

Trip ideas!

  • On campus water gun fight during short term (or any hot week)
  • Children at midnight – lets go do something silly!
  • Leif + Addy going to lead a day hike oct 6th if vans allow

 Other important things!

  • Van info
    • Now have own van (renting for year) – make sure you are van certified
  • Pick up key + credit card from Catie’s office + an in-reach (if needed) → good to go (don’t forget to collect receipts though!)
  • Any Q’s abt gear should just go to Megan + Ava (sooner rather than later is ideal!)
  • Tomo wants key to canoe garage, Catie will provide
  • Remember that we are all just having fun as trip leaders
    • Yes you have more responsibility but that’s not to create any sort of hierarchy within trips

Action Items!

  • Creating more BOC culture would involve more on campus stuff + if anyone has ideas for community outreach text Heidi (Heidi)
  • The BOC meeting room could be cleaned up, it would be nice to have it be a place people want to hang out (Catie)
  • Trying to build in cancelation policy to volunteering events (Lili)
  • Continue to foster the positive + amazing environment/energy!
    • We have a whole new class of first years to bring into BOC so let’s convert them!
  • Brainstorm trip ideas
    • Bring ideas to BOC meetings so we can help get the trip going!
    • Bring ideas to head trip leaders and OPMs
  • Tell all your friends about the BOC and why they should join on our trips!

Next BOC meeting is one week from now, next BOC leadership meeting is 2 weeks from now (all Wednesday) please show!