October 23, 2024: BOC Meeting Minutes 

We were privileged to be joined by Al Mandell, a professional guide, and avalanche educator, from Acadia Mountain Guides! He gave us a very informative, interesting (and important!!) slide presentation about snow safety and avalanche awareness.


We also passed around avalanche equipment and had an avalanche beacon demonstration. Some of the equipment we learned about included a snow probe, avalanche shovel (you can turn it into a hoe!?), ski boot crampons, and adjustable poles (better than non-adjustable because you can take out the bottom part and use it as a knee splint if needed!).


Al will email our wonderful OPM’s a bunch of links with much of this information, and said he’s happy to be a resource for interested students!


Incredible information and a great student turnout! See future emails from BOC for more information!