A Preview of Winter Semester at Bates

Greetings, Bates families!

Classes for the Winter Semester kicked off on Wednesday, and we’re excited to offer a quick look at what to expect in the months ahead.

  • While students and faculty may have just returned, there are breaks scheduled in February and March. Residence halls will remain open for both breaks, and remind your students to check dining offerings.
  • Class of 2024 families may want to bookmark the Commencement website, and our team will begin updating families directly closer to the event. Seniors receive numerous updates from the college and their class leaders throughout the semester, so please encourage your seniors to engage with those opportunities.
  • For families already looking ahead to next fall, mark your calendar for Back to Bates: Family Weekend 2024 on Sept. 27-28!

Did you know? For over three decades, Bates has observed Martin Luther King, Jr. Day with a full day of workshops and discussions in place of classes. You can find out more about the history of Bates’ MLK Day observance, this year’s program and theme (Food Justice), and opportunities for livestream viewing at the college’s MLK Day Observance site.

Best from campus,
The Bates Parent Team