Trip Catalogue

Welcome to the BOC Trip Catalogue!

The Bates Outing Club is proud to offer a new resource to the Bates and greater Lewiston Auburn Community. We are in the process of compiling all the outdoor trips in the general area. Follow the links below to search the catalogue by trip type (everything from backpacking to sitting on a beach), trip length (how long you want to be gone from campus), distance from campus (how many miles you’ll need to drive or walk from campus), and the amount of Experience Required (Beginner-Expert based on activity):

Type of Activity

Trip Length

Distance from Bates

Activity Level

**Information provided here is crowd-sourced and has not been formally vetted. Keep in mind that conditions and closures are always changing and you should defer to any information provided by the land management agency for the area in which you are recreating.

Notice something incorrect about a trips information?

Help ensure that the information is correct for future readers and report it by filling out this form!

Want to add a trip to our database?

Fill out the form below and we’ll put it up! Make sure to be thorough. If there isn’t enough detail we won’t add it

Add a Trip

  • If the trip can be multiple activities (ex. hiking and trail running) include all that apply!
  • How many hours will it take the average person round trip. If there is an overnight option, include the 24+ in addition to how long it would take as a day trip
  • Example: 44.237886°N, 71.015786°W. Use google maps to find coordinates
  • See description of categories on trip website
  • See examples of trips currently posted, should be very detailed and thorough but try to keep it relatively brief as well.
  • See examples of trips currently posted, should describe how to get there and where to go once you’re there
  • What else should people know when doing this trip? Include important links and other trips nearby that are already posted
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


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